Breaking a Dummy

A few days later...

He was the first one in the class, waiting for the others to show up, Rebecca had not talked to him in the morning, letting him have a free mind as he used a dummy and practiced fighting without a blade, punching and kicking the wood with his bare hands and unprotected legs, pain shot through his body with each kick and each strike, but that didn't matter, he was determined to make it, and this year, he was going to and nothing would stop him. He noticed the others enter the class and then ended his flurry on the dummy with a kick right to the head of the dummy. Wood cracked and the dummy's head came off and bounced to the floor before rolling to Mr. Rulist's feet. Aaron continued and with a spinning kick, he shattered the damaged body of the dummy, it was the fourth one he destroyed since the beginning of the year. He panted and then made eye contact with a clapping Mr. Rulist, "This, this, my students, is the face of will and perseverance," He laughed as he picked up the head of the dummy, "Some would improve like him if they had his will."

"Still the worst knight," William joked and his friends laughed, "I would beat him."

"Aaron, draw your sword, William, draw your sword, let's see if you will really beat him," William stood stunned as the other students let him pass, he rolled his eyes and then smirked.

"Ready to lose, the worst one?" Aaron said nothing and waited for William to attack, "Here I come," He lunged forwards and Aaron slammed his blade into the floor with his own before kicking him in the leg, knocking him down. He rose with rage and swung his blade. Aaron mimicked Mr. Grim and hopped back before closing once the blade had passed and dropped his blade. To his content, William took the bait and then with a clap he blinked and Aaron speared him, taking him clean off of his feet and then to the ground before wrestling the blade out of William's hand and tossing it, holding him down with a knee on his chest.

"Stop, Aaron Veltur wins," William's friends gasped and so did most of the class and only Selene clapped for him, before her friends joined her. He was exhausted from the effort he had put into it.

"You got lucky, worst one, I'll crush you next time," Aaron smiled as said nothing as William barged past him, "Bastard," Aaron rolled his eyes and then moved back to a dummy.

"Aaron, you can easily beat the dummies, use an opponent," Mr. Rulist said drawing his blade, it was a scimitar, with a round hilt that protected his hand, "I would like to have you fight me."

"Yes, Mr. Rulist," He drew his blade and made eye contact with Mr. Rulist. He lunged forwards before hitting Mr. Rulist's blade full on, with a sharp ting booming through the room. He hopped back and measured Mr. Rulist, he was faster than him and had vastly more skill. Mr. Rulist slowly stepped towards him as some of the students went to training and some stayed to watch. Aaron moved forwards and then spun and slammed his blade into Mr. Rulist's, moving it down before moving back once more. Mr. Rulist turned to the side like Selene had used against him, only giving him if one side to attack. Aaron had trained that with Mr. Grim but it hadn't really worked well. He moved forwards and swung his blade at Mr. Rulist, who hopped to the side, effortlessly dodging. He took a step forwards and brought his blade down with a spinning motion of his head, forcing Aaron to block it or evade, he couldn't close the distance, normally. He parried the blade upwards and then moved forwards with a lunge but Mr. Rulist used his hand and pushed the blade away by pushing the half edge of his blade. He dived out of the way of a strike and rolled back up to his feet.

"Who taught you that?"

"What do you mean, Mr. Rulist?"

"You got better in two weeks, how?"

"I had some help."

"Some help," He laughed and sheathed his blade, "Some very good help indeed."