The Deadly Past

Raven was sitting in his car when he caught sight of Doves kid Lileth, she was walking to school with her friends Abey and Alex. As usual she was wearing her fake smile no one noticed except him because he knows why it is fake. Eight years ago Raven and Dove were on a mission for the group they worked for, The Eclipse Organisation, they were supposed to rob The Sin Silver Bank of the rarest treauser one of The Seven Star Beads, as they were trying to steal it a man had wrestled Raven to the ground and got a good look at his face after Raven got him off he reached for his gun and aimed to kill the man this is when Dove jumped in and tried to stop him from killing the man and his daughter, this is when officer Ales and Alexa arrived. Ales tried to get them to come out peacefully but Alexa was in a rush for she saw Raven aiming a gun at her husband and daughter. because she was in a rush she wasn't thinking straight and fired her gun before he could right as the bullet was heading towards Raven, Dove stepped in the way after it hit Raven went into a rage and shot back at Alexa hitting her in the torso twice, ales called for back-up and got Alexa out of their as Raven was shooting the man got back on him and ended up getting shot, that was the last part Alexa saw before she passed out. present time Lileth was on her way back from school when she saw that her dad's car was in the driveway and not the garage " he must be drunk again " Lileth said. as Lileth was walking in to the house trying to get to her room as fast as possible her dad called her " Lileth get me and my boys some more beer ", when she walked to the kitchen to get them their beers her dad came in and said " answer me when I talk to you " in response she said " (whispers) yes ser "

" I didn't hear you " (smacks) " say it louder next time now get me and my friends some more Beer " he walks out as she gets the beer, after she gives them their beers she heads to her room in the basement and starts to cry will she is laughing. after seeing Lileth's father smack her Raven pounds on the door until he answer's " I said I pay rent next week " but before he can finish Raven pounds him wright in between his eyes, sending him strate down to the floor " I'm taking Lileth ".