Shyla was taken back by the scolding, and didn't know what should she say, 'this is first time i am feeling helpless to this extend, and that so because of this book, this is ridiculous' she thought to herself but carefully minding her other thought deep inside, so that she will not once again make the book furious. She was well aware that this time, the book will not reveal anything to her, if it got mad, so shyla thought to avoid all possible reasons to make it furious. Even begging can't help her this time, so she quietly waited for the book to react, she was sure that the book already knows what she was thinking, so she started to distracting herself. She started thinking about all the stuff that was going infront of her to understand the situation, but the book has stopped scolding her and was moving away from her, that puzzled her first but what happened next, cleared all her doubts.

The book started floating in air "DIDN'T YOU FELT ANYTHING, WITH YOUR HANDS... STUPID BRAT" annoyingly book scolded her once again. Shyla raised her brow, she kept starring in book's direction, she was speechless, 'this book just needs a reason to scold me, what was their to feel, huh' shyla said irritatedly, she didn't know what was going on, she is scared to dead, she almost felt her tears leaving from eyes, but hold it on, she don't want anyone to know what is happening, otherwise she will end up in mental health unit. "why the hell are you doing this... are you coming up with another story, wasn't this enough to scare me, now you have something else also... I think you have made up your mind to kill me from confusion and shock... from previous, I almost got a heart attack, now a new heart attack is coming" shyla said to book annoyingly, she was confused and scared, she didn't know what it was going to be and what the book was talking about.

Shyla watched carefully what the book was doing, "Shyla, what happened to you? are you hallucinating all this... ahhh! Is this book actually floating" shyla said with a blank expression, she was not sure what was going on. "SHUT UP, YOU ARE AN EYE SORE, YOU KNOW THAT? FIRSTLY I THOUGHT YOU HAVE SOME BRAIN ISSUES ONLY, BUT WHO KNOWS YOU HAVE AN EYE PROBLEM ALSO DIDN'T YOU SAW ME AT THE BEGNINING..." but it was interrupted by shyla "HEY! CARE TO REPEAT, WHO HAS A BRAIN ISSUE, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS ABNORMAL HERE, NOT ME... HOW CAN A BOOK HAS ALL THESE CAPABILITIES AND STOP SCOLDING ME LIKE THIS, HONESTLY THERE WAS NOTHING TO SEE FIRSTLY" shyla said annoyingly, she can't stand it, that book was scolding her once again.

"Will you shut up, and let me speak, firstly I am not a book, stupid girl, so stop calling me a book" once again it started scolding her, but this time shyla didn't react like before, maybe she was now used to this behaviour. But clearly, what the book said brought a hint of surprise that can be seen on shyla's face, "what the... you are not a book? shyla you are dreaming all this, this is the most weird dream you have ever seem... do you have anything else to say, because this joke was too bad, even I didn't laugh... so stop messing" shyla said to herself not knowing how she should react to all this situation. On the other hand book has totally ignored her, nonsense. It can only bear her stupid behaviour, It's bad luck, this time, it's master is this "stupid girl".

Shyla pushed all her thoughts aside when she saw the book has started glowing once again, she didn't know what she was feeling Or what she should feel about this situation. she was only making herself believe, all this was just a dream, when tomorrow she will wake up, and watch her surrounding, she will not find anything like this. But who was she fooling, clearly it was not her dream, it was reality.

The book was floating in air, glowing brightly. shyla could clearly see that it was closed and revealed the front cover of it, which contain a beautiful design. She thought for a second that, this could be the only reason why her DAD has brought this book, 'yeah, this can be the reason' she thought to herself while starring blankly in books direction, as if she was the most innocent person here.

After reading her thought's, book was slightly taken back 'she is really stupid and brainless, the only reason, she can think why I was brought is this design. what the hell?' book can't help but sigh.