
Lei Zhi stared blankly at the door, and couldn't help laughing bitterly. Just as he was about to run out and explain, he saw the woman got to a black Mercedes Benz.

"Sigh..." Lei zhi could only let out a sigh after seeing the car drive away.

After getting back inside and tidying up, Lei Zhi remembered he hasn't eaten yet and decided to go to the noodle shop. Although the shop isn't bustling with people, he always enjoyed peace and quiet, the feeling of immersed in one's world. Anything doesn't matter.

After eating his fill, the shop owner named Yeo Fu suddenly said. "Lei Zhi, be honest with me, you came late today, did you have a date or something yesterday?"

"How can there be such a thing? I just overslept thats all."he dully replied.

The shop owner laughed, and with a smile he said, "My son finished his internship and returned home, and we are having dinner tonight! Wanna tag along?

"Nah, don't bother yourself with trying to invite someone like me, have fun spending it with your family instead." Lei Zhi replied not wanting to disturb them but mostly not to be disturbed by them.

After getting back home, just as he was about to relax he suddenly heard someone knocking on his door.

A head full of grizzled hair wore black suit came to view after he opened the door, "May i help you?" He asked.

"Please come with me, my miss would like to a have a word with you." The man on the door replied. "Miss?" He thought to himself before he remembered the events this morning.

"What if i said no?" Lei Zhi replied not wanting to see her if he can. "You may refuse but.... we will file a case on you for raping our miss." The man replied firmly.

Haaaah~ he sighed "Fine.. i just had to see her right." No other choice was given so he decided just to submit.

Being guided to the black Mercedes Benz, the car window winded down, and the woman didn't even take another look at Lei Zhi, unenthusiastically she said, "Get on."

Seeing her act like this made him laughed a little inside then entered and freely shifted his butt around getting the most comfortable position to sit, "Listen this morning..." Lei Zhi wanted to explain that it was only a misunderstanding but as he was trying to explain he suddenly heard her voice, "STOP right there, you are not allowed to bring this topic again! Understand?" The woman said interrupting him.

"But.." Lei Zhi said, not wanting to give up.

"No buts,I don't want to hear your excuses." The woman said.

Without making a sound anymore to argue with with her, the woman stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly left this place leaving the man who knocked on his door as well.

After about 20 minutes later, they stopped at a restaurant.

After they entered, it seems this young lady already made reservation as they were sent to a private room.

"So what's this about,You didn't invite me here to have lunch with you right?"

Lei Zhi said while looking at the menu. "Of course not, i want you to take responsibility!" The woman spoke.

"No."He replied in a calm and firm tone, which made the woman almost tear up in anger.

"YOU BASTARDD!!!!!..."