Chapter 21

After he had finished all his explanation he said "now that i have answered your questions let's talk buisness i want 3 drops of your bloodline essence blood in exchange for letting you go and don't say your bloodline purity is lower than 30% as i am pretty sure it is above it albeit not by much".

Daemon looked clueless he then asked "senior what is essence blood?" Hearing the question 4th got angry and released his aura to pressure Daemon "ARE YOU MESSING WITH ME!!!!!" Daemon was terrified "no senior i really don't know what is essence blood" looking at Daemon 4th judged that he seemed to genuinely not know so he explained "essence blood is the blood where your blood energy is concentrated unlike normal blood it is golden in color normally a person has one drop of it but bloodline cultivators gain one more drop for every 10 % bloodline purity "

Daemon looked like he understood then said" and how do i know how much blood essence i have "

4th answered "just focus on your heart and you will see them" then Daemon did as he was told but unlike what 4th said there was 111 blood essences he didn't know how but he was happy and couldn't stop himself from smiling but when he did he realized he just made a blunder so he recuparated by saying "senior is amazing you know so much i do indeed have 3 and a quarter blood essences but i don't know why one is redder than normal blood the other is totally black and the other one and quarter are grey"

hearing his answer he was satisfied as he had made a trap in his explanation to know if Daemon was telling the truth as only beasts had golden blood essences while human's depended on their bloodline attributes .