Chalk Mines

Madura is an Indonesian island off the northeastern coast of Java. Madura was administered as part of the East Java Province. It is separated from Java by the narrow Strait of Madura. The Madurese were one of the ethnic population in Indonesia. They came from the island of Madura as well as surrounding small islands, such as Gili Raja, Sapudi, Raas, and the Kangean Islands.

On the whole, Madura was one of the poorest regions of the East Java province. Unlike Java, the soil was not fertile enough to make it a major agricultural producer. Limited economic opportunities have led to chronic unemployment and poverty. This turned the Madurese into one of the toughest people in Indonesia. The island's economy turned to mining, fishing, cattle-raising and agricultural limited to tobacco farming. The island also has been a major producer and exporter of salt.