Sun Otonashi

Shortly after they left the three thugs behind, Alex and Sun found themselves within a small restaurant as the former watched the latter devour several hamburgers despite her petite figure, proving just how hungry she was. At first Sun was reluctant to accept Alex's offer of a meal, as she already owed him for helping defend her against the thugs, and she had even accidentally hurt him directly afterwards; however, his insistence along with the sounds her own stomach made when she smelled the food had won out. Though they were getting a lot of weird looks due to Sun's petite and youthful appearance, Alex ignored them as he instead thought about how such a cute person was actually one of the strongest people in this world.

Though she would naturally lose out against the various powerhouses such as Touhou, Mikogami, Alucard, and Akasha, the only real reason for that was due to the fact each of them had lived and honed their abilities for literally centuries, while Sun wasn't even twenty years old and rarely, if ever, trained her abilities. Since she was born with a monstrous excess of supernatural energy Sun was considered the undisputed number one when she attended Youkai Academy, and she had even challenged Alucard by herself during the final battle in the original story's timeline before Mikogami and Touhou arrived to fight as well. Despite her readiness to fight when necessary and willingness to take a life when needed, Sun was actually a gentle person who would prefer to avoid fights while proactively telling others to do the same, to the point that she had been the one to get Ginei to stop fighting so much during his first year at the academy, back when he was known throughout the entire school as the 'Mad Dog Morioka'.

As these and various other thoughts swam through Alex's mind, Sun finished her meal and reached for her notebook before writing,

'So what do you want to talk about?'

Alex smiled wryly when he saw what she wrote, as she had seemed excessively cautious around him after he mentioned needing to talk to her, but instead of directly answering he instead slid a short stack of papers towards her, making the petite girl pale when she saw her image on the top one. Seeing her reaction, Alex explained,

"Earlier this evening I destroyed a division of a group known as Fairy Tale, a terroristic cult that intends to topple the human rule of the planet and establish Youkai as the superior beings. After killing the division leader I went through their files for information, and found your portfolio along with those of several other Youkai Academy graduates for potential recruits. Though I passed the rest onto other people to track down, I came personally to find you since yours is a top priority designation." As she listened to Alex's explanation, Sun's expression was growing increasingly pale as she read through the portfolio, which had detailed her species and abilities, to even the various habits she had in school. Eventually, with a slightly shaky hand, Sun wrote on her notebook,

'How did they get this?!'

Alex sighed, and responded, "They had a mole within the academy to recruit potential Youkai to their cause, even from right under Mikogami's nose. I already dealt with him and his cohorts, but I'm guessing he passed along information about any graduates he could beforehand." Though she nodded slightly in understanding, Sun looked at Alex after a moment and asked,

'So what do you want?'

Alex was silent for a moment as he considered how to answer, before saying, "For certain reasons, I intend to fight and destroy the being known as Alucard, the Shinso vampire that once tried to wipe out humanity. This group, Fairy Tale, seeks to revive him and follow him into war against the humans. Naturally I intend to fight them as well because of this, and every Youkai I prevent from joining their ranks is another one that won't have to die when we wipe them out. For those who they're after specifically, such as yourself, I intend to invite you to a place called Asora." Sun listened intently as Alex then started explaining about Asora, and how it was a place where the matters of ones birth were inconsequential due to the variety of people and races living there in peace. As he finished explaining it the petite girl was quiet, before she started writing and held up her notebook, with a single question for him,

'Will I need to fight?'

Without even considering it Alex shook his head, and answered, "While it may be a different matter if Asora is one day attacked, if you don't wish to fight with us then I won't force you. That being said, it would however be remiss of me if I didn't extend an additional invitation to you." As he said this, Alex pulled out a Crimson chess piece for Sun to see before launching into yet another explanation of what it was and what it meant. Though her face understandably turned red when she heard that accepting it would mean joining Alex's harem, a thought she only contemplated since he already saw her practically naked earlier, her expression didn't otherwise change throughout his explanation of the evil pieces or what they did, until he finished and she swiftly held up her notebook to show it said,

'I don't want to accept it...'

Without letting her refusal get to him, Alex nodded with understanding before the 'Pawn' evil piece disappeared, and he said, "I understand, I just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. You might also get a few offers to join someone else's peerage or groups in Asora, however you wouldn't need to accept if you didn't want to. Now then shall we go?" As he spoke Alex stood and offered a hand to her, to which Sun hesitated to accept at first, before ultimately accepting his offer and following him out the door of the restaurant. Though a small part of her was worried that she was being fooled, the reason Sun accepted Alex's offer to join Asora was because she was well aware that she owed him, even if he didn't intend for that to happen, and because he had stated that she wouldn't have to fight if she didn't want to. Of course, she didn't get to dwell on that for too long before Alex led her down another alley, and produced a coat for her out of nothing while saying,

"It's practically winter there so you'll need this." Though she was slightly surprised since it was almost summer in Japan, Sun didn't question Alex's offer and quickly slid the coat on while he produced a wall of mist right in front of them, and followed him through it. Sun was quickly grateful that Alex gave her a coat beforehand, as the moment she stepped through the curtain of mist she immediately started shivering as the cold seemed to penetrate right through her, before Alex used his 'Domain' to steadily warm the air around them. As her shivering slowed, Alex said,

"Sorry about that, it gets colder when there's no clouds to blanket us in the winter, but it gives us an amazing view of the night sky." As he spoke Sun looked up, and her jaw dropped at what she saw before them. Stretched out before them was a city that didn't appear at all like the usual human cities she had been to, for one there was no continuous blaring of horns or other invasive sounds that usually accompanied the hustle and bustle of activity, and the air was marginally cleaner than any she had ever tasted, to the point that Sun had even stopped to take in several deep breaths of the freezing winter air. Then when she looked above her, Sun was able to see what appeared to even be entire galaxies and unfamiliar star systems hovering there, twinkling down on them with more clarity than she had ever seen before. After letting her have a few minutes to admire the view around her, Alex made a couple of calls before he suddenly said,

"Come on, let's go get you settled in for the night." Though his voice startled her a bit, Sun eagerly followed after Alex as he made his way into the city before him, which, despite the cold and that fact that it was already night, was still alive as various people tried to sell their goods. Though they passed the usual cafe or so, there was also a surprising amount of people selling stands with the front of their stores wide open, allowing the aroma of piping hot treats to reach the duos noses long before the owners called out to them. As all of them obviously recognized Alex, they shouted out to him specifically with offers of free samples for him and Sun to taste, the majority of which he politely declined with the exception of some hot chocolate and a freshly made chocolate pastry, which he gave to Sun. Though she looked a bit concerned that they didn't pay for them, Alex quickly said,

"They all usually offer me free samples whenever I walk through the city, though I typically politely decline unless I'm on a date with someone in my harem." Though she felt somewhat relieved at Alex's words, a bit of red that didn't have anything to do with the cold crept into Sun's cheeks as she realized that everyone must have thought she was a part of his harem, and that they were on a date. As Sun tried to hide her embarrassment by nibbling on the pastry, Alex didn't notice her current state due having caught sight of Vali and Aiko walking down the street as well, with the latter wrapped up in an extra jacket that was obviously too big for her, and the former trying hard to not appear as if he was cold after giving her his jacket.

As if he could feel someone's eyes on them, Vali suddenly started looking around until his gaze met Alex's, and a frown formed on his face before he started glaring slightly at Alex's smirk. As Alex's urge to laugh at his rival increased, so too did Vali's glare as he mentally swore at him for smirking at them during their date. It was then that Sun noticed where Alex's attention was, and she held up her sign to ask,

'Do you know them?'

Alex nodded and stated, "Yeah, but he's the last guy you'd expect to find a girl and settle down, so I was laughing at him somewhat." Sun then looked at Vali and Aiko one more time before the two turned down another street, and couldn't help but think the duo seemed sweet together, and that Aiko might understand her suffering. The duo then continued through the streets as Alex led her to their destination, which ended up being a manor larger than any house Sun had ever seen. As she was staring up at it, Alex explained,

"This is where the male peerage members of one of my wives live, along with their significant others. You'll stay here for the time being until you can find something more permanent." Though she was slightly worried when he said that the manor was for men, Sun let out a sigh of relief when Alex said there were girls living there as well, before holding up her notebook to ask,

'Where do you stay?'

Though she was glad that she'd be staying with other girls, even though it was only temporary, Alex was the only person in Asora that Sun knew, and so if something happened then she wanted to know where he'd be. Without putting too much thought into her question, Alex immediately turned and pointed up a nearby mountain, making Sun's jaw drop slightly when she saw the sheer size of the building that Alex claimed was his home, which easily dwarfed the one she was currently standing in front of. Though she had figured Alex was someone important within this world, seeing the place he called home made her think she had underestimated his position, but before she could ask about it the door in front of them opened and a feminine voice stated,

"Hello, you must be Sun!" When she turned towards the speaker, Sun was surprised to see a girl who appeared to be a couple years older than her with crimson red eyes and long silvery blonde hair. The girl then continued, "I'm Valerie, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Quickly recovering from her stupor, Sun swiftly wrote in her notebook before holding it up for Valerie to see.

'Hello Valerie, it is nice to meet you. My name is Sun Otonashi.'

With her smile widening as she saw Sun's way of 'talking', Valerie then took in Sun's figure before grabbing the latter by the hand and dragging her into the manor to her room, where Tosca was already waiting for their 'sleepover'. Alex could only stand in front of the door for a few seconds after it closed in his face, a wry smile forming on his lips from Valerie's actions, and from the fact the he knew a night of being made to try on various costumes awaited Sun due to Valerie's habit of cosplaying, which was also the origin of Gasper's cross dressing when they were kids. Alex then used Spatial magic to directly teleport to Misty Manor, where he found Rias waiting up for him before entering the space-time orb, along with Anne and Gabriel. Instead of heading directly to the space-time orb, Alex collapsed into the couch next the almost scarily pregnant woman before wrapping one of his arms around her and gently pulling her close for a kiss while Rias asked,

"So how was your date?" Once he separated from Anne, Alex looked towards the Crimson haired woman and stated dramatically,

"It was terrible! She rejected my feelings and broke my heart! I think a full night of 'comfort' is in order!" Rias smiled wryly at this while Anne pinched his cheek lightly at his joke, and Gabriel came around to sit on his other side as if to comfort him. After a few minutes of being comforted by the beautiful women, Alex then asked Anne,

"So how are you feeling? Do you need anything?" Anne smiled at his concern and said happily while rubbing her belly,

"No, thank you, though it shouldn't be too long now until he's born. I can't wait to finally meet our son, though it'll also be nice to move around normally again." Alex's smile widened when he heard her, before he replied,

"So you think its a boy huh? Though I'll be happy either way, after two daughters it would be nice to have a boy as well." Though as he spoke Alex knew that, out of the three women currently expecting, chances were higher than not that he'll have at one son soon, though he was also looking forward to introducing Edith and Mai to their baby brother/sisters. He then asked Gabriel how the two girls were doing since he was too busy to help take care of them that day, to which Gabriel stated that, besides missing their father, both girls were fine and were currently sound asleep. He then sat there for the better part of an hour with the two women while Rias sat across from them, waiting patiently for when they'd enter the space-time orb for the night. Eventually Alex had to leave the warmth of his two wives sides, and saw them to bed before entering the orb with Rias, where she and everyone else tried to mend his 'broken heart'.


The next morning Sun made her way downstairs from Valerie's room with a sleepy expression on her face, courtesy of the half-vampire making her try on various outfits while she and Tosca watched on. In the living room however she found three girls sitting with Valerie and Tosca(Kiba, Gasper, Ryutarou, and Endou were all out for early morning training), the first of which to stand was shorter girl with long blonde hair, who eagerly introduced herself.

"Hello, I'm Asia, one of big sis Rias's 'Bishops'! You must be Sun!" Though Sun didn't know who Rias was, she knew that 'Bishops' were part of a peerage, and assumed that she was Asia's master along with the boys living here. Before she could write out a reply, another of the three visitors with short blue hair stood up, and introduced herself as well while holding out her hand,

"I'm Xenovia, a 'Knight'!" As Sun shook her hand she couldn't help but notice that, while it softer than a guys, Xenovia's hand felt tougher than a normal girls, a testament to all of the sword training she must do as a 'Knight'. Immediately after her introduction the final girl, who had her brown hair tied back into twin tails, quickly stood as well and said excitedly,

"Hello, I'm Irina! I'm not a devil like these two, but an angel of heaven! My card is an 'Ace' by the way!" Though she seemed proud of her self introduction, Xenovia quickly piped up,

"Even if she was told about peerages, I doubt she knows about the brave saints you self proclaimed angel." Though Irina was about to snap back at Xenovia's obvious provocation, Sun cut her retort off by quickly holding up her notebook to get everyone's attention, which said,

'Nice to meet you everyone, my name is Sun Otonashi!'

Seeing her with her notebook held up for everyone to see, Xenovia quietly remarked,

"She's definitely a lot cuter than I thought she'd be..." With everyone else nodding in agreement, Valerie quietly told Xenovia that she'd share some of the pictures she secretly took of Sun's cosplay from the night before with her. While the two were discussing that in secret, Asia curiously asked,

"So what species of Youkai are you Sun? We haven't been around too many youkai from this world." Though she hesitated for a brief moment, Sun then held up her notebook once more to show it said,

'A siren.'

As the girls read what she wrote, they were surprised when a pair of pure white feathery wings suddenly sprouted from her back, making her look just like an angel instead of a Youkai. Though they were all slightly dazed as first, Irina quickly jumped up and summoned her own wings, causing three pairs of the feathery appendages to sprout from her back as she cried out,

"Look, we match Sun!" Just as the five girls were stunned by her appearance before, now it was Sun's turn as she stared at Irina's six wings in awe. Though Xenovia was also tempted to summon her own devil wings, Valerie prevented her from doing so as she suddenly stated while clapping her hands together,

"Ok! Now let's hurry so that you guys aren't late for breakfast! I'm sure that Sun wants to see as much of Asora as she can." Though the siren looked at her with some mild confusion for a second, Asia quickly explained,

"Alex asked us three to show you around Asora today! We'll start with breakfast at a popular restaurant we have here, and then we'll move around from there. Don't worry, we'll wait while you get dressed." Realizing she was making them wait on her since she had just gotten up, Sun quickly made her way back upstairs where she found her backpack, and slid on the other dress within it since she only had two of them, and a nightgown, for personal clothes. After taking a moment to fix her dark blue hair that fell down past her shoulders, Sun swiftly made her way downstairs where everyone else was still waiting for her. Seeing she was ready Asia, Irina, and Xenovia all got up, but when they saw her wearing a dress despite the cold outside they each made a face, while Sun defensively held up her notebook to say,

'I didn't have any winter clothes, only dresses...'

This made them shake their heads in exasperation, while Xenovia mused, "Then we'll have to make Crystabel's shop one of our stops today." With Irina and Asia nodding in agreement, the trio then guided Sun out of the manor, only stopping long enough to grab their coats, while Valerie and Tosca waved them off with smiles, before they resumed putting together the picnic they planned to take to Gasper and Kiba while they were training.

The trio then led Sun along the frozen streets of Asora, where they pointed out anything and everything of interest along the way to their destination, the western style restaurant Wisteria. Though when they arrived there Sun was concerned about how she didn't have any money, which the church trio didn't pay any attention to as they quickly ushered her inside to eat despite her silent protests. After giving their orders to the waitress that came to greet them, Yuuka, the group then passed the time as the church trio constantly asked Sun a series of questions about herself, things she liked, her childhood and so on. Asia and Xenovia then felt a strong sense of kinship with her when Sun explained that she had grown up in Youkai Academy after her parents abandoned her due to her abnormal level of powers, which they were unable to deal with. As the duo were also telling Sun about their past, the bell to the front door of the restaurant jingled as someone else walked in, with his hair having been returned from white to black, the eye patch gone, and his left arm looking normal despite the fact that it was still artificial underneath.

As Hajime entered the restaurant, he was immediately greeted by several other regulars before a bubbly Yuuka ran up to him,prompting him to plant a kiss on her cheek in front of everyone, making her face go Crimson instantly while a certain table that consisted of their former classmates started catcalling them. Though Hajime simply ignored the loud teens as he made his way to the church trio and Sun, Yuuka however made an expression eerily similar to Kaori's hanya mask, and pulled out several carrots before skillfully throwing them at the now terrified boys. Ignoring the cries of pain his second fiancé was inflicting, Hajime greeted the church trio before turning his attention towards Sun and asking,

"You're Sun Otonashi, right? My name is Hajime Nagumo" Though she was curious as to how Hajime already knew about her, Sun merely replied with her notebook,

'It is nice to meet you Hajime.'

Once introductions were out of the way, Hajime then summoned a small rectangular box from his storage ring before holding out to her and saying, "Alex asked me to make this for you last night. I was told you'd be by here this morning, so I figured I'd drop it off then." Though she hesitated slightly at first, Sun ended up accepting the box Hajime offered her and opened it up to reveal a beautiful dark blue fountain pen that matched her hair. As she admired the masterful craftsmanship of the pen, Hajime started explaining, "It uses your supernatural energy to write in the air in a style and color of your choosing, before the words disappear a few seconds later. I was originally planning to add several other functions to it, like lasers that shoot out of the tip, or maybe using Spatial magic to store missiles in it, but Kaori got angry for some reason and wouldn't let me..." All four girl's eyes started twitching when they heard of Hajime's original plans to weaponize the seemingly harmless pen, and they silently said their thanks to Kaori for stopping him when she found out.

As instructed, Sun then held up the pen and carefully channeled her youkai energy into it before slowly writing with in the air, the first thing she said with it being, 'Thank you Hajime!' Satisfied with her reaction to her new pen, Hajime smiled and said his goodbyes before he made his way to the counter to order his own breakfast.

Though she felt as if she was receiving way too much while not deserving it, Sun couldn't help but feel happy that so many people were thinking about her. Little did she know this was just the beginning, as after breakfast the church trio took her to Crystabel's clothing store, where, similarly to Valerie the night before, Crystabel had a lot of fun recommending various outfits for the petite girl. After well over two hours of being made to change over and over again into various outfits, the group finally left the clothing store with a very worn out Sun, who was now at least attired properly for the current weather of Asora. Following that the church trio took her to the seaside village that had been named New Raisen, where the Dagon had settled in and were continuing their aquatic activities despite the cold weather.

Even though Alex had told them not to worry about continuing the supply of seafood or their other jobs with the extreme cold, the Dagon insisted that they continue supplying Asora with the seas bounty. It turned out that they were more resistant to the cold than humans were, which was needed for them to be able to dive at certain depths, and, with Hajime also mass producing artifacts similar to what they had used to stay warm in the Frost Caverns of Schnee, the seaside settlement was as lively as ever regardless of the several feet of snow around them. Sun in particular was enjoying walking around the various stalls and stores, as she felt at home by the sea due to her lineage as a siren, which were originally sea dwelling creatures.

As she did, Sun couldn't resist the chance to 'talk' to the various residents as she had never seen or heard of the Dagon people before, her questions mostly revolving around them themselves and how they came to Asora. Naturally, she was exceptionally surprised to learn that they were a race that belonged to the group known as 'demihumans', who were subject to extreme forms of abuse and even slavery simply due to the race they were. Though the Dagons had been lucky compared to other demihumans, the only thing protecting them from the same treatment was their inherent usefulness in procuring seafood for the humans that would otherwise oppress them as well. Though they were invited to live in Asora for similar reasons, each and every Dagon was happy to have made the move since they not only no longer had to worry about potential enslavement, but they also wouldn't be caught in the war between humans and demons, and they didn't have to worry about pirates, sea monsters, or kidnappers. Instead, they were able to live without worries for their personal safety on a day to day basis, they got to experience the wonders of modern advancement, and there was even an education that kings and emperors would be jealous of in Tortus for all of them. What had surprised Sun the most was that each and every Dagon she had talked to had happily stated that Alex was the one to thank for their current situation, as he was the one who had originally visited them and extended an invitation to them to migrate, though a nine-tailed fox named Yasaka handled all of the details.

Eventually the group left the chilly seaside village of New Raisen to head to their next destination, however, instead of using magic to teleport like they had before, Asia led Sun down a fight of stairs to an underground tunnel. Though it appeared to something akin to a subway tunnel, Sun was confused for a second considering that there was no tracks for the trains to run on. She didn't have long to wonder however, as within seconds a train came barreling towards them almost soundlessly as it hovered in the air slightly before slowing down, and then descending to rest on the ground to allow its passengers to exit before they got on along with several others. With all of the seats facing each other with two facing forward and two facing back, the four girls managed to get a set of seats to themselves while everyone else settled themselves, and Xenovia explained,

"The train runs on what we call Gravity magic, it allows the train to float off of the ground and then move at speeds that modern human engineers could only dream of. As for the person who runs it.." As she trailed off, Xenovia's voice was replaced by another girls that sounded over the various speakers as she chimed out,

"Weeeeelcome to all of you new riders to Miledy's fabulous train rides, where the only speeds are fast, scarily fast, and 'OH MY GOD WE ARE GOING TO DIE!' So lean back and try not to wet yourselves as we go since there is a camera, and you'll end up on our growing wall of shame! Now let's gooooooo!" Without giving anyone the chance to think twice, the train suddenly lurched forward as the speeds gradually picked up until anything outside the Windows was a blur. As she had never moved so fast in her life, Sun was gripping the armrests of her seat nervously as if for dear life while Asia, Xenovia, and Irina seemed to be completely unaffected by the high speeds they were moving at. After a few minutes the door leading to the car ahead of their's opened, and a blonde girl with a cutesy version of a conductors hat and vest appeared, before twirling in front of them and declaring,

"Hey everyone, so what are you guys doing out and about?" Asia gestured to Sun and said,

"We're showing Sun around Asora. She just arrived last night and Alex asked us to show her around." Before Sun could try and introduce herself, Miledy suddenly made an exaggerated gasp as she stated,

"Don't tell you're the new haremite?! Every time I turn around it seems like there's a new one! Then again why wouldn't there be when we're talking about Alex's amazing and giant d-" before she could finish her statement, Miledy's words were cut off by a sudden chop on the top of her head courtesy of Xenovia, who said in a deadpan while the blonde haired girl rubbed her head tearfully,

"Don't try to put weird ideas in Sun's head. She's already got a lot going on with moving here, and she doesn't need to have you planting unnecessary expectations in her mind when it isn't true." Though Miledy glared at Xenovia with a pout and slightly teary eyes, she then noticed both Irina and Asia nodding in agreement while Sun herself watched on confusedly. The truth was that Alex had mentioned to the three girls the night before that he had invited Sun to join his peerage, but she had turned him down almost immediately. He then told them that he had no intentions to try and force her into a relationship with him, and that he didn't want them trying to plant the idea into her head for him, something they thought was strange until they actually met Sun herself. While Miledy was confused as to what Xenovia meant, she didn't continue the topic as she instead greeted Sun normally while conversing with the girls until they reached the next stop.

"Aaaaaaaand that's it folks! Here we are home sweet home, please watch your step as you disembark, and watch for ice on your way home! As for everyone else, next stop, THE ACADEMY!" With her finger pointed forward as if she was saying 'charge!', the train suddenly shot forward as it gradually sped up until it was going even faster than it was before. As she gripped the armrests like she had before, Sun was a little worried as the train began going even faster, a reaction that Miledy noticed as a mischievous grin spread across her lips before she shouted,

"We have a ways to go, so let's go even faster!" At her command the train incredibly sped up even more until Sun felt as if she was being pushed back into her seat, before Miledy suddenly shouted,

"FASTER!" Even though she thought it was impossible by this point, the train sped up even more to the point that Sun felt as if her eyes go into the back of head, before Miledy once again shouted,



"Owee..." Miledy whimpered as she rubbed the top of her head, which was now covered in welts courtesy of Xenovia and Irina once the train finally stopped at the academy, while Asia comforted the slightly sick Sun. "You brutes..." Miledy stated, but she quieted up when Xenovia stepped towards her as if she was going to hit her once again, but was prevented from doing so as a new voice spoke up,

"Welcome everyone." The five girls looked up and saw someone that they were slightly surprised had come to get them, Sona. As she approached Irina couldn't help but ask,

"Oh? What brings you here miss headmistress?" With the emphasis on the last two words, a small smile formed on Sona's lips from pride before she stated,

"I heard you were going to be coming by, and since the Academy isn't too busy yet I thought I'd come to say hello." Though Irina and Xenovia didn't think anything of it, a mischievous grin spread on Miledy's face again at the chance in front of her as she said teasingly,

"Is that really the case? Or did your big sister come to visit and you just wanted to get away from her?" Sona flinched slightly when she heard Miledy's teasing remark, indicating that she had hit the nail on the head while Asia asked,

"What is she doing here in her condition?" Sona sighed before responding,

"Though she has mellowed out slightly since she can't move around like normal, she still comes by every chance she gets while claiming it's because she can't do anything else right now..." As everyone else gave her looks of sympathy, Sun just looked confused before Sona properly introduced herself while leading them to her office. Along the way she pointed out and explained the various buildings and areas of note to Sun, who's head kept turning as if it was on a swivel while she mentally compared the Academy to Youkai Academy. As a group of small children ran by, she couldn't help but ask,

'The Academy is for all ages?' To this Sona nodded while excitedly saying,

"Yes, we offer all grades from preschool through college, but even then I don't discourage adults from attending lessons as well. Some worlds that we end up visiting may be underdeveloped, and so I intend to allow anyone who seeks knowledge to attend the academy." She then went on to explain to Sun about how the Dagons and the Haulia, a group she hadn't met yet, were perfect examples of this since they couldn't properly study before entering Asora, besides from the basics of what they needed to work. She then went on to explain the myriad of classes she hope to have in the future in order to cover every possible subject, as well as physical classes and activities such as Blitzball and, of course, the Rating Games. Sona was in the middle of explaining the complexity of the Rating Games to Sun, when suddenly she froze, her eye twitching slightly. Before Sun even had a chance to ask what was wrong, a shrill voice suddenly cried out,


Locating the source of the voice, this time it was Sun's turn to have her eyes start twitching as she saw a petite girl with her black hair tied back into twin-tails, except that she also had stupidly massive breasts for her size, making Sun look at her own with pity. After comparing the difference between the two of them, she then noticed that the girl also had an overly swollen belly, indicating that she was pregnant. This made her even more dumbfounded before Irina said,

"This is lady Serafall, a former Maou who currently commands all of the Devils of Asora, and Sona's big sister." By this point Sun's mind numbed somewhat as she watched Serafall affectionately embrace Sona while the latter gave her a deadpan stare, and the various onlookers made comments regarding the duo. If it was the Sona of the past then she might have even burst into tears from how embarrassed she would be at her sisters behavior, however that was before they ended up sharing the same bed and man together. And so, she simply grabbed her sisters ear and hauled her back inside while also criticizing her behavior and how it was unbecoming of someone in her position, and with her condition. As they reached the grand entrance way to the main building of the Academy, Sona however turned back and said to Miledy,

"Don't you have somewhere to be Miledy?" The blonde haired girl smirked and said while pulling out her pocket watch,

"Don't worry! I got here early specifically so that I'd have some time to kill, look here, I've even still got-" At that point she cut off suddenly as she stared at her watch, before turning around and sprinting away at the highest speed she could manage on the slick ice, earning her a series of sighs as everyone watched her go.

After Miledy's departure, Sona then led the group up to her office, where she immediately sat her sister down on a couch and made sure she had everything he needed to warm and comfortable without having to get up. She then spent some time visiting with the group before taking Sun on a more in depth tour of the Academy with Irina and Xenovia, while Asia stayed behind with a moody Serafall who was mad about being left behind. As the sun started setting and the chill in the air became more intense, Sona decided it was time for them to retire for the day, and used magic to bring all of them to Misty manor for some dinner, which Sun was obviously invited to with them.

The first thing that had surprised her when she entered the spacious manor was how big and grand it was, but that paled to when she saw the sheer amount of girls within it, that, including the three pregnant women, were all a part of Alex's family. The man himself was already home as well, except he was busy playing with his children while they waited for dinner to be ready. As he lifted Edith in the air and Myuu rode on his shoulders, Alex turned and noticed Sun standing there, staring at him curiously until he asked,

"What is it?" She quickly shook her head as if to say it was nothing, and joined him in playing with the children until dinner. Alex then asked, "So how was your tour of Asora?" Sun paused for a moment at his question, before she pulled out her new pen and wrote,

'It was amazing... I never knew that a place like this could exist. And thank you for the pen.'

Alex smiled widely at her words before telling her it was nothing, until Mai grabbed his attention by waddling over with a new toy she wanted him to see. While Alex continued playing with his children, Sun couldn't help stealing glances at him as the various things she'd seen and heard that day ran through her mind. Eventually they got the call that dinner was ready as the three mothers came to collect their daughters, where Sun officially met nearly every member of Alex's harem, minus the ones staying within the space-time orb. Seeing all of the girls around her was stupefying to say the least, but what also surprised her was the strong sense of unity that existed between them; while a couple of them, such as Rias and Yue, had a bit of a rivalry going, they didn't let that disrupt the harmony they seemingly had amongst each other, and the one at the center of it was of course Alex himself.

Once dinner and dessert were over everyone started dispersing as some of them prepared for bed, while the majority started entering the space-time orb for the night as usual. Alex was about to go and help get the girls ready for bed, but instead someone grabbed his sleeve, making him turn to find Sun holding up her notebook which said,

'Can we talk?'

Curious as to what she wanted, as Sun seemed visibly nervous, Alex led her to an empty room before closing the door so that they could get some privacy. He then show a slight wry smile however as he noticed the girls crowding around the outside of the door through his 'Domain', while Shia even pressed one of her bunny ears against the door to listen in on the conversation inside. Choosing to ignore them since Sun didn't seem to notice their presence, he then turned towards the siren and asked,

"So what did you want to talk about?" Sun took in a deep breath as if preparing herself, before using her pen this time to write out,

'If you'll still let me, I'd like to join your peerage.'

There was a beat of silence as Alex took this in, before he slowly said, "I'd gladly welcome you if you really want to accept it, but I'm curious why you suddenly want to when you said no last night." For a moment Sun didn't reply, before she started writing,

'That was because I didn't know you too well yet or what you wanted, but today I saw the world you are helping to build, the people you've helped, and I've heard about the great things you've done. If it's to help a world of 'peace' like this, then I'll gladly fight and join your.... your.....'

At this point Sun's face became entirely red as she tried to make herself write out the word 'harem', which was such an undeniably 'cute' reaction that Alex smiled warmly before he plopped his hand down on top of her head, ruffling her hair slightly. Though this brought her attention back to him, Sun's embarrassed face was replaced with puffed out cheeks as she didn't like being treated like a child. Before she could say anything however, Alex stated,

"I would be honored to have you join my peerage, though I want you to understand that I'm not the 'good' person others may make me out to be. If needed, I'll readily become a monster or demon if it'll further my goals, or if it's for those I love." At the end of Alex's words, he was surprised when Sun suddenly stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him as if she were trying to comfort him, before the most beautiful voice he had ever heard whispered at a barely audible level,

"You are a good person...." While Alex was standing there gobsmacked at hearing Sun speak for the first time, her resolve to join his peerage was reaffirmed. While she toured Asora that day she had paid attention to everything around her, especially the way the people acted and how they spoke when talking about Alex. From them, and especially how he acted around his wives and children, Sun had concluded that Alex himself was a good person; and, despite his insistence otherwise, she had decided to help him achieve his goals if it meant that the people already around him, and any that'll need his help in the future, were able to live happily.

After several minutes passed Sun finally released Alex from her embrace, and used her pen to write 'I am ready!' Releasing a mild sigh of exasperation, even though he had a wry smile, Alex pulled out a Crimson 'Pawn' piece and explained to Sun how to use it. He then walked her through how to use the system and how to choose a job, which she was able to do because of all of the times others had challenged her to a fight at Youkai Academy. Eventually the duo left the room, while everyone else had scattered by then, as Alex started walking Sun through basic knowledge regarding being part of a peerage while also showing her where the space-time orb was.

When they entered it Alex was unsurprised to find everyone else already there after they stopped eavesdropping, however there seemed to be an intensity in the air, which primarily came from Kurumu as she intensely sparred with Shizuku after learning that Alex had added another person to his peerage. After getting Sun acquainted with those she had yet to meet, Alex was about to have Grayfia help her choose her room, when suddenly he was approached by a certain pink haired vampire. Moka seemed fairly nervous as she approached Alex, before saying,

"My 'inner' self wants to talk to you, so can you please remove my rosary?" This made Alex raise his brows slightly, as he could only imagine what 'inner' Moka wanted to say. Whatever Alex had been expecting however, it certainly wasn't a super powered spin kick directed at his face the moment the rosary had come off, or the murderous glint in 'inner' Moka's eyes as she glared at him.


Name: Sun Otonashi

Race: Siren


Generation's Strongest

Job: Songstress: 1

Jobs Available:

Supportive Singer, Protective Songstress, Saboteur Singer, Vocal Healer

Job History:

Passive Skills:

Enlarged Supernatural Energy Pool: Level 9

Vocal Layering: Level 3(Allows the user to layer several 'songs' on top of each other, as well granting the ability to talk even while they sing)

Vocal Projection: Level 3(Assists in projecting the users voice far beyond what they would normally.)

Active Skills:

Siren in the Dark: Level 5(Sun's ultimate move that allows her to deal minute damage to the internal muscles and organs of her opponent over time while using a voice that can't be heard by others, slowly killing them while they have yet to realize they were being attacked.)

Silence in the Dark: Level 4(A direct sonic attack that is used to damage the opponents muscles to prevent them from using parts of their body for a time, opening them up to attacks.)

Song of protection: Level 4(A song that helps to protect those who hear it from status effects, such as Kanade's 'Song of Death'. Does not however protect from physical attacks.)

Battle Cry: Level 1(Temporarily raises the physical strength of the users allies when they hear it.)

Unique Abilities:

Immense Supernatural Power

Pawn Evil Piece
