Magi Battle Formation

"All right, looks like it's time to get serious," Alex said while looking at the incoming enemies. He then stood up, and with Arief beside him, he approached the formation of 300 troops.

The retreating hundred orcs joined the Uruk-hai army this time. Even though they had really similar, almost the same body forms, these Uruk troops were in a different class.

Fully geared with war armors, their gear was unlike those of other orcs' at all. Instead of the curved scimitars, they used short, broad-bladed swords. This army of Uruks had swordsmen, crossbowmen, and berserkers. The berserkers were even larger and more vicious Uruks. These Uruks made the creepy orcs look like peasants next to these elite fighters.

Alex saw that the number of Uruks in front of him was not much different from his elite troops. "Looks like all the Uruks on this floor have gathered here... This battle will be more troublesome than the other 30th floors."