The Misfits

Jakarta, DDay +20

The city center is the worst place to be in during a doomsday apocalypse. Wisma BNI 46, one of the tallest buildings located in the heart of the Jakarta Central Business Districts. It's a 2600 meter tall office building with 46 floors. Mostly used for corporate banking.

Tak... Tak... Tak... Tak... Tak...

A group of youngsters seemed to be running up the stairs.

"Without those white stones, I don't think I will be fit enough to walk up these stairs..."

"It's the fourth time you said that Romi. And we have only reached the 20th floor."

"Once every 5 floors then... That sounds fair enough to complain."

"Just shut your whining. It's your turn now."

"Really?... Oooo man."

The guy named Romi opened up the 20th-floor steel emergency door slowly... Moving inside the office corridor and then screamed:

"Is anyone alive in here??!!"

"We came to help, shout if you are still alive... We won't hurt you!"


"Ok, that's a no... Run or fight?"