The Safest Place

While Farel was busy making preparations, Alex continued with the next agenda. Alex, along with Tony and several other division managers, went to a hidden location in the west of the island of Bali. 

In an area full of hills, lies an ancient temple. The temple was like a gate of a valley with two hills on its side. The group walked the large road between the two rocky hills filled with trees.

"What are we doing here?" Asked Tony, as well as Devita and several others, thought the same thing.

Alex took them about 500 meters further and there they found a cave. They entered the cave only to find a dead-end, but the ceiling of the cave seemed to be a sturdy stone wall.

Alex turned around and said in a serious tone. "Listen carefully, this location will be an extremely important place. Now that the Starbase is almost done, it's time we place our focus and preparing this place."

"What is this place?"