Memory Nine: Between Half a Dream

As Will left his dorm room, things of course would set into motion all over the island. Though first off upon leaving Will noticed one figure standing on the path towards the old training center. Will didn't recognize this person as they were wearing a large black trench coat with a black fedora as well, he however did stop before this person as they blocked his path outright. "Can I help you?" Will asked in a rather rude tone as he didn't know what to do. "Help me? No, you can come with me peacefully though." The person said in a deep voice making Will believe they were possibly male. "Look, I'd love to but I got somewhere to be, so maybe next time." Will told them as he moved a step to the side looking to go around the person. "Well ya see, Ms.Tempus would have a problem with that. So I can't let you do that." The man said as they motioned with their right hand and a wall of earth moved up from the ground to block Will outright. "Alright, you asked for it." Will said as his hands glowed blue with energy and he rushed forward around the wall. Upon going around he came face to face with another wall, so he kept moving around to be met with another wall. Basically as Will rushed forward more walls would appear between him and the man, so each time he would have to move around like a zig-zag pattern.

The more he moved the more Will realized that he was being forced to actually move away from where he wanted to go, he currently glanced to his left seeing he was close to the train station now, thus he figured actually stopping the man would be more efficient than running. So the next wall that popped up Will stored some energy in his fist and smashed his way through the wall. He was met on the other side with a spike of earth heading for him. Will jumped forcing his body to become horizontal at just the right moment to dodge the spike. He then pushed off it with his hand with enough force to swing his lower body down and give his legs purchase. As soon as his feet touched the stone Will lunged forward dodging yet another earth spike speeding for him from the side.

Will rolled onto the ground on the other side and immediately got ready for the next attack. As the next spike came at him, Will made a breaking motion with his hands and broke the spike free from the earth that moved it. Will then made it float with his power and turned it back towards the man. With one quick shoving motion with his hand Will launched the earth spike back at the man. A wall went up to meet the spike though, effectively blocking it. "Haha! Nice try! Gonna have to be smarter than that to get through Goro's defenses!" he shouted mockingly at Will. Will gave a small groan as he continued to move towards Goro while dodging spikes.

The boy simultaneously was breaking the spikes and launching them back though so he didn't let Goro just wildly attack him without retaliation. Will gradually made Goro move back in the direction Will wanted by forcing Goro to back off by dodging his attacks. Goro eventually caught on to what Will was having him do so he stopped moving and instead made more walls to block the attacks. Seeing as this was going nowhere Will did a fake and dived behind a wall to catch his breath. "Haha! Hiding I see! Smart! Though not smart enough!" Goro shouted as Will reflexively rolled forward managing to dodge the spike attack. Will this time dashed from where he was and broke off multiple spikes from his surroundings as he ran making them float along after him. As Will neared Goro he launched each spike he controlled to meet Goro's own attacks heading for him, blocking them effectively.

As Will vaulted a wall that started coming up he launched a surprise spike at Goro who moved out of the way but got scraped by it. "Haha! Come on Spike! More!" Goro shouted enthusiastically while laughing. This really bothered Will so he made a move to pick up more earth spikes as he dashed forward, he launched them immediately at Goro with lethal precision. Goro managed to block the first two but the third shot nailed him in his right shoulder piercing into it. When the lug of a man looked at the spike he noticed it was shaped more into a smaller spiralled javelin before it was launched. Will was getting smarter at using his power, but he also managed to run past Goro in all the attacks that were made. "Well shit… Kid got smarter. I leave him to you then." Goro lamented as Will moved further away from him back towards the school. Goro would soon disappear through a gold portal like vortex back to whence he came, one would presume back to his base or headquarters.

Elsewhere in the school Damian and Artemus moved from their rooms heading out to hopefully catch up with Will. Meanwhile Lily woke up with a fright from a dream, she calmed herself down but could hear the sound of fighting out her window in the distance and didn't like the feeling it gave her. Lily quickly got ready then left her room. As she did so Damian was just walking past her when she heard him say "You better go before it's too late.. Will might not be around for long if this keeps up." before he left quickly. Lily looked in his direction then back out to where she could hear the fighting "Don't tell me that's, Will". Upon her realization Lily began running in that direction meeting up with Leona and for some reason Nora as well who seemed to be out early that morning for breakfast. The three girls moved to meet up with Jacob who was out on a morning run, though by the time they met him the fighting seemed to have stopped. The group hesitated for a moment deciding where to head towards "The fighting stopped.. So what now?" Jacob asked as he looked at Lily. The girl had no idea what to do, that is till Damian and Artemus passed by them quickly on a different path. She felt they knew something so she motioned for the others to follow and followed the two older males from a distance.

Meanwhile Will decided to just head around the new training center building and ditch the path that went between it and the main building. He had decided on this when he realized Goro maybe wanted him to go that way. So in order to defy him he chose a different path. Unfortunately for him though Will came face to face with another person in a black trench coat and fedora, though this time they had a slender female esque figure. "Hmph. I see you got past Goro! Too bad you won't get through me though!" The lady shouted as electricity lashed out at Will. Will narrowly avoided the blast and immediately changed to a defensive position with his hands up in front of him like a boxer. "Got past him and I'll get past you too!" Will retorted as he watched her carefully. The girl let out a short laugh then sent whips of electricity at the boy. Will tried to dodge them at first but kept getting stung by the tip. Finally he stopped dodging and tried coating his forearms as well as shins with energy instead, choosing to block the damage however he could.

Once he figured out how much energy to use to block a good amount of damage, Will started to move forward blocking the whips as they came at him with electricity crackling about. The girl became more frantic as he got nearer and even started to throw out random bolts of electricity. Will simply gritted his teeth through any pain and moved closer, once close enough he dashed in and went for some punches. The lady dodged with quick reflexes and made some distance between them. "Hmph! Too slow for me, Viveen the lightning queen!" Viveen shouted antagonistically to Will as she lashed out at him. Figuring out her name didn't help Will at all, what he needed was help figuring out what to do. For him right now he felt more lost using his power than anything, as what he once thought was telekinesis was actually something different entirely. Will was forced to learn how to use his power through experience, which in whole wasn't bad, but in the long run right now it would hurt more than help.

As Viveen got further away Will needed to come up with something to combat her at a distance if this battle went on any further. He hardly had time to come up with a plan though as the woman lashed lightning whips out at him constantly. Though as he blocked the whips, Will spread the energy out from his left hand into the air making a basic circular shield to block with. Once he did that Will concentrated energy into his right fist and when the time was right he imagined throwing the energy forward. Sure enough the energy burst from his hand like a glowing blue bullet at Viveen hitting her squarely in a shoulder. "Ugh! So NOT fair!" Viveen shouted as she started using only one whip and started to launch random bolts at Will with her other hand. Will would block as needed but focused on launching his energy blasts at her dealing small amounts of damage. After a short time Viveen's attacks came less frequently as she had taken considerable damage while Will managed to protect himself pretty well. Thinking he had her cornered Will started to walk towards her with his shield in front of him while still firing blasts.

Though before he could get close to Viveen an explosion of fire erupted out of the wall between them. Sure enough another figure in a trench coat walked through the hole made in the wall. "About damn time Frey!" Viveen shouted as the auburn haired man just gave her a dismissing wave and turned to face will. "Alright kid, enough playing games with her. I'm getting impatient so it's my turn now." Frey told Will as he launched several fireballs his way. Will immediately created several shields of energy in front of him but only managed to block the first two attacks as they blasted through his shields. Will barely could dodge the next fireballs as they singed his jacket and pants in spots. Before Will could really think about it being two on one Viveen actually disappeared into a glowing vortex that vanished as she did. "It's just one after another huh?" Will mumbled to himself as he struggled with blocking more fireballs and sent out energy blasts in retaliation as a firefight ensued.

Meanwhile on the other side of the new training center building Lily and the rest were still following Damian and Artemus. Though the two boys stopped midway and turned to face them "We know you've been following us for a while! It's no use though, you can't save him!" Damian shouted to the small group. "Save who!? Will!? What did you do with him!?" Lily shouted questioningly as she noticed Damian take up an aggressive stance. "You really don't know? Then let me tell you; Will should not have existed. He was a by product from the incident with Spike." Artemus told them all as they each felt a pounding in their heads at the mention of the name. "Shouldn't have existed!? W-Wait, you said Spike? Who's that?" Lily questioned as tension started to rise. "Let me tell you. Spike is our precious friend, he knew you all too. That day several years ago, the one that closed the old training center, was the day we lost him. You all were doing a training session, during this session though both Lily and Leona failed to realize that a pillar was about to crush them. Spike acted on his own before either Damian and I could react. Our third teammate Eevi wasn't there yet either. He sacrificed himself to save you, and ended up trapped in that room!" Artemus told them as his tone grew more angry over time. Lily's head was pounding as she heard the story.

She remembered that day but then things got fuzzy. Though as she and the others concentrated on their story they started to actually remember what happened. There was a silence for a time between the two groups till Lily finally spoke up "W-Why, why did he save us? He had no reason to! We didn't ask for it! But I don't remember what happened exactly! All i remember is giving Felixi…" Lily trailed off as she remembered the principal as her eyes widened and she looked Artemus in the eyes. "We believe the principal tampered with all of your memories regarding that day.. As when Damian, Eevi and I saw you after you went in her office you guys looked normal. We thought it odd so we escaped and came back years later." Artemus told them his voice trailing off as Leona interjected with "Why would she do that!? Why tamper with our memories!?". "We think it has to do with Will. You see, he showed up after we tried to free Spike one day. Felixi has some sort of plan for that boy's power. It's not what you guys think!" Damian was the one who spoke up this time, his comment of course angered Lily.

"Will only has telekinesis! It's not a rare power! Why would she want that!? What does he have to do with this Spike person?" Nora shouted as she only wanted answers at this point since she had no clue what was going on. "You're wrong. He doesn't have telekinesis. Will has the ability to manipulate the world's energy, the one people only dream of! Felixi wants this for her own agenda! For what we don't know." Artemus explained as he rubbed his left temple, talking with these students was a hassle as they knew nothing of the real world or how it seemingly worked. "You can think of Will and Spike as two parts of a puzzle. That puzzle was taken apart though and still has a piece missing, it needs to become whole again. Will is that missing piece, the one that will bring Spike back!" Artemus explained the best he could to them using simple terms. They all stood there a moment as the group of four came to understand what Artemus meant. "So what? Will is going to disappear?" Lily said as she felt an ache in her heart "I'm going to stop him then! We can work this out!" She finished as she started to move forward but stopped as a fireball scorched the ground in front of her.

"I'm sorry Lily, but I can't let you do that." Damian told her as he looked to the others, it was clear to them all that they would need to defeat these two in order to pass. Jacob was the first to move, launching his own fireball towards Damian with Leona sending out a jet of water towards Artemus. Damian blocked the fireball easily and Artemus simply cut through the water with a jet of air. After a moment of feeling each other out it became two different two on ones. Leona and Jacob teamed up to fight Damian while Lily and Nora fought Artemus. Damian and Jacob had a literal firefight, attacking each other with fireballs and blasts of fire. Leona protected Jacob with shields of water and helped with attacking where she could. Meanwhile Lily worked on neutralizing Artemus's attacks with her own since they had command of the same element, while Nora shape shifted into a leopard and tried attacking with physical attacks. The fights were rather one sided in favor of the older males, for they had far more battle experience than these four students. Although they did match each other blow for blow as time went slowly on.

On the other side of the building Will was struggling against Frey's onslaught of fire attacks. The young boy hadn't come up with a suitable way to beat the man, all he could do was block and send his own energy blasts back. After a minute though Will decided to try something risky. When Frey launched another fireball at the boy instead of dodging it Will coated his hands in energy and seemingly blocked the fireball. In reality though Will caught the fireball and held it for a moment then sent it right back towards Frey. To astonished by what transpired the older male took the hit directly, though the damage wasn't as great since a fire user naturally had higher resistance to fire, especially their own. Will was also astonished but recovered quickly and sent an energy blast at Frey. Frey took the shot as well and stumbled backwards but stayed upright "Sorry kid, but I'm not budging that easily! Especially from such a cheap trick by a fake!" Frey shouted to Will as flames started to dance in the air around him. Looking back for a moment Frey decided it was time to up his game and summoned a large amount of fireballs the size of basketballs that floated in the air high above him like meteors.

Will's eyes went wide as he counted about 20 or more fireballs. "Well shi-." Was all that Will could mutter as five fireballs launched his way forcing him to move as fast as he could to dodge. For the moment Will just ran while forming floating round shields of energy to protect himself from getting burned to a crisp. Unfortunately, Will could not run forever and he couldn't keep making shields forever, and Frey knew this. Frey chuckled as he decided to play his trump card, so in grand fashion Frey made some more fireballs then increased the size of all the fireballs to the size of huge beach balls from their already basketball size. With a simple motion every single fireball launched at Will. Will panicked for only a moment before feeling a weird sensation come about him. He stopped running and faced all the fireballs holding a hand out towards them shouting "Seventh Legend, Aias!". As Will did so his right eye seemed to give off a visible deep purple glow of energy as seven 10ft in diameter disks made from a purple energy popped into being in front of the boy ready to shield him. "You think that will stop me!? Ha! In your dreams, fake!" Frey shouted as the fireballs grew in size yet again then rained down on Will. Will simply stood behind his shields as the fireballs collided with them.

The first two shields broke after taking ten hits but the remaining five shields stood strongly in place as the rain of fireballs engulfed them. The shields continued to hold up as Frey started launching fireball after fireball down in a fit of rage. Will had no idea where the shields came from or how he knew to use them, but he had a strange feeling and that led him to use it, which thankfully paid off. Frey on the other hand kept sending more fireballs but the shields never budged anymore. Eventually Frey fell down to one knee having exhausted most of his energy. Will took this moment to switch to the offensive and started launching energy blasts from behind his shields. Frey had taken a few hits before he moved to dodge the rest of the blasts. The older male sent more fireballs Will's way as he ran trying to break the shields in vain. When Frey stopped moving again Will took the opportunity to move in on him. Although Frey was expecting Will to come in to attack he was actually surprised that the boy actually bee-lined right past him in a burst of speed instead. "You dirty little sneak!" Frey shouted as he wanted to continue fighting Will but ultimately couldn't continue. Their battle had ended there, and Will was the victor who now moved swiftly towards the old training center.

On the other side of the building a battle still raged. Jacob and Damian we're having a firefight, literally, with Leona supporting as much as possible by blocking attacks with water. Though no matter what they were doing Damian was overpowering them with sheer force from his flames. The fight seemed to drag on forever for the two as they couldn't come up with a way to beat him, but after a bit Leona thought of something. "Hey Jacob, slowly start moving to the right. Just trust me." Leona told him as she started to move. Jacob only nodded and began slowly moving as well while he attacked. Damian in the meantime just kept throwing fireball after fireball at them without really taking the fight seriously, they were weak in his eyes. After a few moments Leona and Jacob stopped moving. It only took one glance backwards from Jacob to understand what Leona was trying to do, so he trusted her with his back. After a moment of relentlessly trading blows Jacob gave Leona an opening to attack. With one hard shove Leona harnessed water from the large fountain behind her and sent a massive amount of water rushing at Damian. Damian didn't really expect this much from Leona so he didn't really have time to react. The older male could only throw up a thick shield of fire which when met with the water and created a huge amount of steam. From within the steam basketball sized fireballs launched forth with accompanying jets of water. Damian was forced to bring up another stronger fire shield to block these attacks.

In the meantime Lily and Nora's battle with Artemus was going just as smooth. With each gust of wind from the older male Lily would have to muster up a gust just as powerful to counter it. She could easily feel the difference in their powers by just a few blows, but unlucky for Artemus he had two people to deal with. Nora's shape shifting proved difficult to counter as she constantly changed between a leopard, hawk, monkey and various other animals to get the best of Artemus. With Lily blocking his wind, Nora was practically free to harass the older male with an onslaught of physical attacks. Artemus did manage to block a majority of them, but he was starting to get worn out quite quickly. "You two are quite the handful. I should have known since your tests in the training room always went smoothly." Artemus commented as he summoned a large gust of wind sending Nora flying in the middle of one of her attacks while she was in mid air.

Lily quickly helped her friend with a gust of her own from the back trying to stabilize her in air while she grabbed Nora's hand and held her in place as the wind blew fiercely around them. "Time to stop holding back." Artemus said as the air around him glowed a rather icy shade of blue. There was a reason he held the famous title of 'Windblade', and the girls were just about to find out why. Before she could react Nora was suddenly struck by such a strong downwards wind it literally took her breath away forcing her to the ground in a gasping fit. Before she could recover though she was hit by a concentrated side wind and flung into the side of the training building with a crunch as a dent was made in the building's concrete wall. "Nora!" Lily shouted in concern as her friend hit the ground unconscious. Before she could see if the girl was alright, Lily felt a sharp gust of wind go by barely missing her as if it was a warning. "Let's see how good you are Lily!" Artemus shouted as visible crescents of wind launched in her direction at an alarming speed. Lily only managed to dodge them, not even attempting to block head on. Artemus had taken it easy on Nora since she didn't have a large connection with Will, but Lily was another story.

Artemus felt he couldn't go easy on her as she could potentially put a wrench in their plans to bring Spike back, so he sent windblade after windblade at her. Lily barely managed to dodge from side to side by pushing herself with wind and stumbling about, causing herself to get small cuts here and there from windblades in the process. Sure enough though her thoughts were focused on what she could do in this current situation, which wasn't really much besides try to survive. After glancing at Artemus after a while the young girl determined he wasn't going to be letting up anytime soon so she needed to make a move eventually. At one point she decided to try something crazy. Lily proceeded to clear her mind as much as possible and focus on forming her own windblade while she dodged. Finally when she felt it may work Lily stood her ground against an incoming windblade and launched her own windblade to meet it. The two collided and canceled each other out completely. "What!? That's impossible!" Artemus shouted in an uncharacteristic rage that actually threw Damian, Jacob, and Leona off causing them all to stop fighting for a brief moment to see what was going on before they continued on with their battle. As Artemus launched windblade after windblade Lily did the same, causing them to form a stalemate of sorts as each blade canceled the other out.

Only growing ever more frustrated Artemus started launching as many blades as he could muster at Lily trying to overwhelm her. Lily stood her ground and matched blade for blade though, which only caused Artemus to start to panic. Within his panic Artemus started to launch less and less blades as Lily moved to overpower him, but this panic didn't seem to last long as the older male regained his composure and thus started to match Lily again. It had been quite some time since this wind fight started and neither person seemed to be giving in. Finally Lily decided to try one gutsy plan out that would be an all or nothing. As the windblade volleys clashed she slowly built up small pockets of wind under her heels. On the next volley of clashing windblade's Lily shot forward to Artemus's side with incredible speed while gathering as much visible wind around her right fist as possible while cocking it behind her. "What!?" Artemus said with eyes wide as he didn't even have time to physically react as Lily's fist connected into his left side sending him hurtling into the side of the new training center with a loud impact as concrete dented inwards. After that kind of impact Artemus fell to the ground unconscious, severely injured but still alive. "Ya know.. Types like you who just send out attacks and use huge numbers to overwhelm your enemies, are physically weak. Especially wind users. Luckily I trained to combat that problem with Jacob a long time ago." Lily said as she stood there panting for a moment as her body felt like it was nearing it's limit.

The young girl didn't get to rest for long as she heard a "Damn you!" before having to dodge a fireball that was launched her way. Damian was clearly pissed that his friend lost so of course he would retaliate the only way he could at the moment. "Lily go! Go to Will! We can hold him off!" Leona shouted as Jacob and her worked to keep Damian at bay. "No! I can't leave you guys! We can finish him together!" Lily shouted as she turned towards Damian to jump into the frey. "Lily don't you dare! Will is waiting! You need to get to him before it's too late!" Jacob shouted to her as he and Leona swiftly changed positions to stand between Lily and Damian to block the latter's attacks from reaching her. Lily couldn't argue with her friends at this point as she started to head towards the old training center as fast as she could. "No you don't!" Damian said as he stopped launching fireballs and sent out a huge fireblast towards Lily. Jacob swiftly moved to intercept with his own fireblast and the two got locked into a sort of power struggle of fire blasts while Lily escaped to catch up with Will.

A bit after getting past Frey, Will finally arrived outside the old training center. Although he heard the sounds of battle in the distance he did not move to join them, which was rather difficult since his instinct told him to head that way. To his surprise though the doors were already opened to the building. Will cautiously walked into the building turning on the lights as he did so since the main light switches seemed to be near the front door. He made sure to stay on guard in case any more people in trench coats popped out to attack him. As he carefully moved down the abandoned hallways Will made sure to double check each room. The place was definitely abandoned as well as so run down that the ceiling had actually collapsed down in some hallways and half the lights seemed to work making some hallways look like they were straight out of a horror film. Will did his best though to make his way to where his heart lead him, as that was the only way he knew how to go. His chest had a very funny feeling, but it seemed to intensify the closer he got to what he assumed was his destination. Finally Will ended up outside of a door that was partially open with one side half off its hinges. The boy felt a cold air coming from the other side of the door but his chest held a familiar warmth within it. With a little effort Will took the door off its hinges and set it in the hallway then stepped into the room. Will was actually not surprised as he saw the same room from Spikes memories. The training room was filled with metal spikes and a metal sphere sitting towards the middle of the room. "I guess my summer vacation is.. over." Will muttered as he thought of how he could get to the sphere in the middle, but as he took one step fully into the room spikes started retracting making a pathway to the sphere. Will slowly made his way out to the sphere which slowly started to glow with a faint white light.

In the meantime Lily arrived at the old training center doors. Finding them open didn't surprise her as she figured Will had come through before her. Though to be safe she still entered the building with plenty of caution. Lily slowly made her way through the building while trying to think of how she would stop whoever was making Will do this. After checking most of the rooms her head began to pound as pieces of memories started to flash through her mind. Most of these were of her team training in here, but there always seemed to be a team she didn't recognize in the background. As she moved further towards her goal the memories came more often and often were of a black haired male who was faced away from her, although when he turned his face was blurred out. "That must be.. Spike." Lily muttered as she saw an open doorway coming up ahead. She could feel a cold breeze from the door as she approached and as she entered the cold air hit her fully.

Lily stood there with her breath taken away as she looked out into the large room filled with metal spikes. Sure enough though after a solid minute of taking it in her eyes focused on a boy standing a couple feet in front of a sphere towards the center of the room. There was a bright light coming from there even though the room was fully lit, the light from there was especially bright. "Will!" Lily yelled as she quickly jogged up the cleared path towards the male. "Wh-What? Lily! What are you doing here? It's dangerous." Will asked as he turned around to the surprise voice that called his name. The boy had been very deep in thought as he stood in front of the sphere for quite some time. "Will. You can't join him! If you do, you might not be able to come back!" Lily told him with worry in her voice. Will was about to tell her to go when she mentioned joining with someone, which clued him in that she knew what was going on. "Lily.. You know about Spike?" Will asked in a confused tone as he didn't know what to think anymore. He had learned the truth not too long ago and was just going to leave his team since they may just forget him anyway.

Although if they knew what was going on then that was a rather different situation he obviously didn't plan for. "Yes. Well, sorta. We just learned about him from Damian and Artemus before they fought us.." Lily told him as she rubbed her arm starting to feel sore from the fighting. "Oh I see.. Wait, you fought with Artemus and Damian?" Will questioned before his brain put two and two together. "So that was the fighting that I heard in the distance.. Damn. If I knew it was you guys I would have come to help." Will said as he hung his head while he mentally punched himself before remembering to ask her something important "Wait Lily,. Did you guys meet with anyone in these black trench coats and hats?". Lily thought for a moment before shaking her head "No we didn't meet anyone like that. Jacob, Leona, Nora and I only met with Damian and Artemus. We didn't see anyone else". Will nodded along as he felt bad for not going to help them, although he didn't know what he'd do if he had to fight Damian and Artemus.

It was at this moment Will and Lily took a good look at one another. Lily looked like she had just gone through hell; Her clothes were ripped in places, her shoulder length hair was slightly a mess from what he guessed was intense wind, she was bleeding in spots from small cuts all over, and yet she was standing here to stop him still. Will on the other hand was in a pretty battered shape; His clothes were torn in places, he was definitely bleeding in spots, he had various burn marks from flames and electricity all over his arms from where attacks from Frey and Viveen got through, his legs were bruised and bleeding in spots, and yet here he still was ready to finish what he seemingly started. The two of them locked eyes after a moment and smiled. Lily smiled happily, but Will's smile was more apologetic as the light behind him grew brighter and closer. Lily looked into his deep blue eyes and tears started to well up in her eyes. "Will.. W-Will no." Lily started to stammer out as she reached for his hand. "P-Please don't go. You can't go." She said as she held onto his hand as he slightly turned towards the light coming from the sphere behind him. "I know, but I have to Lily. It's for the best." Will told her calmly as he turned back and looked into her beautiful green eyes.

Will was being slightly pulled backwards towards the sphere by an invisible force. "B-But Will, We need you. I need you. Who's gonna goof around with Jacob? O-Or help Leona and I with shopping?" Lily asked him as tears started to drip down her cheeks. "Hey, can you let me borrow your heart? Just before I go through with this?" Will asked her as he felt himself being pulled closer and closer by this light to the sphere until his back was right to it. For a moment Lily didn't understand but then she smiled, laughed, and nodded while still holding his hand saying "Yeah. Yeah you can borrow half of my heart. But only if I can borrow half of yours.". Will just smiled softly to her saying "You will always have all of my heart Lily.. I've never gotten a chance to say it but..." He paused in between his words nervously before solidifying his resolve, although he didn't know how to say what he really felt to her. Lily only held firmly to his hand listening to his words intently as Will's body started to get pulled into the sphere by tendrils of light wrapping around his body as the light behind him intensified.

"I-I'm glad I got to meet you, and Jacob, and Leona, and everyone else. This time with you guys has made me so happy. I hate that it has to come to an end so soon y'know." Will told her with a smile as tears starting to form in his eyes as he sank into the light with only his head, the left arm Lily was holding, and part of his torso sticking out now. "No! Don't say that as if this is goodbye. Please, just stay here with me." Lily pleaded with him as she felt him sinking more and more into the sphere with each second that passed. Tears continually streamed down her face as Lily had a feeling that once he was fully in the sphere, Spike would awaken. "I wish I could stay, but he's waiting.. B-but, I'll come back for you! I promise!" Will shouted as now only his hand was sticking out from the sphere but Lily could still hear his voice. As Will's hand started to slip through hers, Lily remembered something very important she needed to tell him. "W-Will! I love you!" Lily shouted as loud as she could for him to hear. As his hand slipped through hers into the sphere Lily could only hear a few words for a reply as the room around her was enveloped in a bright flash of white light.

"I love you, too."