World Conference 4

"Bali? 8 months from now? Isn't that just before the tribulation start? That's basically us only coming to help you rid of your trouble. What are we gonna do about our problem?" he snapped.

Alex plans to maximize the strength of his fighters first before he executes his plan to attack the gate of abyss. He hopes that after 8 months there would be many Sky realm Magus as well as Sky realm Knight who had reached high stage.

That way his chances of success were higher. If he succeeds in closing Bali's Gate of Abyss, then until the next tribulation, which will be 2 years from now, Bali will become the paradise for humans. An island that is free from the threat of zombies and abyss monster.

Alex himself wasn't sure if he would be able to close the Abyss gate, but he would definitely try it anyway. And if he happens to be successful, he would certainly help others close their Gate of Abyss.