Can’t see title? Me too

Morning came while the two is still attached to each other.


Feng Xin slowly opened her eyes, while trying to move but she realised that she can't budge an inch.

She turned her head and saw a man hugging her from the back, and finally she recalled what happened yesterday.

"How can i... with him, i did drink but it was one glass and i only felt tipsy so how..." She said to herself. "Haaah..... fine it already happened, but i never though i would do it ever with a man in my entire life."

Looking at this man's face, She caress his cheek with her cold but soft hands which woke Lei Zhi up.

"Mmm? Five more minutes~" Saying that he closed his eyes again and unknowingly pulled her closer and hugged her tighter.

"Ahhh" Feng Xin shrieked at the forceful pull of Lei Zhi and, when she finally came to her senses she was already in Lei Zhi's chest.

"I know that you still want to rest but i dont, now realease me!!" She said and struggled her way out, but rendered useless as Lei Zhi's physique is not normal.

Knowing that she can't escape him she calmed herself down and nestled back in his chest, she fell asleep again a few minutes later.


It was almost noon when Lei Zhi woke up, he smelled a fragrant scent and opened his eyes to see an alluring figure sleeping in his chest.

Recalling the events yesterday, Lei Zhi felt proud of himself for finally losing his v-card.

"Hey, wake up already sleepy head."

He said as he tapped her tender ass waking her up.

"Where do you think your touching?" She sat at the bed and glared at him.

"Hmmm? You mean here?" Lei Zhi grinned and pulled her closer to him and rubbed her ass roughly.

"Youuuuu... do not touch me!!" Feng Xin shouted blushing, feeling embarrassed she started softly punching Lei Zhi's chest angrily.

"Touch you where? Here or here you gotta tell me so i can understand." Lei Zhi caressed her body teasingly yet gentle.

"Ahhh.. y-you stop....keep this up and i will bite you." She said showing her white teeth.

"Bite me then, i'll just bite back."

Lei Zhi gently bit her shoulder which made her moan, "mhmm" he nibbled her shoulder and licked it, he continued to move towards her fingers biting and licking it savouring this taste.

"Ahhhh.... i surrender....." The once cold and elegant lady that people see in public was now like a little cat in Lei Zhi's grasp.

"Hmmm? What was that, I couldn't her you over your moaning." He toke off the sheet that was covering her body and threw it on the ground.


He looked at those peaks and couldn't help bit gulped, he caressed it gently circling it, then he bit her erect nipples which made Feng Xin jump, and sucked it tenderly.

Both of them were already feeling hot, gazing at each other they had multiple rounds for 3 hours straight.

They were both panting while still attached to each other.

"You rogue I'm hungry and tired because of you." She said mildly.

"Fine i'll bring us something to eat." He replied while kissing her forehead before putting some clothes on.

After changing he went down himself to order some food, after that he hurriedly came back to her room to feed her, she refused at first saying that she can do it by herself but lost to him in the end.

"You scoundrel, you made me miss my meeting!" She said after looking at her phone and seeing all the missed calls from her assistant.

"Isn't it fine to miss one? Well since i am responsible as well, I'll accompany you." He replied to her with a warm smile which made her heart beat accelerate.

"You want to come with me?" She replied while trying to calm herself.

"Of course." He said, "tell your assistant to inform everyone, and you go clean up i'll wait for you."