
Public Release: March 20th, 2019 - 3:30 am EST

Cara frowned and immediately denied the dark energy trying to invade her body. She shivered and a cold sweat formed along her back and brow. The darkness of the spirit trembled alongside her and its efforts redoubled. Cara grit her teeth and groaned. She could feel a strange influence almost demanding her to complete the contract, one that would inexorably tie her together with the Empire.

"Don't you…" said Cara through grit teeth. "Don't you underestimate me!"

The mana in the air formed a powerful cyclone. Cara's eyes opened wide and veins bulged out against her skin. More and more mana started to concentrate around her as the Spirit attempted to force the contract on her.

Cara knew full well that she would never contract such a Spirit. She could feel the Monster rage at her actions as it created more and more mana.

Cara understood that the Spirit waited until Zara and her separated before it made its move. She wondered if the 'valley up ahead' that Zara spoke of was even real. Being under the influence of a Spirit, the entire area could very well be a well crafted illusion.

They were in a dungeon. They were at the behest of the Dungeon Master.

Cara bit her lip hard and the blood traveling down her chin dripped to the ground where, when it made contact, the blood seemed to explode. The rock that the blood landed on crumbled and a myriad of colorful flowers bloomed on contact. The dark mana in the air shuddered as it was siphoned away by the blood, as if it were facing its worst nemesis.

All at once the pressure from the Spirit vanished, and Cara was left alone sitting on a lone rock, breathing heavy. Her eyes scanned left and right, before she finally looked down on the flowers blooming in front of her, flowers awash with dark mana inside them.

"What the fuck?" she asked to herself as she tired to make sense of what just happened.

"Teacher!" Zara's voice echoed over the trees as she appeared in the sky, riding on the back of what could only be described as a car-sized vampire bat. "Teacher what happened?"

Zara arrived at Cara's side in a moment.

"The Spirit of the Empire tried to form a contract with me," said Cara. "By force."

A small bottle in Zara's hand shattered. "What did you say?" she asked.

"Calm down, Zara."

"I'll kill this Spirit."

"I said calm down."

"Let's uproot this entire country," said Zara with a smile.

Cara just sighed. "I don't think the Spirit wanted to do that so much as one of its current contractors made it do that," she said.

There was a moment of pause. Neither woman said a word for a few minutes as they collected their thoughts.

"Also," Cara broke the silence, "somehow my blood seemed to absorb the dark mana and drive away the Spirit entirely."

"What?" asked Zara.

"I'm not too sure either," said Cara. "I think it's got something to do with my bloodline ability."

"But isn't your bloodline just a Land Wyrm?"

"No. That's what the Stonelights claim, but their bloodline is only similar to one of a land wyrm. I think that the Stonelight bloodline is something far stronger."

"What could it be?" Zara asked.

"That question is one we won't be able to answer for a while," said Cara, "Because I think we need to head west to find out."


A round table sat in a round room. Around the table were nine seats, each occupied by a single person. Most of the seats were held by older men, each with their own distinct styles. One seat, though, was occupied by the Third Princess of the Empire, Lynn.

"This meeting," said one of the oldest men there, Jaonn Baptist, the head of the Boshwa, "is about the allocation of Training Ground slots."

There was a pause as all the people at the table nodded or whispered to one another. Jaonn continued, "I have discussed the issue with most of you and we have decided on the allocation ahead of time. I will now relay it for those of you who are not aware.

"There are a total of 30 slots. 7 slots will go to Sir Jackson and his company, Automation Incorporated. 5 slots will go to the company Loom Frontier. 10 slots will be allocated to my company the Baptist Refineries. 5 slots will go to LeMure's company, the Indigo Dyes. And the final 3 slots will go to the Royal Family."

"What the fuck!" said Lynn as she jumped to her feet. "Three? You're only giving the Royal Family three slots?"

"Princess Lynn, I would appreciate it if you calm down and use a quieter voice," said Joann.

"You know damn well I wont just sit here quietly while you try to fuck my family over like this!" yelled Lynn. "The Royal Family has always gotten at least 10 slots every time the Training Grounds opens. Why are we being given so few this time around?"

"The slots are allocated based upon contribution to the Empire and its progress," said Joann. "Tell me, little Princess, what has the Royal Family done in the last five years to earn those slots?"

A few of the men at the table snickered, clearly all in on the joke taking place. To her credit, Lynn no longer lost her cool. Instead a powerful calm overtook her and her eyes narrowed. Her mouth turned into an upwards arc. "What have we done?" she asked in a condescending tone. "Why, I've invited a Heaven Knight and her disciple to the Training Ground this time. It sure would be a shame if they arrive and find that there are no actual slots waiting for them."

Everything froze. All the elders looked on aghast, their eyes wide and mouths dry. They felt like they'd just eaten cotton.

"Y-you're bluffing!" accused one of the men.

"You all know me," replied Lynn. "You all understand that I don't make fake threats. I'm not one of my idiot brothers."

"Oh fuck," said Joann. "Fine, fine. I'll give up two of my slots to the Royal Family."

"I'll give up three of mine," said Sir Jackson, a thin man with a wire mustache sitting on the left side of the room.

"Then I'll also give up three of mine," said one more man.

"That makes a total of ten for the Royal Family. Since that's the number they're usually allocated, I hope this won't be an issue any longer, Princess Lynn," said Joann.

Lynn smiled, her lips curling to her ears. "Thank you, gentlemen, for inviting me to this lovely meeting. I'll be sure to report to my father about your generosity." Lynn turned and left the room.

The moment she left, in a quiet voice, Joann asked, "Does anyone know anything about what she said?"

"I do," said one of the men whose name Joann couldn't even remember. "About a week or two ago, Lynn left for the Tin City with a small entourage. There were rumors of a Heaven Knight being there alongside their disciple…"

"Looks like we'll have to delay our plans to oust the Imperial Family for a bit longer," said Joann under his breath. The rest of the room just nodded along, their faces forlorn.


Lynn walked into the royal palace. She followed the shifting paths and made her way to a blank stretch of wall. Tapping three times on different spots, she opened up a secret door. Inside there were five people wearing black coverings over their faces.

"How did it go?" asked Lynn.

"The girl defended our efforts to contract her," said one of the people in black, his voice distinct and deep. It sounded like the rumbling of an engine.

"Did her master help her?"

"No, she defended it on her own somehow. But it was quite a fight. If they separate again should we try again?"

"No," said Lynn. "If it failed once they'll be on guard for it now. In fact, they might demand an explanation from us. Go set up evidence. We can still frame Joann and his flunkies. Even if we can't draw them to our side, we can still use this Heaven Knight and her disciple to cleanse our Empire of these parasites."

"Your will is my command, Princess."

The men in black all vanished, seemingly into thin air, leaving only Princess Lynn in the hidden room. She bit her lip and frowned.

"Eldest Brother needs to come back soon," she said to herself, "Or else I might have to claim the throne to keep our country safe."