Knight and Magus

You received Beast Transformation Skill]

[Requirement : Sky Realm Stage]

This Beast Transformation Skill is a very rare skill. Alex remembered that there was one Sky Realm fighter that transformed to Armored Wing Creature with this skill and able to fight side by side with Saint Realm fighters.

Alex hold this special skill scroll tightly. He can't wait to know what beast he will get. Flying beast, Armored beast or even Dragon-type beast. There is also chance to get Legendary beast. Whatever that is, it will surely increases his fighting power many times over.

Because he is too happy. Alex didn't realized that a blond woman was standing beside him.

"Hehehe.. What did you get there Alex? Must be a very nice thing."

Alex was taken back by her voice. In front of Cindy, he looked like a teenager who got caught reading adult magazine.

"Alex, can I take a look what is in your hand?" asked Cindy with her eyes glittering