Unexpected Changes

After Alex had left the school to carry out the execution of Kiria, Hokuto, and Kuyou, the students of the academy were practically exploding with the news they kept on hearing one after another, and each being more unbelievable than the last. First was the defeat of the P.S.C after they had tried to attack Alex, with him even revealing his "true form" in the process. Then was his attacks against the notorious group that was almost considered to be terrorists against the academy, Anti Thesis.

The group of mixed blood monsters were known for attacking 'pure breed' students simply because they were convinced of their supposed superiority, while also spreading propaganda against the school. The most surprising part of this story was that the creator and leader of the group was none other than the seemingly perfect student, Hokuto, who, in an even bigger twist, was actually a human. Not just the students, but even the teachers couldn't believe it when they heard that the student who set the bar for performance was actually a human, and, if it wasn't for the fact that he planned to destroy the school and ignite a war between humans and monsters, they might have even been sad to see him go.

What topped that though, was the fact that the cool and popular art teacher Hitomi Ishigami was secretly behind a couple girls recent disappearances, due to her turning them into stone. All of this, along with the fact that Alex's true form was actually a dragon, the school was abuzz with enough gossip to keep every student interested for the next couple months; as for the person in the middle of all of this himself, Alex was currently sitting at the dining table along with his family, while Asia and Elmenhilde took turns feeding him small bites of food.

"Ahn~!" Asia said cutely as Alex opened his mouth with a wry smile, while on the other side of the table Gabriel and Koneko did the same thing with Edith and Mai.

"Open wide, just like papa!" Gabriel said while glancing at him with a small smile, while Edith eagerly opened her mouth for the morsel of food approaching it. Alex's wry smile grew as he continued being fed by the two girls, as for some reason they all liked feeding him; Alex hadn't minded this so much before, but, with the arrival of Edith and Mai, it started seeming a little embarrassing and childish, while even the girls that fed him couldn't help leaking small smiles and laughter. This lasted until the main meal of dinner ended, and, as they waited for Altina and Francesca to bring dessert, Shia eagerly asked,

"So what kind of training are we doing tonight?" Everyone else looked at him curiously, while Alex stated,

"I just dealt with like seven volumes worth of issues today, I was thinking of just relaxing tonight and taking it easy." Ignoring the first half of his statement, all of the girls looked up with interest when Alex said he was just gonna relax, and Anne, who was seated just to Alex's right on the other side of Elmenhilde, said,

"Maybe I'll join you all tonight in the space-time orb if you're all just gonna be relaxing." Ravel and Serafall both jumped and eagerly agreed, as the three of them had been avoiding use of the space-time orb when they didn't need to since they didn't want to rush their pregnancy. Everyone then started discussing the various things they wanted to do in order to just have fun and relax, until Eri appeared out of nowhere and announced,

"Dessert has arrived!" She then eagerly placed a slice of cake in front of Alex while smiling in her characteristic crazy smile, while Altina and Francesca arrived with a cart that had the rest of the cake on it, deadpan expressions on their faces as they stared at Eri. The necromancer stuck her tongue out at the duo before proudly turning to walk away, pleased that she had been the one to deliver Alex's dessert to him instead of one of them, until Alex slowly took out a small remote and pressed the button.

"HIIIIIIIIIII!" Eri cried out suddenly as the sound of a couple devices buzzing started coming from her panties, making her squirm and twitch as she fought the pleasure assaulting her, while Alex and everyone else turned their attention back to their dessert.

"Eri..." Suzu muttered as she looked at her friend's expression of pleasure while she muttered, "Master- haa haa, is so cruel- haa haa..." With everyone except her best friend ignoring Eri, they all began to eagerly dig into dessert while Mai and Edith began a contest to see which one could get the most of their cake onto the other.

"This cake is so good, what kind is it?" Irina asked Francesca, the one who baked it. Francesca smiled happily as she stated,

"It's a chocolate cake at the base, but I tried blending various techniques and ingredients from both earth and Tortus. I'm glad you all like it!" Everyone nodded in agreement about how good the cake tasted, while the two babies showed their approval by painting themselves with the results of their earlier food fight. It was at that moment,


Out of nowhere fanfare and confetti appeared as Miledi dropped from above with her gravity magic and landed perfectly onto the table, though she sent a few plates of cake flying into the faces of certain people, such as Shia, Irina, and Grayfia, though the last one managed to defend herself from the wayward dessert. Ignoring the frosting covered glares she was receiving, Miledi turned as she landed before striking a pose with her fingers in a V in front of her eye while her tongue stuck out, earning her a small round of applause from those who hadn't received her cake attacks.

"Welcome back Miledi, how was your journey?" Alex asked as the blonde haired girl leapt off of the table and did a flip through the air before landing onto his lap, forcing Asia and Elmenhilde to back away, before planting a kiss on his cheek and saying,

"It was amazing! You'd never believe the things that I saw!" Alex smiled at her excitement as, before she left, Miledi had nearly gotten depressed after the destruction of Ehito. Ever since she was born, in one way or another, her entire life has revolved around the self centered God; wether it was the first decade or so of her life when she was his devoted follower and executioner, or after she created the Liberators and devoted herself instead towards his destruction. Though it had taken a bit of time after Ehito's death, Miledi became somewhat lost after losing the central drive of her more than two thousand years of existence. She then spontaneously decided to go on a journey, allowing her to travel and see new things after spending two millennia trapped in a cave, which would also give her time to think and truly consider what she wanted in the future.

It was at this point that Alex suggested traveling around Asora, as, even after the Vali team explored it when they first arrived in Tortus, they still hadn't explored everything, and the world they had made their home had grown several times larger since then. Asora was a unique realm that was tied directly to Alex's soul, meaning that every time he became stronger, the world would continue to expand and grow. Even after Vali stopped exploring Asora, Alex had continued his training while also acquiring the Age of Gods magics, plus he had managed to acquire the SSJ2 and transformed into the SSJ God forms, increasing his strength even further. By this point it wouldn't be an exaggeration to state that Asora had grown several times larger ever since Vali had explored it a year prior.

With the new intention to travel and explore Asora, Miledi had gone to the Grigori and acquired several devices to record and assist her journey that even had the function to help map out and record her surroundings without her needing to operate them. It was this particular device that she suddenly pulled out and activated, allowing the image of a vast jungle to fill the dining room.

"This is where I left the areas that were already recorded, according to the maps this jungle is located really far to the south from here. And this is where things got interesting!" She said excitedly as the image zipped across the land as if it was flying over the rivers and the seemingly endless canopy of trees, before suddenly reaching a drop that earned several 'oohs' and 'ahs' as it reached a cliff that dropped into another jungle below. What had really captured everyone's interest though, was that several miles ahead was another cliff that rose up to encase the jungled valley below, with even a massive waterfall that turned into a curtain of mist in the distance. As he took in the scene, Alex couldn't help muttering,

"This reminds me of the Great Rift Valley in Africa..." Though Miledi looked at him in surprise at his muttering, she then noticed Anne, Rias, Akeno, and a few others that had gone to school on earth nodding in agreement. Though she puffed out her cheeks slightly at how they weren't as 'awed' at this scene as she was, Miledi's smile returned instantly as she moved onto the next area, earning her the reaction she was after.

"This is.... impossible!"

"It can't be!"


Everyone's reactions were more or less the same while Alex himself went wide eyed at what he saw, a series of floating mountains similar to the one within the space-time orbs and that they saw in Ehito's realm. The surprises didn't end there though, as Miledi showed them images of places that looked nothing like what they'd come to expect from Asora, such as a pastoral valley hidden behind a series of snowy and craggy impassable mountains(unless of course you can fly), a forest of trees that dwarfed any Alex had ever seen with the sole exception of the great tree from the Haltina Sea of Trees, even a ruined city and a series of mountains with peaks that stretched far above the clouds. When she got to the last one Miledi stated,

"I tried to use my Gravity magic to fly and reach the tops of those mountains, but after I got so far up I suddenly couldn't breath and passed out. Man was I lucky that I woke up before I went splat, tee hee...." Faced with a series of deadpan stares from her audience, Miledi tailed off awkwardly before Alex suddenly flicked her forehead while saying,

"While I understand that it's fun to explore, don't be too stupid when doing it. What if you had died or gotten injured, and we wouldn't have been able to help you?" Miledi was pouting at first with a 'wronged' look on her face from suddenly being flicked, but when she heard Alex's words and saw everyone else nodding in agreement, she showed an uncharacteristically serious expression before saying,

"Sorry, it won't happen again..." Alex nodded in acceptance of her apology before lightly kissing her forehead, earning him a happy giggle that didn't fit her real age. It was around this point that Miledi just noticed a certain pink and blue haired duo that she didn't recognize, causing her to suddenly leap to her feet while exclaiming,

"YOU GOT MORE HAREMITES WHILE I WAS GONE?!" The sudden outcry, along with her weird label for herself and everyone else, made everyone go quiet, before they suddenly started laughing while she looked around confusedly for an explanation for the two newcomers. Not long after that everyone finished their dessert, and prepared to enter the space-time orb for the night while Alex helped clean and lay Edith and Mai down for bed.

After entering the space-time orb though, while the girls flocked to the large open air baths, Alex and Miledi disappeared to the formers room for the night shortly before the sound of sensuous moans and the slapping of flesh could be heard.

"Yes!" Miledi cried out as Alex plowed her from behind, her wrists gripped tightly by him as he roughly pulled her back so that he could reach even further into her depths, while her diminutive chest was being thrust out as she panted. With Alex vigorously pumping into her with such force that her ass rippled each time his hips hit it, Miledi was reaching climax after climax after she spent so many months by herself while Alex quickly approached his own. After a few more thrusts with her insides squeezing and wrapping around his cock as if massaging it, it finally erupted as he poured his seed into her womb, making Miledi freeze in a silent scream as she reached her strongest orgasm yet. As she eventually came down from her high, Miledi leaned back into Alex's chest as he released her wrists and wrapped his arms around her lovingly, before she looked up at him and said,

"I missed this, more than I ever thought I could." Alex smiled as he leaned forward and sealed her lips before saying,

"I missed you too, it's been too long Miledi." Even though she knew Alex had a veritable army of other girls that would never allow him to be 'lonely', she didn't care in the slightest as she simply enjoyed the 'fullness' he gave her as she ground her butt against his hips. Even though it had been two thousand years since she last had sex before becoming Alex's, her body had been that of a golem so she was unaware of the physical longing after going so long without. So, after many months of not being able to get laid, Miledi was realizing how fulfilling it was just to share Alex's bed with him.

She then shuddered as his left hand traveled to her left breast, before lightly teasing the rose colored bud at its point. His right hand however traveled down her smooth belly before reaching the neatly trimmed area above her secret garden, and then finally reaching its destination as it lightly brushed against the little button that was hiding right above where they were connected.

"AH!" Miledi cried from the electricity that arched through her body at his touch, triggering several more rounds of intense and sensual love making.

After Miledi eventually passed out with a smile of contentment on her face, Alex relaxed himself as he closed his eyes and sent his consciousness inward while mentally asking Lauren, 'So what's going on with Asora?' Until now the new lands of Asora had been relatively normal so it had never been a real cause for concern, but the new lands that Miledi discovered seemed too much like they belonged in fantasy worlds, though a couple could naturally form on a world like earth. Before he could even finish mentally asking Lauren what was happening, she answered,

'The area where Asora started expanding at those points is from when you acquired Ehito's divine power. Asora is essentially your own personal realm, something that the most powerful beings can typically create once they get strong enough, you just skipped a few steps when you acquired it from the shop. The more divine power you acquire the more influence you would have on your personal realm, until eventually you'll be able to move, destroy, or create even entire mountain ranges with little to no effort.' Alex was silent for a moment before asking,

'So what about these new areas then? I didn't mean to make them.' He almost felt as if Lauren was nodding in agreement as she said,

'True, but considering you were in Ehito's own divine realm at the time of that particular expansion, I'm guessing that you subconsciously wanted more fantasy-like regions within Asora so it just took inspirations from your memories.' 'Ah' Alex thought to himself hen he heard her explanation, as, when he thought about it, the majority of the new landscapes that Miledi discovered did in fact seem familiar in some way or another. Though he was excited to one day be able to mold Asora however he wanted, Alex calmed himself and said to Ddriag,

'Should we start then?' The image of a great red dragon appeared in Alex's mind before it rumbled,

Alex steadied his breathing and sent his consciousness even further inward until he found himself in a great white space, with only a hundred or so people sitting in it, all wearing robes and muttering to themselves. Before he could do anything, a feminine sounding voice called out,

"Back again huh?" Alex turned and saw a beautiful blonde haired woman standing there along with a silent seemingly intimidating man, before bowing politely, even though they had told him not to before, and saying,

"Greetings to senior Elsha, and to senior Belzard."


"This is amazing, I want to do this every day!" Kurumu cried out as Hearst applied more force to the tensest areas of her back, earning another groan from her as she continued enjoying the massage. Though Alex said they were spending the night in the space-time orb relaxing, he had still led them in short morning practice drills since forgoing training altogether for a week wasn't a good idea, but now they were relaxing in a rather new addition to the villa right next to the outdoor bath, the spa. On top of cooking, cleaning, and fighting, Grayfia had also made each of her combat maids learn various forms of pampering and care, such as styling hair, beauty treatments, and even massages. Her intention was to ensure that no matter what was needed of them, her maids were more than equipped to handle the job, and, though they were far from pros at it, they had been learning how to properly perform each of these tasks. Not far from Kurumu, Shizuku was also laying face down while naked while Eri reluctantly tried to loosen the knots in her back.

"Humph, you're too tense! Why did I have to do you anyways!? I wanted to massage master!" As Shizuku was enjoying her massage too much to answer, it was Shia who pipped up from her own table where Noint worked on her,

"It's probably from the stress of having to deal with Kouki and her family too much, I mean, even after they moved to Asora she's spent all of her time here instead. And besides Eri, you just don't have the strength to properly massage Alex. What's more important, you getting what you want, or him being properly taken care of?" Eri groaned in response as she reluctantly agreed with what Shia said, though Rias laughed lightly from her table as she questioned Shia,

"Aren't you the same when it comes to your family Shia? Or should I say High S?" This time Shia groaned as she recalled what happened when she last went to visit her father, and the rest of the Haulia tried to get her to join their ranks as a member of the R.I.B. Though she felt that their current attitude was slightly better than before, it wasn't by much. Their attention was then grabbed by a sudden loud groan, followed by Venri going,

"Ufufufu, you're so tense master, just relax and let me ease all those tensions away." Alex groaned again, but didn't say anything as he let the dragon maid do her work on his back, despite the fact that unlike the others she was naked as well, and was straddling his lower back right above his tail. Even as the other girls frowned from her actions, which looked as if they belonged in a porno, they didn't say anything as, regardless of how she looked, Venri was in fact taking her job of massaging Alex very seriously.

Though he himself never considered that to be the case, everyone around him considered him to be the hardest working person in Asora due to everything he did throughout the day, from teaching classes all day, to listening to Barakiel's, Serafall's, Yasaka's, and Gabriel's reports and making decisions regarding the running of Asora, to even going out of his way to take care of and spend time with his daughters. Then at night he would intensely train himself to the point that the others knew they'd never be able to last if they attempted it, and was even taking care of his harem both in the bed, and just spending time with them as they enjoyed each other's company. With this in mind no one made a comment about Venri's antics, even as her hardened nipples lightly brushed against Alex's back, or when she shifted her hips and they saw a smear of fluid under her.

"Horny dragon..." Eri however cursed under her breath, earning her several pointed looks that she ignored, even though they somewhat agreed. soon though the relaxing atmosphere was interrupted when someone cried out from on the other side of the spa's entrance,

"And why do we have to be here?!" A calm and collected voice, that was tinged with noticeable irritation then answered,

"Because this will also be part of your duties as maids from here on out, and because I said so." The first voice was silenced at that point, as the door was suddenly opened and a trio of newcomers entered the spa, a tomboyish looking woman with her hair styled in a type of dreadlocks after it had been regenerated from being shaved, and a woman with brownish hair that fell past her shoulders, both being led by Grayfia while wearing nothing but two piece swimsuits. The two women swept their eyes around everyone as they walked, with the woman in dreads muttering, "Such wonderful subjects for art going to waste..." This earned her another look from Grayfia, quieting her right up until hers and the other woman's eyes landed onto the only male present, Alex.

"What are you doing here?!" Mako, the brown haired woman who was formerly a nurse of the Youkai Academy hospital demanded, to which Alex lazily turned his head and stated,

"I live here, this is my home. And those marks on your hands were put there by me, branding you both as my slaves. Now keep your voice down, I'm trying to relax." Mako and Hitomi both fumed at Alex's nonchalant behavior as they contemplated trying to get revenge for getting them fired and abducted by Grayfia, but before they could move a muscle they were suddenly surrounded by killing intent from almost every woman present. Both women suddenly fell back on their butts as expressions of complete horror appeared on their faces, neither even considering that all of the women around Alex would be 'monsters' as well, with even a small puddle forming beneath Mako. This continued until Alex lazily said,

"Knock it off, or they'll make an even bigger mess in our new spa." In an instant the killing intent vanished and the two women let out the breath they didn't even realize they were holding, as each to the girls went back to relaxing themselves. As the duo struggled to stand, Grayfia was already standing there as she held out a mop and bucket for Mako and said,

"Here, clean up your mess and put your bottoms into a bag before throwing them into the dirty laundry. Then you can rejoin us afterwards." Mako embarrassedly accepted the offered bucket and mop, not even bothering to try and argue cleaning it up, but then she asked,

"Where can I get some new ones?" Grayfia gave her a strange look and stated,

"Why would we give you new bottoms after you ruined those ones so quickly? You will spend the rest of your time in here bottomless, or completely naked if you don't wish to continue wearing the top by itself." With Hitomi snickering as she followed Grayfia, Mako was left standing in dumbfoundment with only a single "eh?" escaping her lips.


While everyone in the space-time orbs was relaxing, and the two former school employees were adjusting to their new roles as slave maids, someone else was briskly walking through the streets of a human city as she purposely made her way to a nearby bar. Ririko Kagome sighed once again as she recalled the events of that day, with Alex once again doing the outrageous by eliminating the terrorist group of Anti Thesis, the P.S.C, and also getting another of her coworkers fired for attacking and kidnapping students. All she wanted to do was teach her students, it was her passion, her life, and yet after Alex became a teacher it seemed as if there was only one headache after another, and they weren't even through the first month of the school year yet. She sighed yet agin, when suddenly a voice called out,

"Hey gorgeous, wanna come party with us?" She looked over to see a group of hooligans that were eyeing her up and down, their intentions written all over their faces. If she had been any normal human woman Ririko would have probably been scared for her life in that moment, but instead she only sneered back,

"What a coincidence, i was looking for a snack." As she spoke she partially activated her true form, her eyes becoming slits while a forked tongue escaped her lips and a few scales appeared on her skin. The hooligans took one look at her and ran away while screaming about monsters, making Ririko snort as she canceled the changes and continued on her way.

Though she technically broke the rules by doing that just then, she didn't care as she doubted anyone would believe a bunch of hooligans who were obviously full of either drugs or booze, or possibly even both. She then continued on her way to the bar, intending to spend the night "relaxing" in her own way. An hour later she was sitting at the counter by herself sipping on a couple of drinks that were only mildly alcoholic, as she still had to teach the next day. As she finished her current drink she went to order another, only for the bartender to say,

"Sorry, but I'll need you to pay for these ones first." Ririko didn't mind in the slightest as she tried to grab her wallet, only to find that it wasn't where it should have been. Mild panic settled in as she tried to find her money, all while the bartender watched with narrowing eyes.

"Agh, of course I forgot my wallet!" She cried out in exasperation, earning her the attention of a few guys who were debating on trying to play hero to the unfortunate woman. Before they could though, a certain figure made his way to the counter and said,

"It's on me, and her next as well." The bartender nodded as he immediately set out her next drink, while Ririko turned to look at the one who helped her, her eyebrows shooting up when she saw a strong looking muscular man with a gruff appearance, completely different than the normal businessmen who tried to hit on her. A small smile appearing at the corner of her lips, Ririko said,

"I'm not usually in the habit of accepting charity, but a lot has been going on and I forgot my wallet tonight so thank you." The man nodded and replied,

"Not at all, I'm happy to lend a hand to those who need it. And I know where you're coming from with having a hard time, I'm going through something similar with my daughter and her boyfriend." The smile at the edges of Ririko's mouth nearly faltered when she heard that, making her glance at the mans hand for a ring before asking hesitantly,

"Daughter?" The man nodded, and said with a sad smile,

"Yes, she is the only thing I have left of my late wife, and she means the world to me." Ririko smiled once again at the mans story before saying,

"I'm sorry for your loss." The man smiled in response and said,

"My thanks, but it happened years ago. Why don't you tell me a bit about what brought you here tonight?" Ririko's smile widened a bit as she explained how she was a teacher, though she left out the details and made some stuff up about excessively troublesome students. The man was a decent listener and even tried to offer her pointers for managing a classroom. The two continued talking for a while before finally Ririko realized something and said,

"I'm sorry, but I just realized I never even gave you my name, I'm Ririko Kagome." The man himself had a look of realization as he said,

"It is nice to meet you Ririko, my name is Barakiel."