A Fight to Remember

Raven and Hell Hound start almost the moment the bell to begin is rung and it isn't a easy start. Both Raven and Hell Hound get at least five shots fired at each other but not one hits, or so it looks from hear but after a little time behind some shelter Hell Hound grabes his lag and Lileth can tell he's heart. "you haven't improved much have you Hound still all bark and no bite "

"your one to talk twety bird only one this year, have you gotten rusty? " both still find time to shoot insalt's at the other even when they're actually shooting at the other. After a good few minutes Raven lands three more bullets while Hell Hound only lands one, "told you, you are getting rusty "

"not as rusty as your teath I'll tell you that " she hears them shout threw gritting teath. "are they going to stop. One of them are going to die " Lileth says in a worried tone "don't worry it'll be over hear soon " the boss says this as if he knows what is about to happen, as Lileth looks around she sees people passing out money to others and all the people who are doing this are laughing and saying that it was bond to happen, all of this confuses her until it happens. a flare gets shot up into the air, she looks at Raven and sees him walking into the side door and then she looks a Hell Hound to see smoke rising above him. "What happened? why is he giving up? " Lileth asks "look at his legs " as he says this he points to Hell Hound, on closer inspection one of his caphs look like a bullet had hit it and cased some serious damage. Lileth looks back at the boss to see him halfway up the stairs "you should get ready, you might be next " after he is all the way up the stairs Lileth hears the announcer start speaking "that was... an amazing fight this sets high bars for the rest of our competitors, speaking of which up next two new girls Alexa and Lileth ".