Hell Master

The only idea that struck me was to talk to the princess. But no that would be too reckless. Uuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

I mean how can i marry a girl being a girl myself even if I'm in male's body I'm still a woman with the best curves in my world. And even if i marry her i would just die next day so there would be no point in consumating the marriage. And the very next day she would become a widow. This marriage would just be a horrible thing to happen. While i was arranging my thoughts i saw the hell master sitting on the wood of the room above. I mean hoe could such a delicious man exist in the world. Then he said you are drooling Ms. Mei. And that was very embarrassing indeed but it's his fault for being so handsome.

Then to the serious matter i asked him to help me get out of the place. And he asked why in a very intimidating tone like he couldn't understand why!!!! I was so pissed!!!!!!!!!

Oh well! I repeated it to him again that because i don't want to marry a woman that's why!!!!Help me come on!! He chuckled and said it doesn't matter you have 10 days left anyway and you are in a man's body so just stay a few days how does it matter. He laughed again.....