Mr. Grim's Tutoring

When Mr. Grim called the end of the tutoring lesson, the moon was high in the sky and only the torches lit the campus of the academy, "You should go to bed, Aaron, see you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mr. Grim."

"It is enjoyable to go back and remember the way I was as a young knight," He smiled and sheathed his blade, "Just remember that you aren't William, nor are you Selene, you don't need to aspire to be like them, but instead, have your rank be like theirs, not your style, not your steps, not your speed, you don't need it."

He got up early in the morning as usual, quickly got dressed and then looked at himself in the mirror, "I look so tired," He splashed water on his face and then wiped it with a towel. He knew exactly who would say hello to him first, Rebecca Grand, Selene's less talented, more 'gifted' sister. He walked out of his room and there she was, standing outside of his room, "Morning, Rebecca."

"Good morning, Aaron," Her cheerfulness for an early morning was disgusting, she was always in a good mood around the guy she had set her sights on, as if she was hunting and collection names as trophies. He knew about this and did his best to ignore her, "How are you? You look tired? Did you not sleep well?"

"Rebecca, I am fine with being friends, but please, I am not really a morning person," He yawned as they walked down the hallway to the mess hall, "I was reviewing late."

"Really? That is cool, what did you review about?"

"I am not interested in you."

"Right now."

"Probably ever, my name isn't going in that book," He said pointing at the small notebook that was attached to her belt, "I am already interested in someone."

"Really?" She sighed, "Who is it?"

"Please, can I have some space or is that not possible?"

"Okay, see you later!" She skipped away. Her skirt was pulled up more than the other girls so he looked away as she skipped. He knew she would ruin him if she caught him looking at her like that. He pulled out a book that all students had and took out a small feather and unsealed a small bottle of ink and began writing as he walked.

He sat down with his plate in the mess hall and continued writing in his book, "Good morning, Aaron."

"Good morning, Selene," He said holding the book up and blowing on it, hiding his writing from her, "Your sister is a pain."

"Rebecca? I know, well, sorry about yesterday," Selene wasn't a snob like most of the high ranked knights and was often very kind until the day actually started, so at breakfast, she was, "I was in my mood."

"Mood to destroy a terrible knight? Yeah, I could tell."

"What were you writing?"

"Nothing, nothing really, just writing."

"I wish I had your grades."

"The ones in our theory classes? Yeah, but then as a knight, I am an utter failure," He laughed at his self-harming joke, "You might not write but you do the knight thing better than I could ever write."

"I could train you if you want."

"Nah, thanks though, I have a teacher helping me."

"Oh, so you want to change this year?"

"Yeah, my third year, hopefully won't be such a failure like last year."

"If you work hard have confidence, you can make it."

"Thanks, Selene, always positive."