Chapter 3

The students played games. The room was filled with laughters. They enjoyed and had fun.

"Ok, students, this will be our last game and your parents will be the one playing it." The adviser said. "Parents, please join me here at the center. This will be a couple game so please get your wives and husbands. For those who have none, you can partner with your co-parents." The adviser continued.

"Dad, go play with Auntie Aly." Aria said. Brett looked at Aly whose outside taking a call.

"Yes, Amelia?" Aly asked the person on the other line.

"Ma'am, Mrs. Reyes was here a while ago. She told me that she has something to give you. You should drop by at her house later." Amelia said.

"Ok, thank you. I'll go there straight from here." Aly said and ended the call.

Mrs. Reyes was one of Aly's clients. Most of the clients became close to her. Easy to approach, sweet talker, humble, a beautiful lady inside and out, these were some of Aly's qualities according to her staffs and customers.

Aly didn't noticed that Aria was behind her so she was surprised when the girl hold her hand. "Oh, what's the problem Aria?" Aly asked. "Can you be my dad's partner?" Aria asked shyly. Aly smiled.

"Sure, my sweet." Aly said that made Aria smiled widely. Aria pulled Aly inside the room.

Tyler, Caden, and Harper were busy chatting when they saw Aria pulling Aly, letting her stand infront of Brett. Harper's eyes twinkled because her sister just made a move. Tyler and Caden arched their brows.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" Tyler asked. "Playing?" Aly said. Brett noticed that Tyler and Caden was in a serious mood everytime he will be close to their mom.

"Don't worry, it's only a game." Brett said that made Tyler nod.

"Is there something wrong?" Harper asked Tyler.

"Nothing." Tyler answered.

"Really?" Harper asked again and Tyler just nodded.

"My dad is a good man." Harper said.

"I know. You told me many times." Tyler said.

"So, what's with that look?" Harper said.

"Can I trust your dad with my mom?" Tyler asked.

"Absolutely! 101 percent!" Harper answered and Tyler sighed.

"Parents, this game is very common and even without giving the instructions you know what to do." The adviser said then started giving each pair a newspaper. The music started and the game begun.

From ten down to five and left two pairs and one of the pairs was Brett and Aly.

Aly knew that it was only a game but each time that she will be near Brett, smelling his scent, she felt tensed.

Brett, on the other hand, was feeling the same. He felt that there's something in him that have been brought to life again.

"Two pairs left, who do you think will be the winner?" The adviser asked. Harper and Aria are shouting while Tyler and Caden are just looking. "You can do it, Dad! Auntie, go!" Harper shouted.

"Is it ok if I will carry you?" Brett asked Aly with a little hesitation.

"Can you carry me?" Aly asked feeling a drum rolling in her heart.

"Of course!" Brett said flexing his muscle that made Aly giggled.

As the music stop, Brett carried Aly in a "princess style" and begun balancing.

Aly held her breath and closed her eyes. Her body joining his body sent shivers on her making her stiffened. Brett was busy balancing and didn't notice the redness on Aly's face.

"Five, four, three, two, one! And we have a winner. Mr. Navarro and Mrs. Andrada. Congratulations!" The adviser said. The people in the room clapped their hands. Harper and Aria were very happy.

Eventhough the game was already finished, Brett was still carrying Aly. He's looking at Aly's face with her eyes were still closed. He smiled.

When Aly heard the announcement of the adviser, she opened her eyes. She was enchanted on Brett's lips wearing an attractive smile.

"Dad! Mom!" Tyler and Harper once spoke that made the adults came back to their senses. Brett brought down Aly and latter arranged her slightly rumpled dress.

"Dad, you did it." Aria said happily hugging her dad. "Thank you, Auntie. This is the happiest family day I ever had." Aria continued. Brett felt the happiness of his daughter and looked at Aly with thankfulness in his eyes. Aly smiled.

"You're welcome, my sweet." Aly said touching Aria's face.

"This ends our family day. Thank you parents for joining us today. Students, listen, because this is an important announcement from our principal." The adviser said that made the room fell in silence. "Tomorrow... is your free day!" The adviser said that made the students screamed joyfully.

All of them bid farewell to each other. Aly, Tyler, and Caden together with Brett, Harper and Aria are walking towards the parking lot.

"Aly?" Brett called.

"Yes?" Aly replied.

"Thank you." Brett said.

"For what?" Aly asked puzzled.

"For making my kids happy." Brett said.

"You're the reason for Harper and Aria's happiness. You should come often to their school's events. Enjoy while they are still kids because when they grow up, there will be someone else beside them and that is not us." Aly said smiling.

"Yeah, I know. I was really busy with work before but now that I have a partner, I'll give more time to them." Brett said. They said their goodbyes to each other and move towards their own cars where their children were patiently waiting for them.

"Dad?" Harper called Brett.

"Yes, sweetheart." Brett replied.

"What can you say about Auntie Aly?" Harper asked. Brett kept silent.

"Do you like her, Dad?" Aria asked. Brett cough to the sudden question of her daughter.

"Well, she's beautiful." Brett said.

"And?" Harper asked.

"She's nice." Brett continued.

"And?" Aria said.

"Sexy." Brett said smiling.

"Dad!" Harper and Aria spoke at once. Brett laughed.

"It's only our first meeting, I can't say if I like her or not." Brett said.

"But we like her a lot." Aria said. Brett raised his brow.

"And why?" Brett asked his youngest.

"She a good mommy to Caden and Big Brother Tyler. She's always beside them. She's nice, kind, and very pretty." Aria continuously spoke.

"Am I a bad daddy?" Brett said faking his sulkiness.

"Its not that, Dad. You're a good daddy to us but of course, we want a good mommy too." Aria said.

"If given the chance, we want Auntie Aly to be our second mom." Harper said in a serious tone. Brett was flabbergasted.


Lessons from quotes (source unknown)

Don't shed your tears with someone who has hurt you. Don't long for that person if he had left. Don't feel sorry if you have failed when you have tried your best. Someone's out there more deserving for your time and love.

Don't marry someone you can live without, marry someone you can't live without.

Don't tell me things you often hear, tell me things you often feel.

Even if love is full of thorns, I'd still embrace for I know that in between those thorns, there's a rose that's worth all the pain.

True love means sharing the happiness of the one you love, even if he finds it in someone else.