Chapter 1

On top of a tree one could see a 6 years old child sitting with his eyes closed not far from him one could see a little girl at the same age running towards the tree on which he was sitting and as soon as she reached him she said "elder brother come mom and dad said that there is something important they want to tell you".

Opening his eyes and looking at his little sister Peter couldn't help but smile jumping down and patting his little sister head he lovingly told her "Mandy didn't i tell you before not to come this far of the village without someone accompanying you " as he looked at Mandy she just pulled out her tongue and made a cute face before they continued on their way back.

Halfway through their journey back they could see smoke rising high up in the sky from their village when peter saw this he turned to his sister and told her to hide in the bushes next to the road and not come out unless he came back and then sprinted full speed towards the village.

Once he reached the entry of the village he was stupefied by what he saw as there was fire going everywhere and dissected corpses everywhere some half burnt some totally burnt to the point that they were unrecognizable with this scene in front of him Peter couldn't stop himself from throwing up after a few moments he regained some of his composure as his instincts were screaming for him to run for his life but just as he was about to run from this place the head of his uncle fell right in front of him followed by his body seeing that peter fell down with his body trembling and fear seeping deep in his bones.