
-Next Morning-

Lei Zhi and Feng Xin were already ready to go back to Beijing, but a call from Feng Xin's assistant made their return came to a halt.

"President! Some trouble have occurred."

Feng Xin furrowed her eyebrows upon hearing the news from her assistant.

"What is it?" Feng Xin replied with a calm but cold voice.

"The investors on the resort all pulled back this morning." The assistant said in a panic tone.

"All of them?" Feng Xin replied.

"Yes, everyone suddenly said that they don't want to cooperate with us anymore." The assistant answered.

Feng Xin sat down and rubbed her forehead, after a few seconds she said. "Doesn't matter just postpone the project for now and find new investors that are willing to cooperate."

"Uhmmm..... but..... it'll take a while for us to find new investors that are willing to invest on a 50 Billion USD resort."

"Haaa~" Feng Xin sighed softly, "it's fine just do as i say."

"I will do everything i can president." The assistant said in determination.

After that Feng Xin hung up on the phone and sighed once more, Lei Zhi who was observing from the bed got up and patted her shoulder.

"Looks like it's not doing so well?"

"Hmm" Feng Xin just let out a faint voice and nodded.

Lei Zhi saw her looking like this and he massaged her shoulder softly.

"Mind telling me what's the problem? I might be able to help you know," Lei Zhi said smiling at her.

"The investors that we are cooperating on this resort all pulled back this morning, and I don't have 50 Billion USD to cover up for it and now we are back at finding investors again for now." She said and continued. "Thanks for your concern i am fine, the resort will just be delayed for a year or 2 at most."

"Hmmm... 50 Billion?" Lei Zhi asked.


"Then it's fine i'll just give you 50 Billion and all is well right?" Lei Zhi said casually.

"50 Billion huh? Sure thanks for the help." Feng Xin thanked Lei Zhi for helping her she felt warm having someone care for her like this, but she suddenly realised something was off.

"Wh- wha what did y you say? 50 Billion? Are you sure? You aren't delusional are you?" Feng Xin said in an anxious tone.

"Haha what's wrong? Are you doubting me? Tell me, in you're eyes am i so poor to you?" Lei Zhi asked her teasingly.

"I-i I didn't mean it that way, b-but 50 Billion is just a lot of money and i just need reconfirming." Feng Xin said panicking a little.

"Hehehe i was just kidding you don't have to panic like that." Lei Zhi said while laughing.

"Give me your credit card number i will send the money to you, ok?"

"Uhh" Feng Xin who was still in shock can't even process what is happening right now, 'he said he will give me 50 Billion. Just like that?' What is happening, Feng Xin just shook her head and gave her number to Lei Zhi.

Moments later she receives a notification from her phone "50 Billion USD has been transferred to your account." looking at her phone she glances at Lei Zhi and back to her phone again and to Lei Zhi and phone repeatedly.

"Hahahaha stop that it's just a little help, now shoo shoo you have a resort to finish right?" Lei Zhi said while smiling at her and waving his hand.

"Mhmm" Feng Xin nodded and headed out.

The moment Feng Xin left the room, Lei Zhi reached out of his pocket and grabbed his phone. He dialled someone.

"Hello Commander it's been a while, hehe i have a favor to ask you."