Doesn’t learn

Su Lin, who was anticipating the event that was about to happen only to find out Lei Zhi backing out.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." Su Lin said in a low voice while lowering her head. Seeing her sad like this Lei Zhi felt bad and decided to kiss her on her cheek.

While feeling down she suddenly felt warm on her left cheek, she saw Lei Zhi gave her a peck."Ahh!" She jumped out of the couch due to shock and fell from the couch.

But of course Lei Zhi wasn't going to let her fall, he has reflexes only second to his old man after all, He immediately caught her with his hands holding her waist as he lift her up.

"Listen, it's not like i hate you but you are still young don't make hasty decisions. Ok?" Lei Zhi suddenly told her and woke her up from her daze.

Of course Lei Zhi wouldn't tell her the reason he really backed out just now was because he was still a VIRGIN! After all he has been training since young and also join the military as soon as he was finish training and thus didn't have time to get laid yet and was nervous when facing this pure and innocent looking girl not only that but she's 18!!!

After dinner Lei Zhi walked her through the station, after seeing her off he decided to go to a bar and drink a few. "BOSS, It's himmmm!!" Suddenly a man shouted which made everyone who was doing something stopped.

Lei Zhi who was going to the bar also stopped because this voice was familiar to him! Looking at the direction of where the voice came from.

Seeing the 11 men including the one who shouted, Lei Zhi's eyes revealed peculiar excitement.

The man who shouted was naturally the one he met at the food stall the other day, he has no idea what this mans identity was but he was too lazy to find out.

"Boss! It was this bastard who stepped on me the other day, help me beat him to death!" The man said while sharply pointed at Lei Zhi as he called him out.

The man who was being called "boss" took a look at Lei Zhi's slim physique, and revealed a gaze of disdain. He then signalled one of his bodyguards to teach Lei Zhi a lesson.

The man didn't even bat an eye and just directly swung his fist.

Lei Zhi didn't even bother dodging, with a calm and laidback expression as if nothing was happening, he lifted one of his hands at the exact and perfect timing and his palm collided wit the man's fist...


The man screamed as his fist was being crushed by Lei Zhi.

Lei Zhi threw him in the ground and the man unceasingly rolled about while holding his own hand.

This scene that took place in the street seemed a little bit strange. Although fights often happens in this area, not once was this "boss'" group eaten a loss. Unable to resist, the people who were watching looked towards Lei Zhi with curiosity.

The "boss" saw things weren't going as he has planned, and he couldn't help but frown. He cast a suspicious glance at glance at Lei Zhi, then examined his hurt subordinate. It was no big deal if he didn't see the man's arm, but he did, his forehead immediately had cold sweat streaming down...

The other subordinate was ready to pounce at Lei Zhi only to be held back by their boss who blocked them with his arms.

Without explanation the "boss" bowed to Lei Zhi after standing up, "Big Brother is very merciful, this time us brothers have offended you and would like to apologize, please if you need anything in the future just let me know."

With that said, the "boss" had his confused brothers carry the wailing man in pain out of the street.

Seeing the "boss'" action Lei Zhi just shrugged his shoulders and went to the bar.