His Confession

The nurse began stitching his open palm, "What happened, Aaron?"

"Four knights attacked Selene, to rape her," She said nothing and looked at the floor, "I decided to protect her, and blocked a blade with my hand."

"Are you in pain?"

"No, just bandage it please."

"Yes, I am planning to do so, do you know the knight who did it?"

"No, I don't know if Selene does, but they knew her," The nurse turned to Selene, "Can you leave her, let her relax a little?"

"Yes, well, I have to work on your hand, so I have something to do before getting to her, you bled a lot," She said as the needle poked into his skin followed by string, "This will hurt."

"I know, I've had these in the past," He sighed, "I might have seriously injured the four knights, I kicked one in the head, I broke another's nose after bloodying his face, slammed one on his head and then hit the back of the last one's head."

"You are violent."

"No one can touch a woman like that."

"You could have just beaten them."

"I know, but I really didn't care about them at that point, if they had died, too bad for them."

"Selene, come here, will you?" She slowly walked over, embarrassed about what had happened to her, "Aaron, I think you will be fine, just don't force that hand too much or use your blade in that hand, can you leave for a bit? I would like to talk to Selene."

"Yeah, no problem," He said walking out of infirmary. He sat on the bench outside of the infirmary as the sun began setting. His hand still hurt, but he didn't care, all he could think of was how Selene was and why, why they attacked her. He knew her sister was easy going but she was closed in on herself, proud and hard to get too, they were trying to break her, but why? He couldn't figure it out. He looked at his hand then realized that he had saved her, it seemed to suddenly hit him, "I am not the worst one, am I?"

"No, you aren't, Aaron," He looked up and saw Selene sitting next to him, "Thank you for saving me."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am, thank you, very, much," She seemed to be on the edge of tears from simply talking, "You wanted to talk to me."

"The note, yeah, um, I am not sure if it is the right time."

"Ask, I can't tell you if it is or isn't if you don't ask."

"I wanted to ask you, if, if, if," He began mumbling, "You wanted to go out with me."

"I didn't catch that," She said, leaning towards him, "What did you ask?"

"I want to go out with you."

"Go out? Where?"

"No, not that, I love you," Her eyes widened and she froze, blinking blankly as her eyes just looked at him, "I love you, that is why I didn't go for your sister or for another girl, I love you."

"You do? Is that why you saved me?"

"No, but that is why I put more than just my pride on the line."

"I don't know what to answer."

"Then take your time, I have confessed to you, you choose what to do from now on," He said as he got up, "You want to go eat?"

"Is it time already?"

"Yes, I think I heard the bell."

"Then yes, I actually wanted to ask you something before, when I went to your room," She began blushing and was clearly nervous, "Can you be my partner for the festival?"

"Excuse me?"

"Can you go with me to the festival?"

"Yes, I would love to," His answer made her smile, "I am so happy that I trained to be able to save you," He began walking and she pulled him back, "Selene?"

"Who have you been training with?"

"Mr. Grim."

"No wonder you got so strong," She said, grabbing his hand and walking next to him, "Is that why you have been so tired?" He nodded, "I bet you are going to do good in the exams this year."

"I am not the worst one for you anymore?"

"No, you are my boyfriend."

"Your what?"

"Boyfriend, I want to go out with you too."

"You do?"

"Yes, well, let's not make it look like it right now, I would like to settle down with it before people start judging us," She smiled and let go of his hand.