The Workshop

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Even though the three guests were already very satisfied with the prospect of the magic raisins, the next place that Devita brought them to made the spirits flare up even more.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

The next place Devita brought them to was a weapon production factory. They stepped in, forming all kinds of conjectures.

Could it be…? They thought to themselves.

The location that they were visiting this time was in the east of StarBase, not far from the Doomsday Pillar of Bali. It was a very, very hot warehouse building.

In this one building, there were ten furnaces. Each furnace had ten workers. And it was quite apparent that all the workers in this room were not ordinary workers.

All of the workers here had broken through the limits of the Mortal Realm and reached the Earth Realm.

This time, it was President Rico who acted like a child who was visiting a famous entertainment venue for the first time.