Chapter 16.

After a day had passed, I could feel a disturbance coming from little Han who sat back to back with me.

Once I realized what happened my mouth opened wide as I felt my entire understanding of the world had been shattered. This fudging brat broke through after a single day. I calmed my raging emotions down and collected my thoughts while I reinforced in my mind that he had probably almost broken through before he came here. That must be it!

I was still in a state of denial even thought I knew the truth that he was an MC.

Anyways, now that he has broken through, surely he will be content and thank me then quickly take his leave.

However, to my horror little Han sat there without the slightest movement with a determined expression as if he had almost understood something. Don't ask me how I knew his face was determined when we were back to back. I could feel it in my very pores. The determination that was oozing out of his body was undeniable.

Another two days went by and I broke through to become a 7th realm mortal. But as if to slap me in the face, this little monster also broke through again and became an 9th realm mortal.

One more day passed and once again... another disturbance arose behind me as my eyes trembled in fear.

I did not turn around to look. I was fearful my expression would collapse.

Even then, this little freak still said nothing.

He just cultivated on and on like it was the end of the world.

What is with this little freak of nature? He's a 10th realm mortal suddenly?! Does he not know this "old man" has a weak heart? Damn it, is it really this damn rope and pole after all? Then why am I so much slower than him? Is it the quality of the rope?!?! Maybe I'm not sitting on the most effective side of the pole? Is it the MC's most terrifying weapon; plot armour in action? Ahhh I want to break through like I'm eating realms for breakfast too! Is there even a god in the world? I don't mean you father in law!

It was unknown to me but my wife at the time also had the strangest expression on her face while watching everything unfold.

It seems she was really unsure whether to laugh or cry so she dropped all thoughts on the matter as she pulled out some popcorn to eat. She watched on like it was the most interesting show in the world as my expression constantly changed. One moment I was green with envy, while at other times I would be blue with depression. There were even occasions of red in rage. It seems she like the last the best as she would break out into laughter every time.

It was not even six hours later and the monster behind seemed to need no rest. I could just envision asking him if he knew what the word relax meant. Don't look confused! It's a real word okay?!

I eventually wanted to kill myself. Every bit of confidence I had in my pace during my sloth like cultivation was broken.

Although I managed to break through to become an 8th realm mortal, the ripple behind me was like a sledgehammer that broke my knees. I just want to go to sleep and wake up and find out it was all just a stupid dream. You know what, I hate stupid MC's! They should all just die a horrible dog's death. Isn't it too unfair to the world? We have me, the prodigal son in law of the mightiest god with a heaven defying body against what? This little child MC with no supporting background or assistance.

Simple words can destroy all bottlenecks and shatter the heavens.

Where is the balance? Game developers I want a refund! This is a scam right?!

Hah… whatever who cares. Crying about it is too exhausting. I'm done! I'm going to just go to sleep and forget I ever knew this little freak. I'll just act like I know nothing about this life hacking brat behind me from now on.

In the end the child broke through to become a 1st realm semi transcendent.

I let out a "not bad" under my breath as I had finally calmed my raging emotions. Whatever, he's a MC it shouldn't be surprising even if plot armour made him jump 2-3 tiers in a few days. That's just how terrifying plot armour is after all.

Upon reaching this stage the child broke free of the ropes binding him and he turned around and kowtowed in complete reverence towards me. I kept my back to the child as I remained completely silent.

I don't want to talk to a stinky hacker. Go jump off a bridge somewhere and die please.

The child seemed to think that no further words were necessary. It seems he had comprehended some kind of great truth during his time cultivating. It looks like he got something out of those cheap words I blabbered out only four short days ago. Cheating great grand master MC, can you please shed some light to this old one regarding your mystical enlightenment?

Oh, I see how it is. You're too good for that, huh? I'll remember this!

You little brat, you finally left this old one alone. Now I can revel in that little seat you once sat. It must be the position that made the difference! The ropes were identical so it must be where you sat! It's the only possibility.

Thinking these thoughts of triumph I changed my position as I rotated around the pole to sit where he was earlier. However, I felt slightly tired after I had finally gotten rid of the brat. We sat back to back for several days and I was constantly in a state of high tension while I maintained my act the entire time.

After letting my guard down I figured I would take a well deserved nap after all of my efforts. I deserve at least that much right?

My eyes felt heavy and after a few moments only blackness occupied my vision as I fell into a deep slumber.

(POV Megumi)

After watching over my husband's struggles, keeping up his act over the past four days; it seems the poor child was successfully hoodwinked.

But really, does that child have something wrong with his head? He clearly has high intelligence if he can break through with just a few random nonsensical words. Perhaps imprinting is to blame. Once you see something and are convinced it is true, it is just that hard for the blinded to uncover the truth.

Well at least my husband helped the child break through in the end, regardless of whether it was intentional or not it is still a good thing nonetheless.

I just wish this husband of mine would, at the very least, be serious when he cultivates like this child. If you can break through when you're slacking off like this, won't you be heaven defying when you actually put in some effort?

With fortune like yours, aren't you just wasting it by lazing about all the time?

This sloth like husband of mine can be such a hassle. Really? Falling asleep like this with such a slovenly appearance.

Seeing husband's sleeping face does warm my heart a bit though. However, I must never let him get the satisfaction of knowing that. He's already too complacent. If it goes to his head, he may truly transform into a sloth one day.

Husband, oh husband, hurry up and mature for this little wife of yours.

While I lightly rebuked my darling husband in my heart and relieved some of my grievances, my husband's aura was rapidly changing while in his unconscious state.

I could only look on with a perplexed look as I felt it was too ridiculous to believe. Why does he suddenly feel like he's a 9th realm mortal now? These little eyes of mine are not playing tricks, are they?

I rubbed my eyes thinking I might have been a bit sleepy, but when I opened them again my jaw only dropped further. Husband… you thought that child was a monster, but what are you? A freak among all creation? A 10th realm mortal and your aura is still rising?

An hour later his aura stabilized. Thinking back to our bet, I could only cry. If I knew it was so easy for you to become a semi transcendent, I would've just made it transcendent realm instead.

He stopped at 2nd realm semi transcendent. I could only laugh at my husband's childish nature. It felt like he had an inferiority complex because he suffered a loss to a child. Could it be he stopped at this realm because he gained a realm over that child? Are you that petty my husband?

If I so much as flirted with a middle realm god, would you suddenly cultivate to become an upper realm god?

I could only shake my head as I had such silly thoughts. I patiently waited upon my husband as I undid the ropes that bound him and let his head plop down on top of my lap. I moved my hand through his hair as I bent down and lovingly planted a small peck on his cheek.

Really now, will this silly little husband of mine ever change? At least it's entertaining being with him.

Well… he's cute too, I guess. It's definitely much better now than it was when I was alone for 2 billion years.