
The 25 members of the Firebirds split into three groups and searched around the area on Kowloon's wharf. 

"Aren't we better off together?" asked Christina.

By scattering into three groups, this meant there would only be eight people in each. Facing hundreds or even thousands seemed too risky if they stick with this composition. Moreover, they were at the pier right next to the center of Hong Kong.

Maxine dispelled Christina's doubt by saying, "We'll be fine, Sis. This is the fourth time we've done this and if danger ever comes, we can do this..."

Maxine touched the bracelet she received from the Doomsday Pillar and Christina's bracelet shows a new message.

When they were in the Pillar, the bracelet only provided the Alpha Fenrir's position. But as it turned out, it could also be used as some sort of a radar between people who have it.