
The days leading up until Hajime and his class left was rather hectic with the reveal that Alex proposed to Anne, leading to several women wondering when they'd receive their rings as well. Eventually he had promised them that he'd give them a ring as well, but he wanted to make sure the timing and occasion was more appropriate, pacifying the women for the moment. Then, after a night of giving extra love to Suzu and Shizuku, it was time for them all to leave and return home. There were a few teary goodbyes between the classmates and the people of Tortus that they'd become close to, and surprisingly between them and some of the people of Asora. One example was Saji, Sona's pawn that was previously in love with her, who had apparently grown close one of the girls that was part of Aiko's bodyguards, Taeko Sugawara, who's occupation was whip master. Then there was Ryutarou and Sona's 'Rook' Loup Garuo, the two had apparently formed a sort of rivalry after Ryutarou returned from the Orcus labyrinth, where he used the Alteration magic he had acquired before to turn into the various monsters he had defeated, including a werewolf. The most surprising parting however was Aiko herself, and Vali of all people. Though Vali acted as if he couldn't care about it, the fact that he had shown up at all to say farewell said enough, while Aiko fussed over him like a wife and tried to tell him to say goodbye properly. This however led to several quips at Vali's expense with Bikou especially making comments about his supposed preferences, which in turn led to Vali dragging Bikou away for a "sparring match". With their farewells said and done, it was finally time for them to leave, as Hajime borrowed the compass to locate earth and opened a door to it.

After they left it was the start of a relaxing time for those from Asora, as they used the portals to freely travel between there and Tortus to sightsee or challenge monsters and labyrinths in the following months. During the day Alex himself was typically found cruising around on Zenith with several of the girls, and with Edith, Mai, Kunou, Myuu and Millicas as they traveled around to see the sights. They went to the mountain ranges near the lakeside town of Ul, and the Raisen Great Canyon near the town Brooke, where they met up with Catherine at the guild once more. Even the oceans, desert, and ice fields, Alex took everyone to go see them all while also making sure his children were kept safe most of all with several layers of barriers around Zenith to protect them, before finally ending up back at the Sea of Trees. Surprisingly though, the two infants remained in a near constant state of happiness and giggles, even as Alex occasionally took them in his arms and flew around Zenith; showing that apparently in their opinion the safest and funnest place in the world was wrapped in their father's arms, even as a large monster decided they'd make a nice snack before Alex scared it away, or used his Conquerers Haki to make them fall to the ground.

Even as they leisurely toured Tortus during the day, at night everyone would return to Asora to either have dinner before going to sleep, or they would enter the space-time orb with Alex after putting Edith, Mai, and Myuu to bed. He would then spend a week there, tending to his women at night, and training himself during the days within one of the four bio-domes they had, which were constantly being filled with monsters they had caught in Tortus. During this time he decided to put reaching the next level of Super Saiyan on hold, and was instead focusing on either further refining his draconic abilities, or trying to balance his demonic and divine powers. The latter seemed to be an especially slow going process, but that was exactly what the space-time orb was best used for, and Alex made sure he was benefiting from it as much as possible.

It was also during these months that Adul managed to fully retire himself, and moved to Asora along with a few dozen members of the dragon race, who were either elders who were also looking to retire, or youths who wanted a chance at going on never before seen adventures fighting worthy opponents. Of course shortly after moving there they found out about the shrine dedicated to Ophis, and each one of them made a point to visit the god of dragons at least once a week, while Adul would also visit her himself every few days to relax and converse with the innocent dragon God. As for Ophis herself, she seemed to enjoy the attention she was getting from her fellow dragons as she was never actively visited or worshipped back in the DXD world, instead being treated as something dangerous.

As the months slipped by it wasn't long until it was finally Alex and Anne's birthday once again, and there had been several things to keep them excited until then. For instance there was the moment the girls found out about Anne being pregnant, which resulted in them crying about the unfairness of the world; then there was the moment right before their birthday when they found out that both Ravel and Serafall were also pregnant. Ravel was happy that her child would be born so closely to Koneko's daughter, meaning that they'd be able to grow up together without too much difference in age. Serafall however was a different story, as if she got pregnant she wanted it to be at the same exact time as Sona, but on the other hand she was looking forward to welcoming her own little bundle of joy into the world as she spent quite a bit of time talking about how she'd dress her child up as a magical girl all of the time, which made everyone hope it was another girl, for their sake growing up.

As for their birthday itself, Alex and Anne were greeted by a lavish party thrown by the queen of the Heiligh kingdom as a thank you for everything they had done for them. The guest list included the various nobles and royalty that they had met until that point, who all decided to make the trip since they would be leaving to earth the day after, and they wanted to say farewell to everyone. After several hours spent partying they returned to Asora for the night, only for another kind of party to start as soon as Alex entered the space-time orb. There he indulged in pure debauchery for the entire week as the girls continuously attacked him with such perfectly timed assaults, that he realized that they must have been planning this to ensure he could not rest for more than a handful of hours a night. After spending an entire week where no one wore a single stitch of clothing, and Alex spent the entire time inside at least one girl or another, it was finally time to journey to earth, where Alex planned to spend the rest of the days until he could change world's preparing anyone who wanted to move to Asora.

Meanwhile, taking place elsewhere...


"Take this! HYAAAAA!" A beautiful woman with golden upright hair cried, as she released several ki attacks at a man in Crimson and white armor. The man barely even reacted as the majestic golden battle axe in his left hand responded to the woman's attacks for him, and turned into a giant lion that swatted the ki attacks out of the sky. Leaving his backside under the protection of the golden lion, the man in the armor instead focused on his other two opponents, a good looking man dressed in a butlers tailcoat, and another good looking man with long red hair, that was wielding a chainsaw.

"Hey, instead of fighting like this, why don't you take off the helmet and let me get a good look at you. Im sure you must be a cutie pie like little Sebas here!" The red haired man cried out even as he rushed the armored man with his chainsaw, sending chills down his and the butlers spines. Even so though, he didn't let that distract him from blocking the chainsaw as it came at him with the majestic white lance he wielded in his right hand, as the lion once more protected him from the missile-like attacks from the butler, turning out to be simple tableware. The armored man then directed the lance at the butler, before willing it to extend at him and nearly succeeding in impaling him, instead simply scratching his side. The butler let out a genuine cry of shock and pain as he clutched his side and fell to the earth below, leaving the woman and the red haired man dumbfounded, before turning on him in rage.

"You'll pay for that!" The woman cried out as she rushed him and the red haired man went to check on their companion, slamming her leg down on top of his arms as they crossed over his head. This sent them both cascading down to the ground as his lance and battle axe were sent flying from the force of the attack, before they landed and formed a giant creator in the earth. Though he managed to hold up against her attack, the man in the armor cried out as the armor on his arms was shattered from the blow and he could feel his bones straining under the pressure, the only thing keeping them from shattering as well being the power coursing through his body at the moment.

"Grrr, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The man cried as tried to push back on her leg, and one of the blue jewels in his armor cried,

The golden aura enveloping the woman suddenly diminished greatly, and instead flowed into the armored man. Struck by momentary confusion, the women couldn't help but utter "What the?", right as the man raised his own foot and kicked her square in the stomach. With her own power diminished suddenly and and mans increasing, the woman was shot back into a far off mountain where she crashed into it and created a massive crater.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, how many more are there?" He asked as he looked around, knowing that more opponents were laying in wait. He then spread his blue wings and took to the skies once more, summoning his fallen weapons while he was at it. Before they even reached him however,


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The man cried out as a massive bolt of lightning hit him in the back, courtesy of the black haired man standing clear on another mountain. The armored man just barely managed to keep his armor from disappearing even as he fell back towards the earth, but couldn't keep himself from losing consciousness momentarily upon impact. Regaining himself not even a moment later, the man shakily tried to stand as he tried to figure out what happened, only to realize there was a subdued rumble around him. He glanced around nervously to find the source of it, but it didn't take much deduction to figure out that the cause was the massive wall of water headed right towards him, with what appeared to be a a person surfing on top of it as he manipulated it.

"Fuck me..." The man said, right before the water impacted him and caused him to truly lose consciousness this time.

When the man started regaining his consciousness for the second time, he could tell he'd been out for a longer time than before from the golden chains appearing from the void that bound each of his arms and weapons, as three people sat in front of him waiting for him to wake up while the butler and the red haired man stood attentively behind the woman, whose golden hair had turned black. As he observed her closely now he could see that she was bewitchingly beautiful regardless of her messy black hair, or the magic circle carved into her right eye. On the opposite side of her was a burly muscle bound man with his head completely shaved, who just stood there glaring at him menacingly. Between them both was a black haired man who was dressed lavishly, displaying his authority as the one in charge, who was just studying him now that his armor had completely dispersed. the mans attention was diverted back to the woman as she smiled at him suddenly as if to try and bewitch him, which the man might have bought if it wasn't for the gleam in her eyes that promised pain as she demanded,

"What was that weapon you used earlier? Even though it's just a scratch Sebastian is still hurt even though this shouldn't be possible." The man simply rolled his eyes at her, but the moment he did so the chains tightened painfully on his arms as the man in the center stated,

"No matter who asks them you will answer all questions." As if to prove his point the chains tightened painfully once more, before the man groaned and answered,

"The lance that scratched him is one of the holiest artifacts ever created. Your lucky it just scratched him, as a direct hit can ensure the immediate end of any demons or even gods that are struck by it. Since it's just a scratch it should go away, eventually." The woman glowered at him more at his explain action, before turning to the butler and saying,

"Don't worry Sebastian, Grell and I will just take extra care of you tonight until you recover." At her words the red haired man looked ecstatic and excitedly stated,

"Yes yes yes! We will take very good care of you my darling Sebas, every single bit of you." There was an obvious desire in his eyes as he said that, as well as the woman's that made the butler sigh despite his persistent injury. He also felt the urge to clench up his backside defensively, but the moment he did that another tinge of pain shot through him, forcing him to relax his body, and dread the night ahead. With the only concerning injury dealt with the man in the center, who was obviously the one in charge, demanded to one they had been fighting,

"Who are you and why are you here?" The chained man took a breath, and contemplated wether or not to answer but, once his silence stretched for more than a second, another golden chain burst from the void and directed its bladed tip at his heart. Left no choice but to either answer or die, the man said,

"My name is Hyato, and I only came to this world because it was the first one I could think of to escape the world I was in before. Ever since I entered it I had been hunted down by the inhabitants who always seemed to know exactly where I was, and they tried to destroy me for no real reason." The woman scoffed when he said he was attacked for no reason, while the man in charge stated,

"There must have been a reason, why did you go to that world in the first place?" A very serious look formed on Hyato's face, grabbing everyone's attention as they thought he was about to say something important, right as he answered,

"I wanted to find my waifu." There was stunned silence as the three took this in, before the man in the middle hesitantly said,

"Excuse me?" Hyato nodded seriously as he stated once again,

"I wanted to find my waifu, I couldn't start in the same world she was in, so I tried to go to it once I was able to. Not only was she no longer there, but she was tricked and stolen by the man who went there first while others attacked me automatically." There was silence as everyone took this in, before the woman exclaimed,

"He's gotta be lying!" The bald man nodded in agreement, but another voice suddenly said,

"No, his pulse is steady so he's telling the truth." Not just Hyato, but everyone else suddenly jumped a little at the new voice while the woman stated,

"Damn it! Don't do that you creepy bastard!" The man who was walking from behind Hyato shrugged, and calmly said,

"It's not my fault you can't see through my concealment, try to notice me better." Though he said that everyone just groaned in response, and when he saw the mans face Hyato understood as well. The man looked extraordinarily plain, nothing about stood out or seemed unusual, but at the same time Hyato had a hard time trying to focus on him. Seeing his scrutiny, the man smiled and said,

"Hi, I'm Paul." If his arms weren't chained he probably would've face palmed at that moment, as of course such a plain man would have such a plain name. Before anyone else could say anything though, the man in the center stated,

"We're getting off track here. Since you seem to be telling the truth I'll give you an option, first is that we kill you and be done with it, the second is that you accept our friend request and join us as an ally, under me." With both options listed the man fell silent as he waited or Hyato's reply, but the woman stood and declared,

"We don't need him! All he has are fancy toys and no real abilities! Take those toys away and he's useless!" The bald man snorted and stated in a deep rumble,

"Says the super saiyan slut that just screws herself silly everyday, and won't train to get stronger. You're just saying that because he whipped your ass in that fight." The woman snorted this time as she retorted,

"Well how many people can actually go toe to toe with a super saiyan? He only beat me because he somehow drained my strength and took it for himself." As they didn't know that he had stolen her own strength the other three looked at him curiously to which Hyato shrugged as well as he could with the chains. His silence continued on as he contemplated the offer, before the man in the center sighed and stated,

"And, if we see her you can take your.... waifu..." Hyato looked up at this and said,

"I'll accept!" The woman rolled her eyes, but as everyone else sent him a friend request she reluctantly did as well, before demanding,

"So what exactly is your "waifu's" name?" Hyato looked directly at her and said seriously as if he didn't notice the sarcasm,

"Her name is Rias Gremory."


(A.n. Trigger warning for all of you)

At the same time in the deep void of space, an armada of hundreds of space crafts floated in place as they awaited their orders from the large royal ship at their head. Within the largest ship that was meant for the royal procession however, there was practically no tensions among the hundreds of naked, or near naked women on board. The only ones making any noise was the pink haired woman with a devil-like tail, and heavy set man who was pounding her from behind as she moaned and begged for more.

"Ah ah ah, give me more of your amazing dick!" She cried out, before the man smacked her asscheek as hard as he could.

"Bitch! Who said you could speak? Just for that I have a surprise for you before we leave this universe!" As he finished speaking the man nodded towards a pair of women who acted as guards aboard his ship. They nodded back and left to do as he wanted, returning momentarily with an orange haired prisoner dragged between them.

"Wha-what's happening? Why are you doing- LALA!" The man cried out, getting the girls attention. Even as she turned and looked at her former beloved though, she barely even seemed to register him as she said,

"Rito, did you know how amazing this dick is? I love it sooooooooo much!" Rito strained against his guards to get free and save her, but with his meager human strength it was impossible. But even as his struggles bore no fruit he shouted,

"LALA, I WILL SAVE YOU!" As he cried for her and tried to come up with a way to save her, the fat man laughed and stated,

"HA! That's funny, there's nothing a brat like you can do about the invincible power of neotare!" Rito stopped struggling when he heard the fat man speak, and asked hesitantly,

"Neotare?" The fat man laughed again and stated,

"Yes the power of neotare! It's an invincible ability that makes it where any woman I get my hands on becomes my fuck bitch for the rest of her life! The laws of logic and reason mean nothing as if the universe itself attempts to help me achieve my goal while I fuck all the sluts around me into oblivion!" He then went on to explain examples of his declaration, such as when he had the Devilukian royal daughters and Queen murder their own father and husband, or when he took control of every other planet and its armies through getting their princesses or queens addicted to his cock. Rito looked incredulous at the absurdity that the fat man was spouting, but the proof was right in front of him as the woman he had come to love ignored him in favor of the man who was abusing her. After ranting about the superiority of his neotare for several minutes, the fat man snapped his fingers and said,

"And now before you die you'll see what I mean as I demonstrate with every woman you've come to care about!" Panic began to build within Rito at the implications of what he meant, but before he could say anything the truth of the matter was quickly revealed. Out marched every single woman he had come to befriend and care for in their own ways over the last few years, all of which were either naked or dressed in some form of erotic clothing as they glanced at Rito before saying,

"Doing it in front of someone else... How shameless!"

"...Those with lewd peeping eyes should be destroyed..."

"Darling really has the capacity to be a harem King, until a certain Rito over there."

"...he really is a beast..."

Rito watched with growing horror as they marched by him one by one, until finally the last ones appeared, and he muttered in dumbfoundment,

"Mom? Mikan?" Rito watched as his own mother and little sister marched past him naked, before his mom said,

"I'm sorry Rito, but his cock is just too amazing, not even your father's could compare when he was alive." Rito's mind blanked as he heard this, before he muttered quietly,

"Alive...?" The fat man laughed evilly as he explained,

"That's right! I had your father killed weeks ago to ensure your mother belonged only to me! I only had you left alive to witness this grand event before dying!" As the fat man declared as such, Rito's little sister Mikan stopped right in front of him as he pulled out of Lala, and kicked her to the floor. Rito then watched horrified as he fucked Mikan right in front of him, before moving onto his mother, and to each and every girl in front of him.

"NO! NO! STOP IT!!!!" Rito desperately cried in protest, before the fat man moved onto the last girl in line, Sairenji Haruna.

"I'm sorry Rito..." She said as the fat man stood behind her menacingly, before he said,

"Haruna is the only one I haven't laid hands on yet, I saved her for this special day." Rito struggled against his captors as the fat man lined himself up behind her, before thrusting his entire length into her at once, making Haruna cry out in pain along with Rito.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! THROW HIM OUT NOW!!!" The fat man declared as he continued pounding away, ordering the women to throw him into the airlock connected to the bridge of the ship. As the doors closed Rito threw himself against them as he struggled to get to the woman he loved, as well as every single person he cared about, before suddenly the outer doors were opened and he was sucked into the unforgiving void of space.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOW FIRE THE LASERS!" The fat man cried, resulting in a series of lasers firing directly onto Rito's corpse, and instantly vaporizing it until not even dust remained. Even as the fat man continued pounding each and every one of the girls, making them all moan in pleasure, several of them let out subdued sobs as they watched the man they had once loved die, before turning their full attention to the pleasure. The fat man continued laughing for the next hour as he fucked the girls as much as he wanted, utilizing the 'Endless Sexual Stamina' ability he had originally chosen, along with his 'Neotare' and 'Utilize Subordinate Exp' abilities, to the fullest. Once he had his fill he kicked the women out and summoned a fresh one, before debating to himself while keeping an eye on his world transfer countdown,

"Now what world should I go to next? I need more cock-sleeves for my army so I can replace my cannon fodder with them, but what world to get them from? HXH? Nah, useless without Eros. DXD? No, no, I'm not sure about Sirzechs and the rest; the Deviluke King was one thing, but a world filled with gods and Maou is something else entirely. Oh! How about-"

(A.N. Trigger warning end.)


Even at this time of year the academy was already covered with a few inches of snow, but the students of the academy were undaunted as they jogged in two groups, boys and girls, behind a ponytailed blonde in nothing but shorts and tank tops as they chanted,










"""ONE TWO!!!"""


"""THREE FOUR!!!"""


""""ONE TWO, THREE FOUR!!!!""""

As the group turned the corner and reached a marker they kept going, and the woman in front called out,


"""SIR YES SIR!!!"""

As they kept moving though a boy couldn't help muttering to his friend,

"Another damn lap? We've done three already!" His friend nodded and replied,

"I heard is the instructor's birthday is today, one of the seniors told me to beware her on her birthday, but I never thought it'd be this bad!" The first boy groaned and stated,

"What is she upset that she's alone on her birthday? It's not our fault no one can stand her, the bitch needs to get laid bad!"

"ANDREWS, STUART! YOU JUST BOUGHT YOURSELVES THREE MORE LAPS, DO YOU WANT MORE!?" Both boys suddenly righted themselves and stopped talking, before responding,

""SIR NO SIR!"" This earned a series of giggles from the female side, as one of the girls said to her friend,

"That's the infamous 'Man Hater' for you."

"I heard some guy invited her out for drinks tonight, and she broke his nose for it!"

"No way!"


""SIR!!"" The two girls who were talking also quickly righted themselves at the remark, but unlike the boys they weren't punished with extra running. Even as she led them and started the chant once more, Bethany, Beth for short, felt a bit nauseous at the mention of her birthday. The day held no positive meaning her whatsoever after being reincarnated, as she also considered it the anniversary of the day she was murdered, after being r@ped for several hours without end. As her mind wandered the memories flooded back to her, and the nausea increased before she ended up going to the side while sending the students ahead, and vomiting into the snow at the base of one of the trees.

Her current situation was made so much worse as the memories of that night replayed themselves, the men forcing their way into her house after her parents left for the night, then the feeling as they forced her to the ground and the sound of ripping as they literally tore her clothes from her body. What followed afterwards was the pain as she recalled every horrid moment of it in detail, and the men used her body any which way they wanted, not caring in the slightest of her pain or discomfort. This had continued for hours until it seemed as if they were finally finished, but then as she hoped they'd leave one pulled out a long knife, and the last thing she recalled was the feeling of the cold metal biting into her throat before darkness, never knowing why they did what they did.

Her next memory had been in the gods domain as she and the rest were told of their situation, and then left to choose their abilities and destinations. With the left over trauma from her death, Beth had gone out of her way to find a world where the women had more power, and as a result found a world called 'Freezing'. It was a world where beings called "Nova" would invade and attack the inhabiting humans, but none of their weapons or arms would be able to defend them. Eventually they had found a method to fight back using female warriors called 'Pandoras', and partnering them with male assistants called 'Limiters'. Not caring when she was born, Beth quickly chose the most powerful set of 'Stigmas', which gave the Pandoras their powers, along with an accelerated regenerative and a martial arts mastery ability. This combination made her one of the most powerful and capable combatants in the army that embodied humanity's last effort to survive the devastating waves of Nova, and that was before she chose her fourth ability that increased her base physical strength even further.

As she grew up in this world however she became one of the most infamous people in the world as she became known as the 'Man Hater', and showed time and again why she deserved that title. Firstly she refused all attempts by the higher ups to assign a Limiter to her, but then anytime a man tried to get close to her or was rude to her, she would thrash them badly enough that they needed to get sent to the hospital. It didn't stop at that as whenever she heard about men abusing or taking advantage of women, she would attack them with such a vengeance that some of them later died while receiving medical treatment. Time and again she'd prove why she deserved her title, and time and again those who suffered from her actions tried to have her punished, only to be shot down every time. With the abilities she had received from the god from before, she was easily the strongest Pandora in the world, even eclipsing the famous Aoi Kazuha, so that meant that punishing her would possibly result in more devastation if the Nova attacked. Though after each time someone complained the Pandora Administration and Aoi Gengo would warn her to stop causing trouble, but even when she did attack someone once again she was never punished. Eventually after she finished high school she was scouted to come back and teach the new generations of Pandora, after being made to promise she'll keep her lessons as impartial as possible. Though she didn't care for teaching too much, Beth was reminded why she did it when a hesitant voice asked,

"Are you ok instructor?" Beth looked up and saw the long blonde hair of a certain Satellizer El Bridget framing her face as she looked at her with concern. The primary reason Beth had taken this position was to help the Pandoras who were victimized by the men of the world, most wanting the prestige of "taming" a powerful Pandora. Satellizer, aka Stella, was someone who Beth pegged immediately as a person who had gone through similar experiences as herself, causing her to try and crack the shell around her that made her earn the name "The Untouchable Queen". Eventually Stella seemed to open up to her, possibly sensing the same thing about Beth that Beth sensed about her, causing the two to grow fairly close even though they were teacher and student(though not romantically). Beth tried to smile at Stella's concern, as she said,

"I'm fine, thank you." Stella nodded and the two started working to catch up with the others. The biggest problem with Beth's past was that she couldn't confide in any one, due to the fact that it was impossible for her to say she was r@ped and murdered in a past life, something that would easily earn her a place in the crazy house if she did say it. She did hope one day she'd be able to confide in someone like Stella, but that day seemed far off still.

As they caught up with the others and made their round once again Beth seemed to calm down, the chilled air doing wonders for her at the moment. As they approached the finish line she called out,

"Remember Andrews, Stuart, you both have another three laps to do!" The rest of the students snickered at the twos misfortune, but it didn't last long as a hole was suddenly torn in the sky. Everyone looked up in shock and horror, their first thought being that it was the next Nova wave, but as she scrutinized the hole Beth's face paled.

"PREPARE FOR BATTLE, NOW!!!" Everyone moved at the orders of their instructor, each one preparing to engage the attackers as soon as possible. However what came through the hole wasn't a Nova, but a large craft looking like a space ship from syfy movie, confusing the students as Stella asked,

"Is that really a Nova? It doesn't look like any I've seen!" Beth was silent however as she analyzed the craft, and the several dozen that followed with more following behind them.

"No, it's not a Nova. It is something horribly worse though. I SAID BATTLE STATIONS!" As the students dispersed Beth herself started mentally preparing herself for what was to come as, with this happening on her birthday of all days, there was no way these were Novas. She prepared to battle the first enemy she'd come across to defend the place that had become her home.


A young man flew jubilantly through the air as he skimmed the waves below with his fingers, his monkey's tail flowing in the wind behind him.

"WAHOOOOOOOOOO!" The man cried as he flew, enjoying every moment of it. Even though he came to his dream world twenty one years ago, he never seemed to face the realization he was actually there, as he half expected to wake up one day and find out it was all a dream. At that moment he noticed the surface of the water break nearby as a pod of dolphins surfaced, prompting the young man to join them as he dove into the water and resurfaced in various poses before diving once more. The Dolphins circled and danced around their new playmate excitedly as they soared through the ocean, before the man had a sad expression on his face as he turned away from them and towards his destination as he called out,

"Sorry but I have to go!" He felt bad as he listened to their chittering as he left them behind, but purposely ignored it as he made his way forward.

'You really should have a bigger sense of urgency, what if another player arrived now?' The voice of his "Angel" said, making the young man laugh out loud before replying,

"Then I'd use all my super Saiyan awesomeness and beat them up! Besides, ever since I mentioned warriors from another world possibly showing up with abilities or weapons none of us had ever heard of, Goku has been asking me nonstop about when they'd arrive so he could fight them!" As he thought about his idol and best friend the young man felt a rising sense of jubilation that he was finally here, and living the life he always wanted. His "Angel" sighed in exasperation, but he still had a wry smile on his lips as he was well aware that his charge didn't have to worry about other players, for the moment at least.

The truth was that even though the vast majority of players wanted to go to the Dragon Ball universe, to the point that it was either at the top or near it on their list of worlds to visit, none of them actually seemed to plan to due to the fact that they didn't want to face the possibility of encountering one of the antagonists. Even with all of the abilities and weapons they had access to, it didn't mean they would be able to fight against goes such as Freiza, or Cell, since all they would have to do is destroy the planet they were on at the time. Even Beerus could be a giant threat despite not being evil, as he could simply consider the player and anomaly and remove them. It was for this reason that he didn't push his player too hard to prepare for their arrival, though he did try to make sure he kept them in mind so that he was ready.

Even as the "Angel" looked over the records of the other players, he couldn't help but frown at some of them. Several of them had seemingly let the power go to their head, and started doing whatever they pleased at the expense of others, be it conquering entire worlds and selfishly ruling them, or running rouge while killing and r@ping as they pleased. Compared to them his player was practically a saint, as he had sadly died and was reincarnated at the age of ten, and hadn't matured mentally in the time since being reborn due to his sense of boyish wonder and adventure, making him practically a carbon copy of Goku.

Truth be told, the "Angel" was hoping that his champion wouldn't have to battle one of the others anytime soon, and could remain innocent for a while longer. He then smiled fondly as he watched the young man reach a small tropical island with a single house, that had the words "KAME HOUSE" painted on it. There he found all of his friends in this world waiting for him, as they shouted "SURPRISE!" upon his arrival for the surprise birthday party they planned.