"To the shitty working life!"
"Yeah, cheers to that!"
"Drink up, guys!"
Ren laughed and downed half of the pint along with the rest of the group. It was good to see friends from high school, even though not all of them had kept in constant touch. It was even better to do so in a crowded, bustling izakaya with comfort food and ample alcohol.
The conversation turned to bitching about having to grow up and becoming members of the workforce. No more skipping classes because of a hangover and wearing crummy jeans because they were too lazy to do laundry. These days, it was all about showing up at work on time despite a hangover and panicking when one was down to the last clean undershirt.
"How's it going with your job?" Izumi asked.
"I quite like it," Ren confessed sheepishly.
He was currently in the production team for the publication house which hired him. He loved the process of putting everything together to get a book published, from ensuring that the proofreading was done to the design of the cover. His boss was strict but fair. His teammates, bar a couple of exceptions, were decent people too.
A couple of guys overheard him and chortled in disbelief. Izumi rolled his eyes and Arai gave him an evil glance.
"You gotta be kidding me."
"What the hell, Fujiwara."
"Bet he's got admirers at work."
"That's not-" Ren started when someone called out.
"Hey, remember Kurosawa?"
"Yeah! Bet HE's got admirers at work too."
"I was going to say-" Ren tried again.
"Fujiwara, you know him well, right? Someone told me he's going out with a rich heiress."
"No way. That's bullshit."
Ren bristled. "That's rubbish. Actually-"
"He's right. Kurosawa's probably got multiple girlfriends."
"Or boyfriends. Heard he's bi."
"Man, how does that guy do it?"
Ren had enough and exclaimed loudly. "I live with him!"
There was stunned silence. Just when he thought he got his point across however…
"So you must know! Does he bring people home?"
"Come on, tell us!"
He could hear Arai's and Izumi's muffled laughter. He wanted to strangle both of them, who were enjoying this just a little too much at his expense.
"No, he doesn't," Ren responded with gritted teeth. "I meant-"
"Give him a break, guys. He's not going to rat on his flatmate."
"Alright, alright."
Ren gave up and closed his eyes in exasperation.
"Now, now," Arai patted his back sympathetically. Izumi simply grinned at him.
"Nevermind," Ren muttered.
"Damn, I can't get used to seeing you in a suit," Ito laughed.
"Shut up."
"You do look very grown up," Tsurono commented.
Shinobu topped up their beers. "Whatever."
They got together once in a while now. Tsurono was just out of college and starting on his first job as a salesman. Ito was still a host though he managed a pool of juniors now.
"How's Furuya?" Shinobu asked.
"Not heard from him for a while," Tsuruno replied a little sadly. "Guess he's moved on."
"It's his choice," Ito tried to reassure him. "Come on, boys. Let's drink to surviving!"
"Yeah!" Tsuruno cheered.
Shinobu raised his mug and they all took huge, heartfelt gulps.
It was nice to see that they've all done relatively well, considering their previous circumstances. Whether it was hard work or dumb luck, they would take it.
"Don't you have to get to work?" Tsuruno queried.
Ito glanced at his watch. "In an hour. Don't worry about it."
"Must be nice, having all the ladies fuss over you," Tsuruno teased.
"It's hard work!" Ito said indignantly. "I'm a professional, okay?"
Then he assessed Shinobu with a discerning eye. "If you ever lose your job, we'll hire you in a beat."
"I'll keep that in mind," Shinobu played along.
Tsurono laughed. "No way! Your partner won't let you!"
"What are you talking about?" Ito frowned.
"Oh, you didn't know?" Tsurono exclaimed in surprise. "Why didn't you tell him?"
"He never asked," Shinobu shrugged.
"Tell me what?" Ito demanded.
Tsurono looked at Shinobu expectantly. "Just show him the picture."
Shinobu sighed and took out his phone, flicked through a couple of photos and placed the phone on the table.
Ito peered at it for a moment before widening his eyes.
Suddenly, Shinobu found himself being slapped on the back for a job well done.
"Way to go, Kurosawa! Got yourself a good one there," Ito laughed.
"He's very pretty," Tsuruno said appreciatively.
It was actually a normal photo of him and Ren at one of those damn street festivals that Ren had insisted on going to.
Then again, the stranger who helped them take the photo had asked Ren out on the spot.
"Yeah, well," Shinobu said wryly when he recalled the memory and pocketed his phone.
"What's his name? Looks familiar," Ito wondered.
"Ren. Fujiwara Ren," Shinobu replied.
Realisation dawned upon Ito. "Fuck ! You snagged the school prince!"
"What?" Tsurono was now confused.
Ito couldn't stop laughing. Shinobu failed to understand the humour in it all.
"Oh my god! How the hell did YOU do it?" Ito exclaimed. "You're shitting me."
"I don't get it!" Tsurono complained.
"What's so hard to believe?" Shinobu was annoyed.
"Come on," Ito gave him a knowing look.
"Fine, I lucked out," Shinobu admitted.
"Hey, I'm missing out here," Tsurono reminded Ito.
Shinobu groaned inwardly as Ito launched into a full-blown account of high school history. How did three grown men end up in this conversation defied him.
When Ito was done, Tsurono was suitably impressed.
"You gotta share your secrets," he implored Shinobu.
Shinobu wanted to strangle Ito.
"They didn't get it at all!" Ren told him indignantly as they got ready for bed.
Shinobu was amused. "No point clarifying."
"At least Ito believed you."
"Okay, true."
"Whereas my friends think you're having fun with multiple people," Ren grumbled while he set the time on the bedside alarm clock.
Shinobu pulled the curtains closed and climbed into the left side of the bed. They never figured out why they each had a preferred side. It was one of those mysteries in life.
"I didn't think you have split personalities?"
"Very funny, Shin," Ren tried to sound stern but broke into a mischievous smile. "I don't need split personalities to keep you entertained, you know."
"I know," Shinobu kissed his forehead.
They looked at each other for a second.
Ren laughed. "Stop it. We have work tomorrow."
"Damn it."
"I'm turning off the light."
"Mmm, goodnight."
In two minutes.
"I want a hug."
"Come here."