Clash of the Emperors

"'What took us so long'?!" Trunks repeated in indignation, while his grandfather, Bardock, and Raditz all narrowed their eyes at Alex's calm attitude.

"We've been getting chased around the entire planet as perverted streakers this whole time! And here you are, lounging on the throne, enjoying yourself!" Raditz snarled angrily, even as Alex snapped his fingers and instantly dressed the group of Saiyan men. However he snorted a minute later while saying,

"I JUST got here myself a few minutes ago." The five of them appeared skeptical of that though, so Alex explained to them,

"Vados and I teleported into the hideout of an increasingly notorious bandit clan, where I defeated the entire clan before turning them into my loyal bitches."

"Oh talk dirty some more!" Caulifla said as she nibbled on Alex's earlobe, which he ignored as he continued,

"Then, once we were done with the orgy, we immediately teleported directly into the castle to meet with King Sadala. The moment he laid eyes on me though he challenged me to a duel, in which I beat his ass. And now I'm emperor of the Saiyans of Universe Six too... Go figure."

When he finished recounting his time on Sadala, Alex had a wry smile on his face due to the fact that hadn't even been trying to take over these Saiyans as well, only establish friendly relations with them. But the moment he showed up, the effect of Alex's 'Saiyan Emperor' title reared its ugly head.

'Oh well.' Alex thought to himself since there was no point crying over it, especially since at that moment another group barged into the throne room as the one at their head cried out,

"We've finally got you cornered you damn perverts! I'm sorry for this heinous disruption your majesty, but we'll be out of you hair.....soon..." The captain of the troops trailed off as he saw the situation in the throne room, namely his King kneeling to an unknown visitor.

"That will be unnecessary captain..." The former king Sadala said in a defeated voice, before continuing, "And I am no longer King. That privilege, now belongs to our new emperor..." As he said that, Sadala gestured to Alex upon their throne, who's smile only grew wryer as he told the Saiyan captain of the guard,

"Well, I'll have to apologize about that misunderstanding. One of my wives is quite the inventor, but her creations often have unfortunate side effects. We used one of her teleporters to arrive here, and were relieved of our clothing against our will in the process." As Alex finished speaking four of the other Saiyans readily voiced their agreement and indignation at their treatment, while Goku still didn't understand what the problem was, and Vados giggled humorously.

As the rest of the Saiyan nobility and guards shuffled awkwardly at that, one spoke up as he asked,

"So what do we do now?" The question brought everyone's attention directly to Alex as they awaited his answer.

To them, there was no more frightening moment than that of suddenly having a new king. Unlike the Saiyans of Universe Seven, these Saiyans were warriors of justice that fought for good in the universe alongside one of their greatest allies, emperor Frost.

None of them truly knew what Alex wanted, but as their new emperor they were honor-bound to follow him until one rose up and challenged him in combat for his position. If he wanted to wage war against the universe, they would have to no choice but follow him into battle.

It was like everyone within the throne room was holding their breath as they awaited Alex's answer, until he finally said,

"Well...truthfully I wasn't planning on becoming king of Sadala to begin with. I simply wanted to make contact with the Saiyans of this Universe since there are so few of us left in Universe Seven. Plus, I have an offer to any interested in fighting opponents the like of which they have never seen, as well as for them visit universes beyond the twelve."

At first no one quite knew how to answer what Alex told them, until the former king Sadala uttered,

"So does that mean that our new emperor has his own world to rule already?" Alex nodded as he readily told them,

"Asora, a world that connects numerous universes through inter dimensional portals. I wasn't planning on creating one that led to Universe Six, but we can install one on planet Sadala to ensure a permanent connection between the two worlds." Unlike the silence from before, what Alex said this time sparked a wave of muttering and discussion from former king Sadala and the rest of the Saiyan nobles.

Though he could listen in through his 'Domain', Alex didn't sense any malicious intent in the discussions, so he waited until the Saiyans reached an agreement before Sadala turned back to him and stated,

"Then we will accompany our liege to this Asora, with your blessing of course your majesty." Alex furrowed his brows at that, sighing in exasperation before saying,

"Nah, there's no need for you to abandon your homeland." His words confused the gathered Saiyans, before Alex clarified,

"Just recall any Saiyans that are out in the universe, and after the announcement I'll bring the entirety of Sadala into Asora. You'll all still have your planet, and still be close enough to serve me. How's that?"

To say that the Saiyans of Sadala were stunned would be an understatement at that moment, as they tried to imagine the power it to take to move an entire planet. Alex meanwhile didn't think anything of it, as he had been collecting barren and empty planets from throughout the universes they been visiting for a while now to give the people in Asora places to train where they wouldn't cause too much collateral damage.

Plus they had been using them as a side project of sorts, regarding terraforming the planets to make them habitable for any other future uses they might have for them.

The first to recover was the former king Sadala, who slowly said,

"Alright..... I'll also notify emperor Frost while we are at it. He's been a long time ally to our people, and deserves to know why we won't be here at all times in the future." Alex frowned when he heard, as the image of said emperor suddenly appeared in his mind.

Frost was this universe's version of Frieza, the cruel and evil tyrant that ruled areas of Universe Seven with an iron fist. Frost on the other hand was known to the masses as a kind and benevolent ruler, who regularly led his forces into battle against space pirates.

However, from what Alex recalled, it was revealed during the tournament between Beerus and his twin, Champa, that Frost's entire positive image was a complete sham. He was, in actuality, exactly like Frieza from Universe Seven.

"Vados." Alex suddenly said in a serious tone, drawing everyone's attention as the Angel stepped forward to hear her lord's command. He then asked her in voice loud enough that it carried over the entire throne room,

"Is Frost as benevolent as they say?" Vados smiled as she realized what Alex was getting at, before conjuring projections of Frost in discussion with numerous figures, figures who made the gathered Saiyans bristle in anger.

"I know them..." Sadala growled in anger at seeing the figures that were happily chatting with Frost, while the rest of the nearby Saiyans emitted thick rolling waves of killing intent.

"They are the captains of the space pirates, the most notorious band of criminals in Universe Six. Many of our warriors have met their end at their battles we followed Frost into..."

The killing intent being emitted by the Saiyans multiplied when their former king said that, as they glared hatefully at the image Vados had conjured. Their rage increased when she added sound to the picture, and they heard Frost discussing his plans with them regarding attacking a planet that wasn't under his control, which would allow him to swoop in and 'save' them, before adding it to his growing empire.

Deciding that what they found was more than damning enough, Alex then said to the beautiful Angel,

"Vados, bring him here."

"Of course my liege." Vados answered before tapping her scepter on the stone floor, creating a sphere of energy as she used Spatial magic to transfer Frost from the other side of the universe to the middle of the throne room in an instant.

"And once the Saiyans-" Frost said once he appeared before them, only to cut himself off when he saw he was surrounded by dozens of very angry looking Saiyans.

"Why king Sadala! To what do I owe this.....unexpected trip?" Despite his rapid shift from space pirate to kindly emperor, there was a noticeable tension under his facade, even more so as a wave of killing intent assaulted him.

"Frost..." The former Saiyan King spat out as his aura surged in strength, while the five that arrived with Alex surrounded the emperor threateningly.

Frost was the spitting image of the same tyrant that wiped out their entire race, killed Krillen when he fought Goku on the original Planet Namek, and tried to destroy Earth before Goku could return, only to be killed by Trunks. The only difference between the two was that, while Frieze's body was grey and pink, Frost's was grey and blue.

Alex could tell that all five of the Saiyans, along with the rest of their counterpart kin, were itching to get a piece of Frost at that moment, though Goku just wanted to see how he'd compare to Frieza. Frost on the other hand had no idea what was going on, and while even Caulifla was practically bouncing in anticipation of fighting Frost as well, Alex decided to end things there as he stood, and said,

"They know Frost." The demon-like figure turned and saw Alex sitting upon the Saiyan throne for the first time, as he slapped Caulifla's butt to get her to move so he could stand up.

Though she was tempted to make a remark about his action, Caulifla decided not as she instead focused upon the show that was about to start.

"And who are you?" Frost asked Alex curiously, while also appearing not at all concerned with the strangely hostile environment he suddenly found himself in.

"I am Alexander Morningstar, the Dragon Emperor!" As he said that, Alex's own aura suddenly surged forwards, smothering all the rest as even Frost was forced to take a step backwards in surprise from it.

"I-I see..." He uttered in the face of Alex's power, before asking, "And what do they 'know'?"

Alex smirked as Frost continued trying to play dumb, stepping down from the throne as he told him,

"They know that you're actually the leader of the same space pirates that they've gone into battle with numerous times, battles that have claimed the lives of many of their kin and comrades." Frost's eyes widened briefly, before he uttered,

"Oh....they know THAT."

Instead of appearing concerned though, Frost suddenly smirked as he adopted an expression as if he were pondering something, before saying,

"How about this then! The brave Saiyan people were beset by a new threat calling himself the 'Dragon Emperor', who destroyed the planet Sadala and wiped all but the few Saiyans who were scattered throughout the universe at the time! But immediately afterwards, the great emperor Frost happened upon him and avenged the poor fallen Saiyans! How's that?"

If the Saiyan people were angry before, then they downright livid now when they heard Frost's plans for them. Meanwhile, as if to say they weren't going to let that happene, Goku, Bardock, Vegeta Sr, Trunks, and Raditz all went super Saiyan at that moment, much to the surprise of Frost and the Saiyans around them when they felt the power being emitted by the group.

"That doesn't sound like a half bad plan, except for one small problem." Alex however said in a calm voice, gesturing to the five to back off, which they did reluctantly.

"Oh? And what is that?" Frost asked with humor in his voice, until Alex said,

"There are currently seven of us here that can kick your ass six ways to Sunday, but I'm the only one needed. So, I say you can either change into your final form so I can hurry up and kick your sorry ass, or we can just skip right to the execution."

As Alex said that the five Super Saiyans(reluctantly) stepped back further, showing they wouldn't interfere in the fight as they gave Alex and Frost room. Seeing this, Frost snorted as his own aura skyrocketed, and his figure changed from his more reptilian base form with large pointed horns on the side of his head, to a slightly larger more smooth form, with a bulbous round head, and splotches of blue.

"Is this what you wanted?" Frost asked in a mocking tone, before he vanished suddenly and planted his foot in the side of Alex's face with all of his strength, causing a series of cracks to spiderweb out across the walls, floor, and ceiling.

His smirk quickly vanished though when Alex's expression hadn't changed in the slightest, as he instead uttered, "Ow?" as if unsure if he should've felt pain from the attack or not.

"H-how...?" Frost uttered in dumbfoundment, while the surrounding Saiyans also stared in awe as they behold their new emperor's true strength for the first time.

"You're too weak, that's how." Alex said as he broke the silence, stunning everyone present as Frost's expression contorted into anger for the first time.

"Oh really?" He growled menacingly, before drawing his foot back and taking a stance directly in front of Alex. "Then try this on for size! HA!"

Frost them delivered a single high speed punch directly into Alex's abdomen, which proceeded a series of high speed attacks moving so fast, that not even Goku was able to keep up with his movements.

"HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!-"


Within seconds hundreds, if not thousands, of punches pummeled Alex's abdomen over and over again, the force of which even began reducing the floor below them to dust in an increasingly wider area the longer the attack went on. It was a ruthless attack that would break even the most sturdy of opponents if given enough time.

And yet...

"Haaaaaaa-! Are you done yet? I kinda have other things I need to do..." Alex said with a tone as if he were bored, while also stifling a yawn.

Frost leapt back when he spoke, allowing him to take a look at his handiwork for the first time, and see that he had done nothing to Alex's body.

"W-what! How!?!" Alex just shrugged though, as he said,

"My physical defense is stupidly high, when I'm not suppressing it, and my body is actually made of rubber, so even if I couldn't defend against them your attacks wouldn't do anything to me. It didn't feel too bad, can you massage my back next?"

Ignoring the stunned look on Frost's face, Alex turned around and directed his back towards his opponent, increasing the incredulity of the situation.

'How can this be?!' Frost demanded within his mind as he began to feel truly angry for the first time in his life.

Other than Lord Champa, he had never encountered someone truly stronger than him in his life, though the assassin Hit could probably give him a run for his money. Even his current and strongest form had to be sealed away after he accidentally killed someone with it recently due to how powerful it was, lest the public opinion begin to turn against him. But now here he was against someone who considered him nothing more than a small fry, all while he was using his strongest and most powerful form.

Frost clenched his fists in anger so hard, that his blue blood began dripping onto the floor as he growled,

"Very well... If physical attacks won't work, THEN TRY THESE!" As he shouted at Alex, both of Frost's hands began to glow from his use of energy.




Energy attacks of every variety assaulted Alex's back, from destructive spheres, razor sharp disks, and piercing rays, kicking up a cloud of dust and debris as they impacted their target.

Seeing that, Sadala tried to rush forward but was stopped by an outstretched hand, as Vegeta Sr said without looking back at him,

"From one former king to another, trust in our emperor." Sadala looked at Vegeta incredulously at that, before realization dawned on him that he was looking at his counterpart from Universe Seven.

Before he could truly absorb that though, the barrage of explosions began to slow slightly, before stopping entirely as Frost glared at the place Alex had been standing at, which was enshrouded in a cloud of thick dust.

"Haa haa haa..."

For a couple tense moments all that could be heard was Frost panting as they all waited for the dust to clear, before the figure of Alexander Morningstar once again came into view, looking no worse for the wear. As he turned back towards them though, Alex was rolling his arm before he said to Frost,

"I think you popped my shoulder, thanks for that!"


No one knew how to respond to that as Alex thanked Frost for attacking him with all he had, least of all the tyrannical emperor. But as Alex's words reverberated within his skull, he uttered with a voice dripping with venom,


Alex and the rest of the gathered Saiyans looked at him curiously even as Frost repeated,

"'Thanks'?! How about you say thanks to this!"

The mad emperor then raised his hand as he began summoning the most massive amount of energy he ever had in his entire life to destroy this worthless rock and everyone on it. But, before he could so much as move a single muscle,


Frost let out a single shuddering gasp as the energy he gathered dissipated, and he looked up to see that Alex was no longer standing in front of him. Instead, the Saiyans saw their new emperor standing behind with his back to him, a brilliant long golden sword in his hand and a deathly serious look in his eyes.

"Goodbye Frost." Alex said simply without any emotion, before numerous lines began to appear throughout Frost's body, when suddenly his entire figure was enveloped in brilliant golden flames.

As a species, both Frost and Frieza were incredibly resilient to the point that they could both survive in the vacuum of space without any assistance, and they could survive for at least several minutes after being cut up into numerous bite-sized pieces. As Frost's body began to fall apart though, the brilliant golden flames made the evil emperor scream as he had never before screamed in his life from the pain he was feeling.

He felt every single atom of his body being turned to ash as the divine golden flames consumed him, until there was nothing left as even his soul burned with Alex imbuing the flames with his 'Soul Break' skill to ensure that Frost never returned.

As Frost's screams died down, not a single person said anything. Instead, they were staring at the scorched spot that Frost had been standing in just seconds prior, until Alex suddenly snapped his fingers.

Not only had the sword he'd been wielding disappeared, but then the damage done to the throne room began to repair itself as if time was rewinding until everything was restored. Once that was done, Alex turned to Vados and stated,

"Vados, I want a recording of what Frost had said, as well as his death, played throughout every planet he had influence in. We will need to know just where they'll stand regarding what happen here, as well as prepare for the backlash of the space pirates losing their leader. If nothing else, now they'll probably be more daring and dangerous without him holding them in check." Inclining her head in affirmation, Vados told him,

"I figured that you would ask me to do that, so I already live streamed Frost's plans to destroy planet Sadala and frame your majesty for it, as well as his execution, across the universe." Alex nodded at her before turning his attention to Sadala and the rest of the Saiyans, and saying,

"New plans Sadala. When the rest of the Saiyans arrive here we'll announce my Ascension as planned, but before bringing you all into Asora with the planet I want you to destroy the remnants of the space pirates. Do you think your warriors can do that?" There was no hesitation in Sadala's eyes as he readily kneeled to Alex and said

"Of course my liege! Truly you have opened our eyes to how blind we were in trusting one such as Frost, and we will gladly rally to destroy the remnants of the evil he has spread throughout our universe!" When he said that the rest of the gathered Saiyan nobles similarly kneeled before Alex and parroted Sadala's words, earning them a brief nod from Alex as he glanced at Vegeta Sr for a beat.

Though no words were passed between the two, Vegeta Sr understood that Alex wanted him to remain behind to teach the Saiyans of Universe Six about the Super Saiyan transformation. This would bolster their forces significantly, while simultaneously limiting the casualties that the warrior people would suffer at the hands of the space pirates, but it would also serve as a test of sorts for Alex to determine just how strong they were as a whole.

Alex then turned towards Goku, Bardock, Raditz, and Trunks, before saying,

"As for you guys, stay and help the Saiyans of Universe Six, or return to Pangea to prepare for the tournament. I'll leave the decision up to you." The group nodded as they all began forming their own plans for the near future.

Goku and Bardock both planned to return to prepare for the tournament, deciding to leave the current situation to the Saiyans here, and because Goku was looking forward more to fighting the people of Asora in the tournament itself. Meanwhile both Trunks and Raditz elected to stay behind, the former so he could gain more experience in real battle, which he learned through Cell he was lacking in, while the latter wanted to temper his transformations in actual combat rather than simply training back on Pangea.

"What do you want me to do?" Caulifla asked from the throne, where she was still sitting on its arm while the five members of her bandit clan gathered around her.

"Go and gather your things from your hideout, and when I return to Asora you'll be accompanying me in order to undergo some 'special' training. Once that's done I'll send you back here to assist in dealing with space pirates." Though she pouted when Alex said he wanted her to help with the battle against the space pirates, Caulifla looked excited when he mentioned the special training.

It was obvious to anyone with eyes that Alex himself didn't look like a normal Saiyan, while the five that had come with him were all also interesting due to their golden haired transformations that none of them had ever heard of. So Caulifla was looking forward to learning all she could about acquiring that power for herself.

With everyone else's plans made though, Sadala looked up at Alex from his kneeling position, and asked,

"My liege, what are your plans until the rest of our kin return? If you wish then we can quickly prepare accommodations for you to relax, eat, or otherwise 'enjoy' yourself until then." As he said that Sadala glanced back at Caulifla and the rest of her clan, already having an idea of how his new emperor 'enjoyed' himself in his free time, and preparing a roster of girls to send to keep him occupied until they were ready.

Surprisingly though, after pondering the offer for a moment, Alex shook his head and replied,

"I'll decline since I have something else to do while we wait, something I can't quite put off." Curious as to what could be so urgent that it couldn't wait, Sadala couldn't help but to ask,

"What is it you wish to do my liege? And how shall we be of assistance?" This time Alex smiled wryly as he told him,

"No need to trouble yourself, I'll be more than enough. And I intend to locate a certain legend, or demon, depending on who you talk to."