Placement Week: Day 2

Its the second day of the placement orientation week.

People are still searching around, asking in the shops and researching in the library.

Sun walked along the streets and saw some familiar faces early in the morning.

It was 8 AM, the shops and restaurants have just opened. The weather was sunny, a light wind breeze brushed against Sun's cheek.

He started to inhale the clean air, a few deep breaths and started to hum a nostalgic song.

"This place is quite peaceful, don't you think?", Sylvie materialized next to Sun and asked.

She wore urban clothes this time - not the uniform. Her hair tied together like a super-snatched ponytail - looking exceptionally cute with the outfit.

Some male Espers on the street were checking her out. The looks made Sun feel a bit uneasy.

Sun wondered how she's always doing that, but refrained himself from asking.

Instead, he nodded and continued to enjoy the morning life in the city.


After a while, Sun got hungry and looked for a restaurant.

He remembered how Evan said, that he will be coming back later since his placement works in the forests.

Edward already left before he woke up, so he did not know where he went today.

Sylvie talked about an upgrade yesterday, so Sun decided to head out instead of cultivating.

He also felt a bit lost during fights since he always used his hands to fight. If he wanted to advance to higher realms, then a weapon may be essential.

The little walk made him really hungry, so he decided to get some food at the next restaurant.

'Sonny's Little Breakfast'

"Sounds decent. I'll go with that one."


"Here's our morning menu. Please enjoy.", the waiter placed the food carefully on the table, bowed and left.

The menu consisted of fried eggs, bacon, toast and tea. Sun toke two big bites, three bites ...

After two minutes, he had eaten the half menu and while eating, he felt the envious looks of Sylvie.

"Here. You can eat that one.", Sun pointed at the bacon with the fried egg.

"Really?", the goddess asked and her mouth was already full of saliva.

"Thank you!", she said and dug in.


"So, what is the upgrade you were talking about yesterday?", Sun asked after drinking a bit of the tea.

"Hm, you know - something like a weapon.", she said.

"I know, my friend explained me it last night."

"Well. What type of weapon would you like to have?", she asked.

"How should I know? You brought up the upgrade thing, so I thought that you already had a plan!", Sun answered.


"Great! Then why are we in the Central if there is nothing for me to do?", Sun said and crossed his arms.

"Wait, I was not done with speaking! Geez, I'm still analyzing your body and pairing it with different kinds of weapons - in order to get your best compatibility.", she said and pouted.

"Okay, but how long will it take?"

"Hm, just another hour.", she said absentmindedly.

"Hmm. Then I'll check out the Warfare Shop in that time. You can go back now.", Sun said.

"Okay. I'll tell you when it's done.", she said and vanished into thin air.

The place she sat on before looked as empty as it was before. Sun wondered whether her materialization is real or just an illusion of her.


As he was entering the shop, a wooden fragrance entered his nose.

The place was as old-fashioned as before, but there were people looking at weapons, unlike the last time.

"Welcome! How may I help - oh, Sun! Good morning!", Sara was a bit surprised to see Sun dropping by so early.

"Good morning Sara.", Sun answered and smiled at her.

"Sun? DId I just hear that name?", a familiar male voice came from the room behind the desk.

The sound of a moving chair could be heard and a few seconds later, William came out of the backroom.

"Sun! Long time no see! You're looking good!", he said with a bright smile on his face.

"Yeah, you too.", Sun answered.

"How's school? How're you hitting with Rose?", William asked in a fatherlike tone.

"Pretty interesting, I guess and normal." , Sun answered.

" 'Normal', what does that mean? As a man - you need to make the move!", William shouted passionately disturbing some of the customers.

"Ah, the youth, I loved it back then ... Is that the boy you talked about Will?", a good-looking young man came towards them and asked William.

"Yes. He's my good friend and I heard - you are joining us as a Demon Hunter?", William asked.

"indeed. He actually beat me in a 1 vs 1.", Sara added.

"Wow, that's unexpected. Amazing, boy.", the winked at Sun.

"Hehe.", Sun smiled wryly.


"So, are you searching for a mission ?", William asked.

"I'm just walking by, but since you've brought that up - I guess."

"Hmmm. I'm pretty sure that you won't do any D to C class missions. Your skill level is also suited for B and A missions.", William thought out loudly.

"You're still at the bottom of the ranks, so you will need to rely on us and do group missions in order to get to a rank where you can do B and A mission alone.", William said.

"Yes, I guess. I've thought about that too."

"So, when will you do a group hunting?"

"Tonight. If that's too soon for you, we have one next week too.", Sara answered.

"No, tonight sounds good.", Sun said.

"Then, you'll meet us here and we'll open up a portal here. You're lucky since tonight we will be clearing a demon nest - there will be many monsters to kill and potentially a rare drop.", the young man explained.

"Ehm -"

"Oh, right. I believe I haven't introduced myself. I'm Talan Knecht, Everyday Swordsman in the Demon Hunter Society.", he said.

"Ah, I'm Sun Reed. I go by the name of Schwarzschild in the Demon Hunter Society."

"Great name."



After talking for a while, Sun found this Talan guy quite entertaining. He was like this one guy in the group who'll always lift up the mood with some bad jokes.

Sun also noticed the strange intimacy between William and Sara. He felt happy for his friend for having such a great friend.

"Sun, it's done. You won't believe the result! I don't even know what this weapon is and I've seen A LOT of weapons.", the voice of Sylvie sounded in Sun's head.

"Well, guys. It was fun to talk to you. I need to prepare some other things for school, so I'll be heading out now.", Sun said.

"Oh, that's was a quite short chat. Well, we'll see you tonight!", William said and said goodbye.

Sun said goodbye to everybody and quickly left the shop. He walked to a street corner and summoned Sylvie.

"Now, tell me more about it.", he demanded.