White Zombie

"I have no trouble with my enemies. I can take care of my enemies all right. But my damn friends…They're the ones that keep me walking the floor nights."

- Warren G. Harding

In a battlefield, especially the chaotic one, discipline is paramount and may be the element that can determine the difference between your life and death.

"Goddamn it! These bunch of newbies! They can't even follow a simple order!" The captain clenched his fists and cursed as he saw the young men break away from the formation and dash toward the barely visible civilians.

It was normal for some new recruits to disobey orders. After all, two thirds of the battalion were just civilians who had recently been trained in the army. So they haven't gone through any disciplinary training, which aims to always follow the orders of their leader.

One of the captain's close attendants approached him.

"Should we keep firing, captain?"