
Alex quickly made his way through the corridor of the Bali headquarters as he headed towards the meeting room where the representatives from Singapore and China were. When he was about to open the door, a group of people beat him to it as they came out of the room. Leading the group there was a young girl, Zhao Wei, the granddaughter of Earth's strongest spirit enhancer Zhao Fan.

Seeing the group that seemed to be leaving, Alex asked, "Miss Zhao Wei, are you guys leaving already? How about the meeting?" He then continued with an apologetic tone in his voice. 'I'm sorry I had kept you waiting. Today has been a very busy day for me. Let's head in now." 

The usually cheerful 20-years-old girl now looked gloomy. After hesitating for a while, Zhao Wei opened her mouth.

"I'm sorry, Big Brother. For some reason, we are not joining the meeting."

Upon hearing that, Alex was stunned. "You are not joining the meeting?"