Chapter 10

Looking at the shadow cat in front him Daemon said "bring us some wood i need to eat something before we talk business " the cat just nodded and went to get the wood when it came back Daemon just took the wood and started cooking the meat and didn't notice that the cat had disappeared when he finished cooking and ate to his fill he saw the cat coming back he proposed a leg to it but it didn't accept and sat in front of him while it made a small cut into it's paw and made blood drip on Daemon's shadow then he heard a notification .

[variant shadow cat wish to become your pet do you accept].

"Yes" as he said that another notification popped out [name your new pet] then looked for a moment towards the cat and said "your name shall be Joker" [pet has been named Joker].

Then Joker just sat on Daemon's lap now that he was full Daemon decided to check the arena function from the system so he picked it.

He appeared in front of a weaponry filled with all types of weapons from spears knives bows swords..... and a sign telling him to pick his weapon so he picked two short swords same as his past life then the weaponry disappeared

A screen appeared in front of him with parameters to define about his opponent(s) first was cultivation so he picked same as mine then there was number of opponents he picked one and then there was level of skill when he looked at it there was only 3 choices possible Trash,pathetic,acceptable the others were grayed out so he couldn't pick them checking the information the system had gave him he realized that he had to beat 3 opponents at the acceptable skill level at the same time to unlock the next one.