Chapter 32.

(POV little Han)

Venerable master please don't joke around with this child! I did exactly as you said, yet you walked away with the beauty in one arm while leaving me behind with your wife?

Is your wife really okay with that? Really, you are?

His wife was smiling happily towards me like she couldn't care less. If I was as sharp as her, who noticed right away Chu'er was putting on an act, I would be left baffled and lose my senses.

What is with this situation? This wasn't a scenario venerable master outlined. Venerable master did mention a woman's heart was the most complex thing in the world and that in love we should always expect the unexpected, but is this your idea of unexpected?

Please venerable master, you can't just snatch the food from my plate like this. I'm a growing boy, I need to eat as well! I get that I'm twelve, but I've got a ticking time bomb on my back known as the system now. I don't have time to fool around or I'm doomed.

I must calm down. Venerable master said to always think before acting and to always analyze the situation to the best of your abilities based upon all the facts. What would make Chu'er act this way?

The plan was to inspire jealousy in her heart. If I was in her place and I became jealous that the man I liked was flirting with another woman, what would I do to make myself feel slightly better? Find another man to cry to about my problems? Maybe try to make my love interest jealous? Maybe get back against the woman who had the attention of the apple of my eye?

That's it! That must be it! She wanted to get back at his wife for flirting with the guy she liked.

Hahaha! Venerable master, truly, you must be a love guru! Even such an unexpected scenario works in my favour. How can one become as adept as you are in the ways of love? It is just like you said, venerable master, love is the ugliest and most gruesome battlefield I have ever seen.

(POV Megumi)

This kids eyes are really quite telling for a story.

At first there was despair, then there was a thoughtful look, confusion, realization, clarity, and finally relief like he had seen through the mysteries of the world.

Kid, a woman's heart isn't as complex as you think it is. That little girl just thought you really actually liked me and wanted to play wingman for you. Why didn't you even consider what she whispered to you before taking my husband away?

It's blatantly obvious she is now treating you like a younger brother she has to take care of. How can I find it in my heart to break the news to the child when he shows eyes filled with such hope.

Well, the heart is a strange thing. Maybe one day that girl will look your way. Just don't give up! Keep fighting! I'm sure things will work out one day. Even I sound a bit doubtful saying that though.

That poor little girl as well. Falling for my nefarious husband's act and not realizing the one she is playing games with is the very same person she fell for.

Well nonetheless, I'm confident I won't lose to a child. If you were a bit older I might consider taking the threat seriously.

If you were my master who taught me the ways of a woman, I'd definitely fight you to the death. Luckily for me, my master fell in love with a baby boy at some point. It was only then that I escaped her clutches.

Thinking about all those sleepless nights still sends shivers down my back. The night lessons were especially unbearable with her around all the time. She truly took pleasure in teaching by example. She was very impressive though, that technique of hers was definitely unparalleled across the realms. Even now I can't touch the shoes of my master in that regard. The way she used her tongue, the way she swayed her hips, every single movement of her finger contained the path of true seduction.

Those dexterous fingers that would slide along your body arousing your carnal instincts. In the end I only mastered 5% of her ability. If I were to show her what I did to husband, she would probably scold me for being incompetent. She also really liked to scold and whip out punishment whenever I failed to meet her standards.

It might be due to her I find so much enjoyment in teasing, punishing and bullying my husband. Sorry husband, this wife really needed to vent her pent up frustrations on you. That woman gave me a lifetime worth of pent up frustration after all.

Every day I would find myself flushed red and dazed unable to walk straight. There would be other disciples who would turn and point fingers while whispering about how I had such a passionate night. Yes. I admit it was passionate, but I was still pure, I hadn't lost the thing that a woman should have lost a long time ago! Whatever, enough of that, it's a thing of the past.

It's such a shame master's first true love was so short lived though. Her first true love died rather abruptly after all. I still don't know the details pertaining to his death. All I know is master was so far lost in her obsession over him she went as far as tracking down his reincarnation and bore his child only for him to die once more. She was unable to locate his reincarnation for some strange reason after that.

She was extremely saddened at his loss, but as she still had his child she eventually brightened up. She still lovingly dotes on that child of hers day and night and patiently waits on news of her reincarnated husband. I hope she will one day reunite with him.

For both her sake and mine. I don't want to become her toy again! I have my own toy, I will not become a toy for another to play with again!

"Big sister fairy Meg… are you really fine with venerable master being dragged off like that?"

"Little Han rather than worrying about me, shouldn't you be worrying about your own love affairs?"

"Haah, I didn't expect her to get jealous and try to get back at you like this though. Who knew venerable master was so capable. To see through her heart to such an extent is really amazing. Creating a scenario to get her jealous to the point where she tries to get revenge on you like this is a bit excessive though."

"Umm… I don't think it's exactly like what you are thinking little Han. You might really just be overthinking it."

"No. Venerable master is a guru; a true god in the way of love. There is no way I could possibly mistake his intent."

This kid is an idiot when it comes to women. Whatever, it's cute how he places so much blind trust in husband so I'll just leave it be. I wonder why he is so trusting of my husband though. Could it really just be because of the simple advice he was given?

Whatever, I'll figure it out later. It looks like things are finally getting interesting.

"Make way! Make way!"

A loud voice rung out and the crowd parted like a receding tide.

Wondering who it could be? Well it's actually pretty obvious after all, I secretly leaked the information behind the so called pocket realm to the other great powers after all. They quickly sent over anyone powerful who was close by.

At first they held no interest in this so called trial by fire but if things proceeded so smoothly wouldn't it be boring?

I can't wait to see everyone's faces when they enter that pocket realm. I'm especially looking forward to husband's.

Several majestic figures... or should I say clowns pranced in with their heads held high and disdainful sneers on their faces.

They made their way over to where the patriarch was standing. The patriarch was hiding the tablet which was the key to entering the pocket realm behind his back. Is that really the best you can do to hide it?

Were you really so unprepared? Did you really think just because you only told three people about the sudden change of plans for the trial by fire that it would not leak? Naturally the sect is bound to have spies you dummy. All I needed to do was leave a note for one of those stupid spies and this was what happened. What was his name again? Shi Yun or something like that, right? That kid who tied for third place among the newly accepted sect disciples.

Do you really think everyone has completely forgotten about the Heavenly Fortune sect? Just leave a simple note stating the patriarch of the Good Fortune sect is the last descendant from the Heavenly Fortune sect and naturally all the powers of the realm will move into action.

My sect back then was not simple after all. Backed by the daughter of the mightiest god, there is no way it would not have a hidden heritage. Although, because of stupid husband's words I decided to change things up a bit with this so called trial by fire.

Only those below eighteen years of age can enter the pocket realm. The pocket realm they are entering is by no means one where monsters who possess ridiculous cultivation bases exist. However, there is something scarier than cultivation in this pocket realm. Even the weak have their way to fend off the strong. This is a lesson to teach those who severely underestimate the weak.

It is a trial by fire never heard of before since the beginning of times. Okay, I'll come clean and admit I have ulterior motives. I just wanted to go on a date with husband, but going on a date in this realm seems unbelievably boring. Since husband can just miraculously increase his cultivation for no apparent reason, why should I be so stuck up on him cultivating all the time?

Being a neglected wife is no fun.