Chapter 5

"Good morning, Sir." Nanny Laura said while she is busy cooking their breakfast.

"Morning." Brett said before going to his daughters' respective rooms. Brett move towards Aria's room first. Between the two sisters, Aria is the one who had difficulty in waking up.

"Sweetheart, wake up." Brett said patting Aria's shoulders.

"Hmmmm." Aria's replied to his dad. Brett sighed.

"Aria." Brett said. "Aria." Brett continued calling and patting his daughter. "One...two..." Brett started to count but before he says three, Aria hurriedly got up the bed. "I thought I'd still count up to three." Brett said smiling.

"No, Dad, I'm already awake!" Aria said. "I don't want to die with your tickles." Aria continued that made Brett laughed.

"Ok, rinse your mouth and wash your face. Nanny Laura is almost done with your breakfast. I'll wake up your sister." Brett said and went out of Aria's room.

When Brett opened Harper's door, the bed was already empty. He smiled.

"Morning, Dad." Harper said going out of the bath.

"Morning sweetheart." Brett said. "Go down and let's eat breakfast." Brett continued and Harper nodded.

Just like Tyler and Caden, Harper and Aria were "chalk and cheese". Harper, even with her young age, is a responsible kid. Her room is always organised and clean. Her school things are always arranged and placed orderly. Just like Tyler, she rarely smile but when she's with her friends, you can't see her frowning.

Aria's room? One word, CHAOS! Nanny Laura was the one arranging Aria's room. All her things were in total mess. Sometimes, Brett will get angry or Nanny Laura will tell her to organise her things, but Aria will only nod yet she will do nothing. Aria is the cheerful one, the importunate one and the most talkative between the two but she's more sweet and caring. Harper is a sweet one too, but Aria had her ways wherein,she can turn her dad's anger and sister's irritation into laughters.

"Dad, next month we'll be having our graduation retreat." Harper said while eating breakfast.

"Where?" Brett asked while munching his toast.

"Blissful Moss Haven." Harper answered chewing her egg.

"What's a retreat, Dad?" Aria asked while cutting her ham.

"It's a three day activity wherein you meditate, keep silent, reflect, and pray." Brett said explaining.

"I don't want to join a retreat." Aria said.

"And why not?" Brett asked his youngest.

"Keep quiet for three days? I will have a bad breath if I will not talk for three days? My saliva will become musty. Eeewww...!" Aria said continuously. Brett and Harper laughed hardly that made Aria furrowed her forehead.


"Morning, Dave." Brett greeted his friend.

"Morning, how's the stage father?" Dave asked smiling.

"It was nice." Brett said sitting in his chair.

"That's it?" Dave asked.

"What else?" Brett asked. "No beautiful ladies swarming around?" Dave teasing his friend and he saw Brett grinned.

"And what's with that?" Dave asked curiously.

"I've met someone. She was the one my daughters have told me." Brett said.

"The good mommy thing?" Dave asked.

"Yeah." Brett replied.

"What about her?" Dave asked curiously.

"Beautiful, sexy, worth drooling for." Brett said smiling. "And my daughters wanted her to be their second mommy." Brett said that made Dave's jaw dropped.

"Really? What made your daughters said that?" Dave asked.

"I don't know. They had many interesting stories about her." Brett said.

"So, what's your plan?" Dave asked.

"For now, I had none." Brett said flipping the papers on his table.

"What? You will not do anything. You'll not pursue her?" Dave asked.

"Let destiny decide. If we're meant to be, then, it will be." Brett said that made Dave sighed.


Classes were over but Harper was still inside the bathroom.

"Big Sister, what's happening to you?" Aria said with a worried tone.

"I'm okay, but, I'm not feeling well and there's blood in my undies." Harper said that made Aria cried.

"What will I do?" Aria said crying.

"Don't cry, maybe this is the thing that my classmates were talking about." Harper said. "Go outside, see if there's anyone that can help me." Harper said and Aria hurriedly went outside.

Aria looked around but failed to see someone who she thinks can help. She proceeded in the parking lot, looked around and when she saw a familiar face, she immediately ran towards the person.

"Auntie Aly!" Aria shouted. Aly looked back and she saw Aria with tears in her eyes. Tyler and Caden went out of their car.

"Why are you crying, my sweet?" Aly asked worriedly.

"B...i...g sis...ter." Aria said between her sobs.

"What hapepen to her?" Tyler asked but Aria didn't answered him. Aria is pulling Aly.

"Where are we going? Tell me what happen first." Aly asked. Aria whispered something but Aly can't understand so she decided to bow her head.

"Big sister had blood in her undies." Aria whispered on Aly's ear.

Tyler and Caden were curiously looking to the two girls infront of them but didn't have any idea what were they're talking about.

Aly smiled. She went inside her car to get something.

"What's that, Mom?" Tyler asked.

"It's a girl thing." Aly said that made Tyler raised his brow. "Wait for us here. Tell Harper and Aria's service bus that they will be riding with us. I need to talk to Uncle Brett." Tyler nodded eventhough, he's puzzled.

"Harper, my sweet." Aly called.

"Auntie Aly?" Harper answered with a feeling of relief.

"Yes, I'm here." Aly answered. Harper started to sob.

"Don't cry, it's normal. Can you open the door?" Aly said and Harper went out. Aly was surprised because Harper hugged her tightly.

"Ssshhh...hush, my sweet." Aly said while stroking Harper's hair. Aly waited for Harper's cry to subside. Aria was with them inside the bathroom crying with her sister.

"Are you ok now?" Aly asked and Harper nodded. Aria stopped crying too. Aly taught Harper how to use a feminine pad and explained the do's and dont's when having the monthly period. When they're were done, they went out and move towards the parking lot where Tyler and Caden were worriedly waiting. When the two boys saw them, they immediately approached the girls.

"What happened to you? Did anyone bullied you? Tell me who are they, I will talk to them." Tyler said in a serious tone.

"Me too, me too, I will talk to them." Caden followed. Aly laughed.

"Relax, boys! Nothing happened. I told you, it's a girl thing, don't over react." Aly said still wearing a smile. "Let's go to your home girls." Aly continued and the four kids went inside the car.

"Auntie, daddy is still in the office." Harper said while on their way.

"Okay, we'll be going there. Just tell me where it is." Aly said and Harper nodded.


Lessons from quotes (source unknown)

When love strikes you the first time, it feels like you could give up everything. But when it's time to say goodbye, you're left nothing but the memory, which is hard to let go.

When we love someone, we never give up easily on that person even if we get hurt badly. We'll find a way to ease the pain and learn to understand and forgive. That's how love works.

When you follow your heart, worry not where it will lead you for your heart knows the way. And if you do get lost or reach the dead end, I'll be here to lead you back home.

When you say that you love someone, you're not always right. But when you feel you love someone, you know that it's true.

When you're in love, no one can ever tell but yourself. So let it all out and show it to that person to surely love you the same way.