Spirit Control




"You're doing well." Kusu suddenly said, breaking the silence that had lasted for the last day as she watched over Alex's training. The man himself opened his eyes slowly to look at her figure in front of him, before taking in the rest of his surroundings.

Currently Alex was balancing at the very top of a needle thin pole that was tapered to the point that, if his concentration slipped in the slightest, he would fall and be impaled on it. Despite this though he was completely calm as his legs straightened so that he was standing upon the point, mimicking Kusu as she did the same across from him.

"Thank you, I'm truly grateful for your instruction." Alex said while bowing respectfully to her, making the petite Angel laugh in the way that was characteristic for her and her siblings.

Several weeks had passed since Kusu, Marcarita, and Vados had joined them. And as Alex desired, his training had advanced by leaps and bounds afterwards due to having someone around that could actually teach him.

Currently the one teaching him was the eldest of the three sisters, while Marcarita was busy teaching some of his wives, and Vados was studying the various forms of magic that were found in each of the world's they had been to. Soon they would alternate so that Vados would be the one accompanying him, while Kusu would teach his wives, and Marcarita would be studying magic.

They rotated like this so that all three could focus their attention on the things Alex wanted them to primarily work on, teaching him and his wives, and learning the numerous forms of magic to add to their arsenal.

The first thing they did after getting settled in Asora was challenge the replica Great Labyrinths that Hajime had created, who recently finished all seven of them. After that Alex had used Creation Magic on their three scepters that all Angels possessed, boosting their basic functions significantly while also adding to what they could do.

Now the scepters were like powerful supercomputers that were able to look up anything from any universe they were currently, or have previously been, in. That was on top of the numerous things that they could already do with their scepters, such as manipulating time, space, and now they were even mediums for the trio to cast powerful magics.

That was also what Kusu was using to teach Alex the techniques of the numerous races throughout the Twelve Universes, like the Spirit Control of Yardrats. It was the same branch of energy techniques that Goku learned to use his Instant Transmission, but it also had numerous other applications like changing one's size, cloning, improving energy detection, and significantly improving energy usage and power. Amongst the most advanced uses though were using one's energy to heal, and a skill called Forced Spirit Fission.

Though Alex could already do most of these things, or similar to them, Spirit Control was still useful to learn since there were numerous applications beyond that, plus the passive effects of increasing his energy control and sense.

After this, the three Angels planned to teach Alex the cream of the crop out of the hundreds of techniques available from the Twelve Universes, even ones that had been lost to time after their creators had been wiped out. Out of them though, there were still several techniques that even Alex couldn't learn.

"You honor me your majesty." Kusu said to his praise after a moment, before continuing, "It IS a shame though that I am not able to teach you Ultra Instinct." Alex smiled wryly at that, as he himself had been surprised when Kusu declared that he couldn't learn the technique.

Similarly to how he was unable to continue watching One Piece, Alex also hadn't known what happened in the world of Dragon Ball after the start of the Tournament of Power. He'd seen memes about Ultra Instinct, yes, but he hadn't learned later in the series that the true form of the technique was unsuitable for Saiyans to learn.

According to Kusu, Perfected Ultra Instinct required one to have mastered their emotions to enter a state of perpetual calm, which she, her father, and all of her siblings had mastered to remain in the state indefinitely. As Saiyans were an emotional race though, coupled with Nika's power, the Boosted Gear, and Alex's own never ending lust, it would be impossible for him to reach this state and hold it indefinitely like the Angels had.

IF Alex wanted to learn Ultra Instinct, then he would need to bastardize the technique to make it suit him specifically. Instead of going through the long and time consuming process to do this though, Alex and the three Angels all agreed that he should simply focus on techniques he COULD learn, and using his Observation Haki instead.

However, that didn't mean there was no one amongst them capable of learning the technique.

"The others appear to be quite into it." Alex said as he focused his senses, which had already become much sharper since he had begun training in Sprit Control. Kusu nodded as she conjured a projection of what Alex was sensing, which was more than fifty women locked in combat with bandanas covering their eyes.

From Alex's peerage was Yue, Shia, Moka, Erza, Shizuku, Grayfia, and Yami; while other trainees included Xenovia, Koneko, Paine, Mizore(surprisingly), Akua, and Freya. The rest of the participants were numerous women from different peerages, the combat maids and Valkyries, who all wanted to train the special technique to become stronger despite the three Angels stating how hard it was to learn.

Shia had also been told by numerous people that Ultra Instinct probably wasn't for her, as the only times the words 'Shia' and 'calm' were used in the same sentence was when she was being told to calm down. But the excitable rabbit-girl insisted on trying to learn the technique, believing that it may help her when she activated 'Berserk'.

Shaking his head at her even now, and still believing that she'd be better off learning something like the Kaio-Ken instead, Alex then turned towards Kusu and said,

"Shall we head back?" The petite Angel nodded as she said with a mischievous smile,

"It's almost time for me to switch with Marcarita, but there's no reason not to enjoy a quick snack before then." Alex smirked as he was tempted to comment about making her his 'snack', but instead he settled for slipping his hand into her robes to cup her bare butt.

This time Alex saw a mischievous gleam in her eyes, showing Kusu's playful side that was more unique to her amongst her siblings, perhaps due to her being born first. The gleam only became more prevalent as Alex rubbed his hand up and down the smooth skin of her blue butt, before he used Instant Transmission to return them both to the villa, where he was immediately attacked.


The moment they appeared in the villa, Alex was attacked by three Lalas who immediately clung on his front, left, and right sides. The Lala in the front then sealed his lips with her own, while the ones on the sides both kissed his cheeks.

Stunned for a moment at the bevy of identical girls suddenly clinging onto him, Alex smiled bitterly as he commented,

"You learned the cloning already?" The Lalas in front of him nodded excitedly before she released him and said,

"That's not all! Watch!" Taking a few steps back as the other two Lalas disappeared, the original Lala suddenly grew until she was the size of a two story building.

"ISN'T THIS SO COOL!?!" Lala boomed down at Alex and Kusu excitedly, making Alex's smile a bit more bitter as he said,

"We can see your panties you know..." Lala either didn't hear him or care though, as she eagerly began examining things from her newfound 'perspective'.

While Alex had only learned Instant Transmission from the Spirit Control skills so far, which was the most basic of the basics, Lala had soared ahead of him by leaps and bounds to already learn several of the numerous skills associated with the technique. Then again, Lala was a genuine genius that invented machines that broke reality in some way or another on a daily basis, and had managed to decode and master every single language and form of magic she encountered within days.

Even so, Lala's excitement was infectious as she tried not to destroy anything underfoot, all the while continuously flashing her light blue panties to whoever happened to be nearby at the time.

"Can you shrink as well?" Alex asked her suddenly, making Lala look down on him as she thought about it for a second, until her entire body began to shrink down.

"Cool!" Lala exclaimed as her figure continued getting smaller and smaller, until she was only a couple inches tall. "Now I'm pocket Lala!"

Alex smiled wryly at that, while even Kusu smirked in amusement next to him.

"I'm headed to Bulma's, want to come along?" Alex asked her suddenly, making Lala's face light up even more(if that was even possible), as she hurriedly flew up to climb into the pocket of his shorts.

"Alright! Let's go!" Lala cried out, prompting Alex to lightly pat his pocket protectively before he said to Kusu,

"I'll be taking Vados with me to Bulma's, so go ahead and take a break before you take over for Marcarita." Kusu bowed slightly in affirmation of his orders, before saying,

"Very well, I will eagerly await your return then your majesty." Rising with the same mischievous glimmer in her eyes that Alex noticed previously, the Angel quickly vanished from his and Lala's view while Alex felt something pinch his butt this time.

'Cheeky girl.' Alex thought to himself with a smile, before the earlier mentioned sister appeared in front of him.

"You have need of me your majesty?" Vados asked as she bowed to Alex respectfully, her long ponytail somehow staying perfectly in place as she did so.

Nodding to confirm her question, Alex said,

"Yes I do, but I'll explain more when we get to Pangea since there'll be others that I'll have to tell as well." Vados bowed her head once again in affirmation of Alex's decision, before the duo(along with pocket Lala) left the space-time orb.

Now in the Misty Manor, Alex commanded Vados to go ahead of him and gather together the people he needed to speak to, which would give them plenty of time to clean up and prepare for him while he got his children up and ready for the day.

What followed was the usual routine of waking his children one by one, and changing the diapers of the youngest ones while the older children brushed their teeth/hair, and got dressed for the day. The only real hiccup in the morning was when Mochi tried to run off before Alex could put a clean diaper on her, resulting in the toddler being picked up and brought back to him with his 'Telekinesis', giggling the entire way.

Once the children were up, ready, and headed to school for the older ones, Alex took a quick walk through town to ensure there were no problems. While he did, Alex discovered a certain duo having breakfast at an outdoor cafe, who apparently got close during his three month seclusion to master Nika's power.

The edges of his mouth curling up mischievously, Alex suddenly declared in a childish and singsong voice,

"Bethany and Grant, sitting in a tree~"

"SHUT UP!" Beth shouted angrily when she heard him, before throwing a cup at Alex with a red face while Grant just bashfully looked down. He easily dodged it though, before a certain pink haired woman poked her head out of his pocket and continued,


She and Alex then continued together,

""First comes love, then comes marriage~""

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Beth shouted as she threw a plate this time, sending food everywhere as Alex dodged that too, before he and Lala concluded,

""Then comes Grant with the baby carriage~!""

By this point Beth had had enough, as she used her Pandoran strength to effortlessly lift the table itself, and threw that as well. Unfortunately that didn't fare any better than the cup and plate had, as Alex danced away and disappeared down the street while cackling playfully amidst the amused and warm looks around the duo.

"Damn him...!" Beth swore, even as her and Grant's table magically returned to the state it had been in before Alex had arrived, with even the food and drinks looking as if they hadn't been strewn across the road.

"Now now." The owner of the cafe, a kind looking portly man, said as he approached them with a few plates of fresh food. "They say that playful teasing is a form of love, now please have these on the house."

Though Beth was still grumbling about Alex being an immature asshole, she still readily dug into the food that had been placed before her, while gently grabbing Grant's right hand with her left one.

Meanwhile Alex was 'watching' them through his 'Domain' after he and Lala took their leave, a smirk on his face as he remarked offhandedly,

"Cute couple~." Lala nodded in agreement from his pocket as she chirped, "yep yep!"

Though Alex HAD been surprised at the duo getting together while he was gone, it wasn't too hard to see why when he thought about it. Beth still hated and had a deep distrust of men due to her past experiences, but, due to Grant's 'unique' circumstances, his innocence and nativity seemed to have won her over without him even realizing it.

She was obviously wearing the pants in the relationship, but as someone who saw the Saiyan as a younger brother, Alex was glad to see them happy together.

After another twenty or so minutes of Alex walking through the streets, greeting people and buying a pastry and drink here and there along the way, he and Lala were finally ready to travel to Pangea. Instead of taking the trains through the portal though, he simply traveled through the wall of mist that appeared in front of him directly into Bulma's house.

"Kya!" Present Bulma cried out at the sudden appearance of a man in her bathroom, before realizing it was Alex as she angrily declared,

"Asshole! I thought you were Goku again or something!" Shaking her head as she recalled the previous mishaps with Goku using Instant Transmission, Bulma quickly continued drying herself off after leaving the shower.

"Sorry, I blame my skill." Alex said without a single trace of sincerity in his voice or expression, making Bulma roll her eyes as she went to her room to get dressed. As she did that, Alex went down to the living room of the mansion to find everyone he sent Vados to collect waiting for him, along with the Angel herself.

Looking over Goku, Bardock, Gine, Raditz, adult Trunks, and the former king Vegeta, three of them rose to bow to Alex as they noticed his arrival, followed by an awkward Trunks, and an irritated Raditz.

"Greetings my liege! To what do we owe the honor?" Vegeta Sr asked respectfully as they straightened back up, making Alex smile wryly at how much he was being bowed to recently. Noticing his awkwardness, Vados giggled from amusement until Alex cleared his throat, and said,

"Ahem! Anyways, I called you all here for something that involves the future of Saiyans as a whole." That got their attention as the six Saiyans eagerly hung onto Alex's every word, as he told them,

" I'm planning to travel to Universe Six, and meeting with the Saiyans there."


For a moment no one said anything as everyone took in Alex's declaration, Bardock, Gine, Raditz, and Vegeta all gaping at the knowledge that they wee going to meet more Saiyans, while Trunks appeared interested since he still knew next to nothing about his heritage. Goku on the other hand,


He was jumping up into the air while pumping his fists in excitement, before he continued,

"If there's still an entire planets of Saiyans, then there must be some really strong ones among them, right!?!" With his enthusiasm earning him everyone attention, Vados quickly burst Goku's bubble as she stepped forward and said,

"Actually Goku-San, the Saiyans of Universe Six are distinctly different from the ones of Universe Seven in a few ways." That drew everyone's attention to the Angel instead, as Vegeta Sr asked her,

"Oh? How so?" Vados brandished her scepter and conjured the image of a planet for them all to see, the sight of which made the former kings eyes go wide as she said,

"Well for one, planet Sadala still exists. And unlike the planet Plant that the Saiyans of this universe took over and renamed after Sadala's destruction, it possesses ten times the gravity present on earth, or in this location of Pangea. This means that the Saiyans of Universe Six are naturally stronger than recent generations of the Saiyans of this universe were before they were destroyed, however they have no knowledge of the Super Saiyan transformation."

The former king nodded slowly as he digested this information, while the younger Saiyans all looked at him and Vados curiously, before he then asked her,

"Is there anything else we should know about them? If they were 'like us', then I doubt this will be a peaceful visit." Vados however surprised him by saying,

"Actually, the Saiyans of Universe Six are hailed as heroes due to them using their strength to combat evil rather than for profit or destruction. Unless something goes wrong in some way, there shouldn't be any real problem meeting with them." As she said that Alex noticed a smirk on the edge of Vados' mouth, knowing she was considering the Saiyans of Universe Six to be 'superior' due to their good nature and increased natural strength.

"Humph! So you're saying their a bunch of softies like Kakarot?" Raditz asked with a sneer, until Alex clapped him on the shoulder and said,

"That 'softie' not only managed to beat you, but also the same prince you served for your entire life, as well as the 'unbeatable' emperor Frieza. Maybe being around them will help you learn how to achieve the SSJ transformation." Raditz shuddered at the tone Alex used, and looked down in shame when he mentioned his persisting inability to activate the SSJ form.

By this point Kakarot had essentially mastered the SSJ2 after spending the last several weeks in the space-time orb, while Bardock, Trunks, and Vegeta Sr had all managed to reach the second stage as well, and Gine was still on the first. Raditz was the only one who still couldn't even managed the first stage, a fact that frustrated him to no end.

"Um, Alex..." Gine suddenly spoke up, drawing Alex's attention as he said,

"Yes Gine?" The Saiyaness appeared uncomfortable for a moment as she tried to find the words for what she wanted to say, before she finally asked,

"Can I stay back this time? To help take care of Goten and stuff!" She quickly added at the end of her request, while Alex noticed Gine hesitantly hold her stomach for a second.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Alex looked over her body with magic, and his eyes widened at what he found before he smirked and elbowed Bardock while going,

"You sly dog!" The Saiyan in question though only looked at Alex confusedly, and asked,

"What?" Alex cocked a brow at that as he looked at Gine pointedly, who looked away embarrassedly and refused to meet his gaze.

Truthfully Alex thought it was a wonderful thing that Gine and Bardock were going to have another child, as they were still technically fairly young due to their bodies not aging while they were in hell. Though Bardock was even more dense than Goku was at times, it would be good for them to have a child to care for with the values he was trying to teach the Saiyans.

Ignoring Bardock's ignorance for the moment though, Alex said to the expecting mother,

"Alright then, we'll go to Sadala with just the six of us while you hold down things here Gine." The Saiyaness sighed in relief for Alex's understanding, though she considered it his fault she was now pregnant since she had to find Bardock after the 'incident' when he returned from his long absence.

With their game plan set, Alex looked at Vados and asked,

"Alright! With all of that settled, can you take us to Universe Six Vados?" The Angel nodded in affirmation as she said,

"Of course your majesty." She then raised her scepter up and was about to tap it on the ground, when a voice cried from Alex's pocket,

"Wait!" Surprising even Alex, as he had forgotten she was in there, everyone watched wide eyed as a pink haired woman leapt out of Alex's pocket as she grew in midair until she was her normal size.

"Good timing, I forgot you were even in there Lala." Alex said with relief, thinking she was just trying to make sure she didn't get brought along on their diplomatic mission. Surprising him yet again though, Lala made a proud face as she said,

"Actually, instead of relying on Vados, this is the perfect time to test my new invention!"

"""Uh oh..."""

Alex and both of the Bulmas uttered when they heard that when they finally finished getting ready, all three knowing well enough how Lala's inventions were. She was a genius, yes, but that didn't stop the numerous malfunctions that her inventions often suffered from.

Ignoring their reluctance though, Lala readily produced a large machine in an empty space that looked like a platform with a control panel on it.

"INTRODUCING, Warp Warp~Kun Universal! The Warp Warp~Kun that can even send you to an entirely different universe in a flash!" The Saiyans appeared intrigued at the machine as Lala introduced it, and Vados admired it with amusement, but Alex and the two Bulmas couldn't help but to be wary of it.

"Lala..." Alex began hesitantly, before concluding, "Your Warp Warp-Kun machines tend to malfunction quite a bit...plus this is kinda a large jump." As Alex said, warping a short distance away was an entirely different matter than warping between entire universes.

Lala however waved away his concerns as she said,

"It's fine! I've learned from my previous mistakes so there should be no problems!" Though Alex wasn't convinced, Vados quickly told him,

"Isn't this so interesting your majesty? I'm quite excited to try this machine out myself!" Alex just sighed at that, as he knew Vados would go along with it despite the risks just because it was a form of amusement to her.

"Don't blame me if something goes wrong..." Alex finally said while shaking his head, making Lala jump up into air excitedly as he, Vados, and the five Saiyans all climbed up onto the platform.

"Set the coordinates for Planet Sadala in Universe Six." Alex told her seriously, which Lala readily did before saying,

"Ok.....and all done! And goooooooooo!" Smashing the button that actually activated the teleporter, the group vanished in a flash of light.

"Uh oh..." Lala uttered when the flash died down, to reveal a pile of clothes.



Immediately Alex felt hot water submerging his legs up to his knees, before he felt a breeze on his skin.

"Of course..." He muttered while opening his eyes to confirm his suspicion, only to see a completely naked Vados in front of him.

"Oh my!" Vados exclaimed when she saw their current state, not at all concerned with Alex seeing her naked blue body. Thankfully though she still had her scepter since they were bound to their respective Angel.

However a noise drew Alex's attention to see what was behind him, prompting him to turn to see other Saiyans that were also naked as they day they were born. Instead of the five Saiyan men that were supposed to be accompanying him though, Alex was looking at six startled Saiyan women who were apparently in the middle of their bath, and were similarly naked.

"So who wants to kick off this orgy?" Alex asked the six women humorously, though apparently they didn't find it funny as all six of the women glared at him while their energy began to spike upwards.



"You are surround! Please come forward quietly without further incident!" A voice demanded over a speakerphone, aggravating an already annoyed Raditz as he shouted,

"Oh can it already!" However that didn't seem to help matters as more and more Saiyans surrounded the five of them, all prepared to fight as one of them stated,

"We've got the streakers surrounded! Just give us the order sir!"

(A.N. Before people start commenting and complaining about it, I'm making it where the Saiyans of Universe Six still have their tails since there was no real reason for them not to have them other than so there was no worry about the Great Ape transformations.)