Team Building While Making Instant Ramen


I slam my fist down on my alarm clock as I get up groggily. I feel really shitty now- it's as if I actually cried myself to sleep last night.

(You did cry to sleep, dora...)

A new black fedora from a coat tree flies into my direction as it bounces around my in a strangely cute manner.

(I thought you are strong enough to handle your innate Mirror Invocation, dora. However, you shattered for such a strange reason, dora...)

"UWaaa, the fedora is-mmffmffmfff!"

Before I even can fully let a yell out, the black fedora covers my mouth to prevent me from speaking.

Then, I got a weird flashback.

Yesterday, I tried exorcizing a possessed fedora then, it covered my face like a sentient BDSM gear-

(I'm not a BDSM gear, dora!)

It transformed me into a thicc-thighed loli before giving me neckbeard-themed BDSM outfit-

(I said-)

Then, I was forced to fight a big censored cock to save a girl from becoming VValpurgistnight and destroying the entire Clockwork City.

(It wasn't that-)

After that, she saw me dabbing which made me strangely filled with so much cringe, it literally broke my soul...

As I calm down my muffled screams died out. Fey finally drops off from my mouth into my hands. Fortunately, it is still dry as if it never violated my mouth in the first place.

What happened back there?

(Dora... As you see- Nobles or in your words, magical girls, live a life of increased emotions because of the very nature of their powers, dora. And you, dora... Are highly attuned to the most emotionally unstable among all the Invocations.)

What the fuck are Invocations anyways? If this is a life out of my control, I will resign in this very moment! I will throw you away so that I won't have to deal with this, I'm not gonna end up Clockwork Mental Asylum because of you!

(It's alright if you don't fight The Darkness, dora... I'm going to admit, I lied to you about the requirement to slay 100 Daemons to retire-)

You... That's bullshit, you lied to me even more! I know it, you're just like Bob! You are just conditioning me to fight more of the bad guys until I turn into a Witch or run out of use!

(-but you have to listen to me, dora. You at least have to keep me by your side, you shouldn't throw me away!)

First, you have to explain. EVERYTHING...

"Rain, are you alright? You just screamed a bit now..."

My mom's calls out from outside the door. Damn, she must be worried... This is kinda bad, she might send me back to that bastard again- it's too soon!

"I'm fine, I just saw a really good fedora design online! I'm getting dressed, okay!"

I quickly dress as I easily browsed through my closet. It is arranged in a way that every bits and pieces of clothing are highly randomized but each one of them have a piece that works nearby. This ordered chaos is just like how I like my collections to be. I picked out a hanger of my school uniform.

I slowly wear a white undershirt, followed with my custom-made weatherproof crimson pants. The pants are made by my aunt Jeanne when she woke up as a Rank 1 Super Genius in Tailoring. The godly pair of pants is warm on winter and cool on summer, it saved my life quite a bit.

(I noticed you mention a few of them in your thoughts, dora... Of Supers who are your family- Is it why I saw a spark of justice amidst of your ocean of indifference when you accepted to become-)

Stop reading my damn thoughts every time. So far, you have been nothing but an annoyance. Like: "Do shit for me, dora.", "Listen to me, dora", "dora.", "Dora!", "DORAAAAAA!!!"


Fey shuts up filling my mind with my much needed silence. But then-

"I just heard a bang, are you really alright, Rain?"

Looking at my hand, I finally notice that it red and a bit swollen after punching the wall. Damn, that was a bad move... I might worry her.

"Yes, I'm alright, mommy. I am very alright!"

My voice comes out, just not in a way I want it to. It sounded like one of those triggered people in online videos. Shit... This is all your fault, Fey!


I can hear footsteps right outside my door. SHIT! Mommy's really worried now and she is working very hard to feed me and send me to school as a single parent. Do you have any words for yourself, Fey?

(Doraaa... A scary existence is beside the door-)

Scary? How dare-

Knock, knock.

"Really? You sound like my new workmate who just got rejected three times this week. Do you miss him already? Wanna see Bob next weekend?"

I sigh in my head, I feeling calmer after mom's light jab at me. In the end, mom's acts of fucking around with me is the best thing to perk me up.

"Listen, I'm really okay, mommy. I just saw Bob last week on school."

Mom's loud laughter all the echoes through the house as if she is relieved. Man, this house has such thin walls... Her giggle continues for about 10 more seconds until she yawns- Ah, last night was her double shift... Damn, this is really bad. She might be really stressed.

"Rain, I'm too sleepy- breakfast's on the table, see ya!"

I quickly rush to wear completely wear my uniform. I put on button-up T-shirt beneath my red school blazer, both by aunt Jeanne.

I rush out of my room and Fey awkwardly bounces to follow after me.

Looks like my breakfast today is-

"Holy shit..."

I can't help but gasp in sheer amazement. Mommy, you might be one of the shittiest parent in the whole wide world but you're my best mom. You just know when to prepare the right food at the-

(I-It's just a cup noodle-)

Fey's voice is full of awkwardness as if he, she? Whatever, let's call it a he, it's as if he wants to break the ice. But sadly, the first words he just spoke was blasphemy-

(Doraaa... I'm sorry, please forgive me about yesterday, okay?)

Apology is invalid but let me explain what this thing is: this is the legendary $5 instant yakisoba imported straight from Nipponland from the Asian food market's sacred area- A masterpiece for instant food enthusiasts!

This holy food always blows away all my problems whenever she cooks it. In fact, it could be drugged with her love that's why I feel like that!

(That actually sounds scary, dora...)

Scary? Hah! Kettle, stop calling the dove black. Nothing is scarier than you right now, who knows you could be spewing more lies than the Incubatrix.

(The Incubatrix, dora?)

Those magical alien creatures from Medoka Meguca that wanna turn innocent girl's soul into energy via hope-despair conversion.

(Elpia never does that!)

HAH, I KNEW IT! You are guilty! You just flat out denied my claim

(Doraaaa... This is going nowhere! Just stay silent for a while, okay? If I were to use your diction, I am gonna fucking explain everything to your broken retarded shit-filled brain, dora!)

For the first time, I can feel Fey's emotions surge out from the weird mental link he has with me. What gushed out from the pipe of emotions are anger, resignation and regret- Who knew that magical mascots could even feel so much negative feelings.

(I won't lock out our link as long as you do same, dora! I hope you trust me enough after this...)

I silently drain out the hot water into the sink as Fey continues explaining.

(You will die in less than a year because your soul is incomplete, dora. This is why clones die so early!)

You are bullshitting me, that is because of the decay of their nucleus! The donor cell has already aged that's why it is happening, dammit!

(You shut up! I am genuinely concerned for you, dora! Do you know I spent 10 years as someone's playtoy just find and fix you?)

A mix of anger and love bursts through my mind, making me feel like a needle is inserted through my throat. But even if that is my issue, why would a magical mascot from the magical land be so worried for a dying mortal? It's not like I'm willing to fight for you people!

(DORAAAA!!! I specifically came for you right after that bitch fixed me up, dora! I am literally the missing half of your soul, dora. You are only living right now because you forced in The Light to fill the missing gap, dora! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD 3 YEARS AGO.)

Fey's grand revelation took all the words I was going to speak to him. All I can do right now is silently mix the yakisoba sauces with the noodles.

(You are such a stupid half if I say so myself, dora... Just trust me already!)

Suddenly, I feel something opening up in my chest, making me feel lighter. I stop mixing the instant yakisoba as my sight blurred. Are these tears? Why am I crying now?

(Thank you, dora... You just need to keep me to make yourself complete, dora. I just want to complete the ourselves! You don't have to fight, dora!)

Th-Then, why do you always want me to transform and fight? Y-You are lying!

Even if I truly thought of that, Fey's concern for me easily smothers my distrust like he we knew each other.

(I just want to make it go faster, dora... Anyways, just bring me everywhere with you just in case The Darkness attacks...)

Hah, that's bullshit!

(Darkness Attacks on My School?

It happens more than you think...)

Holy shit Fey, did you just meme on me?

(Haha, I got some of your memories, dora! Now, it's my turn to mess with you!)

After the mental team building session, an awkward silence formed between me and Fey. This silence actually helped me not to be late for school as it gave me a time to just focus on eating the currently cold yakisoba. Man, the entire screaming session went for quite a long time...

After finishing the yakisoba, I stuff Fey into my bag before heading out. Looks like this is the start of the reluctant magical girl, Fedora/Katana...

(So, you are actually fighting, dora? You are not really getting paid for this, dora.)

I'm only doing this for therapy, okay? I'm gonna ditch you after we are complete. It's that simple! I'm not getting a freeloader in my mind. Then, I feel something akin to the emotion called smug from Fey.

(Even if you say that, dora- I can feel all your concern for me, dora. Oh, you're so bashful, Rain!)

Stupid Fey... Just be grateful I'm not closing up this weird connection... Don't call me Rain, I am the master you serve therefore, you will address me as Master.

(Doraaaa... Whatever, master, whatever...)