Three Choices

When the hundreds of insurgents saw their leader was captured by Theo and Rama, they immediately fell into a state of crazy frenzy, as they began to chant their slogans and scream their lungs out. These groups of people occasionally fired bullets into the sky, in an attempt to intimidate. This was the usual tactic they employed to bring terror to their opponents. Alas, their cheap tricks didn't even faze the 35 people inside the village, let alone scare them.

"More of them will arrive soon, Brother Theo." Daisy said, as she received the information from the spirit birds who flew in the sky scouting their surroundings.

It appeared the enemy was waiting for a new leader to replace the one they had captured. Then, after their leader was done quelling the chaos, they would charge into the village.

Realizing their situation would turn worse with every second passed, Daisy turned to Theo and asked, "What should we do, Brother Theo?"