
He sat down on a bench that was perfectly placed to overlook the town and the landscape, "Selene only makes with place even more stunning," He smiled as he had time to just sit and do nothing, without needing to study like the year before or to work and get ready to train during the night. He looked down at his left hand and saw the large scar, it had completely recovered but his left hand lacked the same strength as his right hand. He sighed and then let himself relax entirely. He felt someone sit down on the bench next to him, he turned and saw Sir Grand, "Hello, Sir Grand."

"Hello, Aaron."

"You want to talk to me."

"I do indeed, to get to know my daughter's partner."

"Then ask away, I have time, no rush this summer."

"Perfect, how old are you?"

"17, like your daughter."

"I should have guessed, same year."

"Are you trying to see if you like me as a future son in law?" He turned to look at Sir Grand, "Because if you are, well, know that I care for Selene, and have put my life on the line to protect her and will do it again if I need to."

"How so?"

"A few months ago, Four year fours tried to rape her, and I found them, as they caught her, so I protected her, one thing lead to another and I ended up blocking a blade with my bare hands," He revealed his large scar on his hand, "And I will gladly repeat it if it will keep her safe."

"They did what?"

"They didn't touch her, I would have actually killed them."

"What happened to them?"

"They were expelled and since they are adults, tried and I don't know what else."

"So you went from being the worst knight to her hero?"

"I am no hero, but I am certainly not a zero."

"Have you been with another girl?"

"No, never, she is my first, and I hope, my only."

"How long have you two been together?"

"For 8 months and 12 days."

"Keeping count?"

"I am, 8 months and 12 days that are better than most of my life combined."

"I am glad to hear that," He seemed to change from an interrogation tone to a conversational tone, "She seems very happy with you."

"And I am very happy to be with her."

"What do you think about the Queen of Hiltokia?"

"I, um, really haven't had much time to think of that, I don't have much of an opinion on those matters, Sir Grand," He shrugged, "My guardian is a Queen's Knight, but I don't really aspire to be of that rank."

"Your guardian? Who do you refer to as your guardian?"

"When I was a child, bandits killed my mother and father and the Queen's Knight that protected our town, well, took me in and became sort of my father, since I am essentially an orphan."

"You are, hmm."

"Does that reduce my image to you?"

"No, not at all, it is just something to know."

"Well, it is something to know."

"Do you know what your parents were?"

"Knights, my new father is a Queen's Knight."

"Well, I will leave you to what you were doing, I don't think that I need to pester you more than I already have," He got up, "Have a good rest of the day, Aaron."

"Can I ask a question of my own?"

"Go ahead."

"What type of knight are you?"

"I am a speed knight, lower Queen's Guard, one of the Yamati guardians, Selene's mother, my wife, is the mayor of the town."

"I am a strong knight."

"A strong knight? A rarity you are."

"Yep, I am a rarity, my father told me about that."

"Well, it was good talking to you, Aaron," He said walking away, "I assume we will see each other later."

"I believe so as well," He said looking back over the valley ahead, "I wonder if there are prettier places than this one," He laughed, "Anywhere I go with Selene is prettier than the other places, I wonder how Mr. Grim is doing, probably writing his shorter textbooks and manuscripts of the knight's code," He sighed and then smiled. He felt someone put their arms around his from behind, "Selene?"

"No, dummy, it's me."

"Oh, hi, Rebecca."

"Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing, just waiting for time to pass."

"You are going to be sleeping in Selene's room."

"What? Huh?"

"Yes, dummy, you will be sharing her room, what, are you nervous? You want to be in my room? Cheating on my sister with me?"

"Wow, you went downhill quickly, no, I would be nervous with either one of you, and even more so with your sister, I have never had that sort of, intimacy with her."

"You going to get her pregnant?"

"Why do you do that?"

"Because it's funny," She said, hopping over the bench and sitting down next to him, "And I like teasing you, you are cute when you are nervous."

"Good to know."

"Well, we will be eating soon," He stood up from the bench and held his hand out to Rebecca and pulled her to her feet, "Why are you like this?"

"Like what?"

"Nothing, Mr. Charming."

"I am going out with your sister, not with you, Rebecca."
