11th Floor

11th floor

D'Day 131

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." This was what American astronaut Neil Armstrong said on July 20, 1969 when he set foot on the moon. At this moment, Elizabeth McCord would be setting foot on the 11th floor of th3 Doomsday Pillar. Although it wasn't as far as going to the moon, the mystery and the awe of this step felt similar.

This noon, nearly 400 people had gathered together. More than 200 people were fighters who came with the Grogs. It could be seen that the Grog brothers were fully equipped with the Tier 1 equipment they have. The other 100+ people were specially-selected United States soldiers. Almost all of them had special weapons such as machine guns and the new X16 guns. In addition, there were 50 people from the combined Delta and Navy SEAL Special Forces team, as well as the government's special forces, which were ready to escort President McCord.