chapter 2(remember a thing)

(Gabriel's dream ""no wait please gabriella nooooo)

natalie-gab are you okay??

gabriel-(full of sweat) (and then sudden cry)

natalie-oh boy!! did you dream with that again

gabriel- imean why!!!

natalie-its okay tahan na and matulog kna para bukas magfresin up ka okay ba Yun!?

gabriel-(noob his head)


(diary-"it's been a long 3years since I lost my memory,and my already living with my parents and aunt who supported me all the way-")


gabriella-yes(close the dairy)

auntie-- breakfast is ready your mom is waiting

gabriella-okay I'll go

Anastasia-sweetheart how are you feeling today??

gabriella-same as always mom

robert-good cause I'm going to work early today and tomorrow

gabriella-okay(while eating)

auntie-- Lourdes let's go

gabriella-auntie where??? are u going

auntie-i need to attend a matter of something important 😉

Gabriella-i guess mom you're going to

Anastasia- I'm sorry babe I'm going to be away for a few months

gabriella-it's okay I understand

.....(after the breakfast everyone is one).....

gabriella-so I guess I'm alone

(I never attend school since I got here and I ask why they just answer me I never attend even back then im home school twice a week only I really wish I could attend a real one-G.A diary)

gabriella-maybe I should clean the house I'll start with aunties room

(humming while walking)

gabriella- na nanna ananana

(while I'm cleaning up I found something on aunties desk)

gabriella-whats this??papers did tita left this??

sa la..ha..t n..g ka.s.lan.. !!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why can't I read this maybe I'll use a translator,did tita live in the Philippines she never mentioned anything about it..

( and I use my phone to translate the documents and found something makes me mad)

auntie---gab where are you I have something for you ??? gab .... sweetheart

gabriella-I'm here (will I ask here about it)

auntie---look what I have!!!!! presents

gabriella-thanks is this 🍰

auntie---sure do

Gabriella-can't wait to taste it

auntie-- lour serve the cake

lourdes-yes ma'am please wait in the dining table

(while eating)

gabriella-(maybe this is the best time for me to ask) TIta....amhmmm

auntie--yes darling what is it....?

Gabriella-is just I've been thinking about a country you said that you'll let me go to any country right...

auntie--yes but you said....

gabriella-i wanted to go to this very popular country on Asia

auntie-okay is it korea...

gabriella-(maybe I won't speak about the Philippines I'll just going to say yes) YES tita

they have a lot of artist there

auntie-- okay I'll schedule it when..

gabriella-can I leave tomorrow morning

auntie--That's quite fast,what are planning

Gabriella- nothing auntie I just really loved that country

auntie--okay,I will tell your helpers to pack your things how long will you stay there

gabriella-i need a long time there and also we have a brunch there right I can manage it 😉

auntie---Gabriella your already grown up okay I will take care of everything

gabriella-tell Mom and Dad

(in my room)

****(I'm so sorry auntie that I lied but I have to find what's behind this papers)***

helper#¹-miss xandra ohh I mean gabriella

gabriella- what did you just called me

helper#¹- I'm so sorry Miss I'm just new and I heard a rumour about (she was stop by an elder helper)

gabriella-why did you stop her let her speak

helper#²-but miss

(I rise hand on her)

gabriella-everyone out except you

helpers- yess ma'am

helper#¹- I'm really sorry that I called you by the wrong name patawad poo

gabriella-patawad..... what's that???

helper#¹- it's a Tagalog word misswhere I came from miss.

gabriella-it is the Philippines right...

helper#¹- yes miss

gabriella- okay!! (this girl can help me with this) came with me...

helper#¹-po!!!! I mean why miss

gabriella-i have something that you could help me with..

helper#¹-i will do anything miss

gabriella-alright pack things and get ready 4 am tommorow morning...

helper#¹-okay miss

(I really want to find out what's with the letter and who's gabriel )

(4:00am at the front gate)

auntie---is everything ready

guards and helpers- yes ma'am

auntie-- good work everyone

Gabriella- thanks for giving me this chance auntie.

Auntie- it's alright but I heard you change your helper what's the reason

gabriella-ohh yes I just like her...

nanni- she needs to go the plane is going to arrive at 4:50am so it's 4:10

gabriella-bye auntie

(at the airport )


sam'helper-yes miss

gabriella- change my location and papers visa and everything

sam-oh why

gabriella- I dont need to explain

sam-yes miss

(I change everything including my phone number and other things I hope going there is worth it)

***after a few hours of travel we arrive at Philippine airlines****

everystep I make it feels like home I don't know why but I'm really half I'm here

gabriella-sam wheres the car

sam- ohh it's coming ma'am I mean

gabriella- just call ma'am if you want

sam- okay ma'am thank you

gabriella-it's okay is that already the car

sam- yes( pinara)

gabriella-lets first head on a mall I have to buy things I need

sam- ahh kuya Sabi nya sa malapit na mall daw tayu

driver- okay po ma'am

gabriella-maam is it common here

Sam-of course it's the way we respect tourist and guest

Gabriella-so That's it

sam- kuya ditto. na lng tatawagan ka na lng namin,boy open mo


sam- witness a grand entrance ma'am (sabay sayaw)

Gabriella-whats happening to you (laughed)

there's a lot of people and the mall is so big

sam-of course you can buy everything you need is here ma'am


(while we're roaming around I notice something)

gabriella-what's going on there can we go there

sam- no ma'am there's a lot of people

gabriella-just a hunch okay


(tumakbo ako sa maraming tao)

gabriella- excuse me!!!!

(try to go through)

sam-miss Gabby please stop(tired to pull Gabriella )

(and then ng gumalaw Ang MGA tao may isang lalaki na tumakbo Rin pamunta sa crowded at nabangga nya ako sa lakas ng bangga ay natumba ako)

gabriella-""ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"" it hurts

guards-miss Gabriella are you okay??

sam-let me help you miss

(maraming tao Ang nakatingin sa lalaki)

guard-tumayo ka at mag sorry sa kanya

tayu bilis

gabriella-are you deaf or something

gabriel- okay I'm sorry(heads down with long hoodie)

sam-you must face her

gabriel- okay fine(bring head up)

(nagulat SI gabriel sa na Kita nya)

gabriel-ahh gab,your back (tired to hug gabriella)

guard- ano Ang ginagawa mo namyak Karin pala no

gabriel-manyak akoo eh kilala ko yan eh

sam-paano mo sya nakilala eh kakadating lng namn

gabriel-gabriella ,ako to

gabriella- you know me

gabriel- we knew each other since grade school

gabriella-sorry but I don't attend school

gabriel- wait what!!! your Gabriella Alexandra deña niece of diny deña

gabriella-your wrong,my name is Gabriella deña and I don't have any aunt's name diny maybe ilis I have

(suddenly I feel a little bit off and Sam notice that my ankle is bleeding)

gabriella-ahh (holding my ankle) in

sam-omo miss I have to bring you to the mall clinic or we can reschedule the shopping

gabriella-Sam cover it now you know I have a phobia.

sam-yes I'm aware,gaurds ask a stuff to help us and prepare the clinic

gabriel-wait I can bring you guys there

sam-no thanks

(he tired to come closer but the gurds stop him)

******(after the treatment)****

I saw gabriel on the chair sitting waiting for me to come out

gabriel-gabriella I need to talk to you about something (holds my hands)

gabriella-heyyy( I pull my hands back)

gabriel-dont act you don't know me it hurts you know,I'm not playing pretend okay, please stop pretending cause it's stupid..(I slap him)

(that may hurt me a lot cause I don't know anything bout him)

gabriella- I wish I was just pretending but I wasn't I don't remember anything because of my health is not good if you think I'm stupid don't talk to me and just leave.. even if we meet again please PRETEND NOT TO KNOW ME...fAir and square

(I left the room and going around the mall)

canhe help me solve my problems😶