A New Beginning

she looked at him confused " Do you know her? Do you like her? Is she nice ?" .

"Know her, yes, like her, debatable " as he says this she starred at him " Do I have something on my face or are you going to say something? ", after a while of confusion she looked away, " So, do you like her? " she looks at him and asks "Who doesn't? "

"You would be surprised."

" We're here now, get out and let's go." As he walks up to the entrance he remembers.

Sixteen years ago Raven and Dove were on their way to visit their grandparents when they saw this same door slightly open as the older sibling Dove moved to open the door more when Raven said " We should go "

" Where's your sense of adventure? "

" Dove, no " that was when it all started, when he first had a real family. present time "hey slowpoke let's go you're the one that wanted to introduce me ", "yeah I'm coming, just shut up " as they enter "ow yeah I already told everyone that you were coming" Raven open's up a second door and Lileth sees a lot of people, as she started to enter a man walks up and says "hello Lileth, welcome to The Eclipse Organisation ".