Today is the first day of school and I can't help myself because today is the start of torture year. "Rin! Rin! Rin! Wake up sleepy head," mom shouted downstairs. "Mom please stop, I will not attend the first day!" I reply. "Don't be so lazy Rin, I'm used to your excuse come on wake up, the breakfast is ready," mom reply. "Just a minute mom."
"What did I say to you Rin, if there is something happens call me immediately okay." Mom said. "Okay mom I will call immediately." "Ploy, I trusted you so don't let anyone hurt him okay,". Said mom to Ploy. "Yes mam, that is for sure," Play replied. "Enough of talk mom I am really late, see you mom."
I really don't like this kind of day, it keeps annoying me. Summer break is not enough for me. By the way I miss my friends so I have reason to attend the first day.
"Sir, we are arrived." "Ploy can we turn around one more time?" "Sir I can't do that, your mom is waiting," Ploy said. "Is that so?" "Sir call me when your class is done, I will fetch you right away." "Oh no worry Ploy."
Seeing around the campus I don't know to how can survive here. There are so many cool, beautiful, handsome and weirdo students. I'm not use to this kind of environment. I'm not happy because I finally saying goodbye to my high school life. It really sucks, I don't want to study here I want just want to study in normal university. Studying in international school is just a waste of money. I thought my life as a student here is not going to be easy. My thought is not wrong when I met these guys in my first day. First, when I met Aelo, he is a cute and tall guy but he hates gays. I ask him where is the registrar office "Hi! Where is the registrar office?" however, he gives me the wrong way. He gives me the direction of Prefect of Discipline office.
I reached the Prefect of Discipline, "Excuse me ma'am I—mm." "Finally, you're here, I'm waiting for you so long," she said. "I am asking for my schedule." "Hey please stop nonsense, okay you need to go the library and clean the library." "Wait what! Ma'am I think you're wrong." The adviser mistakenly thought I was the right person who got sanction. They give me a punishment where in 4 hours I am going to clean the library. Cleaning library for 4 hours is not good punishment. I met this guy named Andrew, he is a one of the soccer players of the school. Andrew entered the library. His shoes are filled with mud since he came from the game and needs to study. He makes the library totally mess it turns into sty. I wonder how can I handle this situation, should I confront him or should I let it and clean it again?
"Hey! did you ever wonder how the floor become a sty?" I asked him. "Why should I need to know!" he replies. "Well yes, you should know about this thing!" "I don't care who did it," Andrew said. "Really are you blind?" We had an argument. "Are you insulting me?" "You did this everything, I'm cleaning the library for 4 hours now." "Hey! why are you mad at me you suppose to be happy because you have given a job and one thing I'm not going to apologize to you hence, it's your job to clean the library you Custodian (Smirk) and also I'm paying here and I'm one of those who gave you wages!" Andrew said. "Wait, what! I'm student, not a cleaner and don't you ever call me custodian!" "Well then if you are student and cleaning restrooms then you are custodian student(smirk) get lost!" he said. "What the f*ck! (sigh)" I don't know how to deal with him.
Ram is finished cleaning and he immediately reports to the office of Prefect of Discipline. "Hi! are you done cleaning?" the ask. "Yes ma'am. I'm done cleaning those restrooms," I respond. "Okay then, sign here and your free to go."
Rin signed the form and then the teacher notice that the name that Ram write in the form was not the name supposed to clean the restrooms.
"Wait. You're not Aki?" the teacher asks. "No mam, my name is Rin Vranco." "Oh my! really? Gosh I screwed again, and your surname" the teacher said. "I thought this sanction is part of the school program, and what about my surname ma'am?" I said. "I'm really sorry for my mistake." "Never mined its done, I don't want things get worst ma'am." I replied
Suddenly the guy named Aki that supposed to clean the library entered the room.
"Hey! Ms. Prefect of Discipline how are you doing?" Aki said. "Who are you?" "I am Aki ma'am." "Oh my, how the hell you're late you supposed to be here 8:00 am in the morning for your punishment! Rin take your punishment," the teacher said "Really? Thanks, cute guy!" Aki said "No thanks!"
"Aki, because of what you did your punishment is going to pick up trashes around the campus for 5 hours (Smiled), Rin lets go to your class, don't worry I'm going to explain to your teacher what happened.
The officer and Ram reached the room of biology.
"Good morning, sorry for interruptions."
The adviser of class biology asks Rin what happened to him why is he late. The officer explained everything and apologized for what happened.
"My name is Ms. Malerie your adviser, okay then introduce yourself to everybody," Ms. Malerie said. "Hi! everyone Good morning sorry I'm late, my name is Rin Vranco from Chiangmai and I'm 19 yrs. Old." "Ok thank you Rin, find a free sit and let's continue the discussion!" adviser said. "Hi Ram! I am Nam." "I'm Samorn." "I am Noy" Everyone introduced their self to me. "Nice to meet you all(smiled)." "So, do you have plan for lunch?" Nam said. "None" "Ok have a lunch with us?" Noy said. "Ok sure. (smiled)"
(Bell rings)
Everyone is very curious if how wealth are we and if I have girlfriend. "Let's go, Ram can I ask something?" Nam asks. "Yeah sure!" "Do you have a girlfriend?" "Nope! because my mom doesn't allow me enter in a relationship, and I really don't want a relationship," I said. "Well that's nice, love is very risky," Samorn said. "That's boring dude!" Noy said. "You think so?" I reply. "Look who say boring! the one who haven't been in relationship?" "What the hell Samorn, I have a lot exe's and someday you will be one of them(laughed)" Noy said. "Shut up!" "It's fun to be with you guys(smiled)" "Rin we are not just fun but we are crazy(laughed)" "Noy, go find a sit for us." Nam said. "Ok, Ah please order my lunch." "Ah! Rin what do you usually eat for lunch?" Nam asks. "I usually eat vegetable salad, fruits, and soy milk." I reply. "Such a baby" Samorn said. "Are you done? Let's go I'm starved.
My world stops when I met the perfectionist and I know my life will not going to be easy around with this guy. I hit him and spills my food to him.
"What the hell! look what you did, who are you to spills a food to me? (loud voice)" the guy said.