Power Levels (V.1)

A. Generic power levels across The Endless Void

1. Mortals- Well, humans or alien species who have not unlocked their Soul Force. Biggest Labor Force. They are subjected to 6 Attribute Tribulation {Six Attributes: Lust, Greed, Ignorance, Anger, Arrogance/Pride, and Jealousy}. Life expectancy: 80 Years

2. Enhanced Mortals- If whole species has unlocked their Soul Force, then they will become Enhanced Mortals. No major differences exist if they are compared to Mortals. They can use Soul Force in their own Domain. They are subjected to 6 Attribute Tribulation for advancement. Life expectancy: 100 Years

3. Apex Mortal- Individuals able succeed in Second 6 Attribute Tribulation. They are able to manipulate Essence/Elements/Qi or simply Energy or Manna, in which they are compatible. Soul Force can be used in all Domains. They are subjected to Samsara Tribulation: Birth, Disease, Old Age and Death. Life Expectancy: 200 Years.

4. Eternal Beings: After passing Samsara Tribulation, they will be able to enter Spiritual World of Eternal Beings. Their body will be remade by their Essence. Their age freezes and they can change their looks as they want i.e. Eternal. Eternal doesn't means invincible but the fact that Time does not corrode them as it does in Material World. They live in Present as Past and Future becomes irrelevant for them. Even after their death they can revive themselves with full memory in Material World but they will lose their Essence Body. Most common examples are: Elves, fairies etc. Life Expectancy: Eternal.

5. Ultra Mortals- Individual who succeeded Samasra Tribulation but refused to enter Spiritual World. They will be able to absorb Essence which they are not compatible after perseverance. They are more powerful than Eternal Beings because they can absorb more type and quantity of Essence. They banished from Spiritual World, but they are allowed to travel across it if they are able to make Essence Body for themselves. They age normally like mortals. They are subjected to Ascension Tribulation {Your Typical Thunder and Mind Demons Tribulation, not so difficult for most people, well duh, Samasara Tribulation is ultimate tribulation of Time}. Life Expectancy: 1,200 Years

6. Ascended Ones/Divine Beings- Individual able to obtain acceptance from Elements or Essence. They become holder of their particular divinity. For eg. if a Ultra Mortal is a Savage Warrior he/she can obtain Battle Divinity or Ashura Divinity, but if UM is a sword cultivator then he/she can obtain Emotionless Sword Divinity or something similar. You can equate them to Immortals or Demi-Gods. Time does corrode them but they can negate it by using their elements. Life Expectancy: 10 Million Years. {Divinity is something like freedom to wield the element without any chant or something similar. It defines their chosen path}

7. God Beings- Divine Beings who are able to comprehend Fate Law. DB can become GB after they exchange appropriate Fate Points(FP). FP required to become God ranges from 100,000,000 -1,000,000,000. It depends upon Divinity, for example if a person has 4 Elemental Divinity, then price will be 4 Hundred Million FP and if a lucky one has Void Divinity then price will be 1 Billion FP. {There will be 5 Primary and 4 Secondary Element and One Void Element}. They can make their own dimension in Soul Realm. They are Supreme Beings of their private dimension. Time does corrode them, but without any effect. They can initiate Fate Contracts and even after their death they can revive with full power with 1,000,000 FP and if they don't have sufficient point then they can enter Cycle of Reincarnation and earn FP in their mortal life. In general, their Souls can not be destroyed. . Life Expectancy: Eternal.

8. Supreme Beings- God Beings able to comprehend one of the Three Supreme Laws of Life, Death and Time. Most powerful beings across The Endless Void as per records. Can negate Fate Law by using their Supreme Law but they will face some repercussions or feedback. Similar in power to God Beings but mastery of Supreme Laws can change everything, if used appropriately. Life Expectancy: Eternal.

9. Primordial Ancestors- They are the spirits born out of Primordial Spark. They are born due to innate need of Order and Protection of every Universe. There can be one or n number of Primordials in a Universe. They can not die unless their Spark is destroyed and even after their death new Spark will be created by the Will Of Universe. They are master of their tasks or profession. Since they are not born as mortal beings they can train themselves without facing any kind of tribulation. They are not Over Powered as soon as they come into existence, they have to train themselves. 'Desire' of their Spark is their Divinity. After death, they are reborn without any loss, just like checkpoints in games. Most common example of Primordials is The Holy Trinity of God Of Destruction, God Of Creation and God Of Preservation or Balance. There can be n number of Primordial, and this depend upon power of Primordial Spark. Life Expectancy: Eternal.

0. Infinities- Spirits of Supreme Spark of Time, Death, and Life. Weakest and most powerful beings in existence. There is no limit in their power. Also, their details are not recorded in annals of The Endless Void. Power to overrule Fate Law and Supreme Laws, but they will still face backlash of doing so. And three Supreme Spark were united to form Infinity Core after destruction of The First World. Owner of Infinity Core is also a Infinite. They are similar to Primordial Ancestors but they don't have any kind of divinities. Instead they can transform areas of Material and Spiritual Worlds in their own Domains and can control all the elements and their own Supreme Laws. All three of them existed in harmony since the beginning of all the things as they can not exist in present if even a single one is missing. Life Expectancy: No Data Available.
