The Holy Grail

"That really is the Holy Grail!!"

"Even this bracelet can't identify it… It must be a high-level artifact. Could it possibly be higher than Tier 3? ...Hahahah… Jackpot! Jackpot!"

The Holy Grail, which was the most sacred treasure of the Christians, actually looked just like an ordinary clay cup. This was the most mysterious artifact in the entire world. History told that this object was one of the main causes of the crusades that lasted for more than two hundred years and took up to nine million lives.

Taken over by his glee, Marshal Louis lost his patience. He simply couldn't wait to lay his hands on the mysterious artifact.

"Cardinal! Now, open the case for me... Let me touch it..." His voice was trembling in joy. 

But Cardinal Strauss was silent and didn't move an inch.

"I order you to open it right this instant!!" Marshal Louis became even more impatient.