
I followed Ben's car as he was bringing Peter to what he was thinking was the library. I even had encountered an aggression in a dark alley, and arrested the criminal.

After dropping Peter in front of the library, Ben started his car again and went to buy groceries. I decided to follow him and not Peter, and pushed my observation haki to the limits. I could now cover a huge perimeter of two kilometers with it, and everything inside it was clear to me.

I waited and I guess it was my lucky day as in an hour I managed to stop three crimes not including the one from earlier. But after an hour, Ben had went to several little markets and finally found what he was searching for.

But unknowingly he had neared where the tournament was held, and I had felt someone panicking entering my range. I guess it was the man I searched as he was nearing Ben and was now only a hundred meters from him.

Unsurprisingly after twenty seconds a man arrived next to Ben and said, taking out a gun" Give me your car old man!" Ben held up his hands and replied in a soothing voice" You don't have to do that young man, just go, I won't say anything to anyone."

But the man was growing more and more nervous, and as the talk continued I suddenly felt his intent to shoot. I was on a roof less than five meters from them, and thus arrived in an instant next to the criminal.

I grabbed his gun and knocked him out with a concentrated wave of conqueror's haki, and triggered the gun in the air, making it seem he shot. But for hiding the power I lightly touched the back of his neck. I tied him up against the wall and turned to Ben. I asked" Are you alright Sir?"

But Ben had frozen and was looking at me with wide eyes. I asked" Sir?" He shook himself awake and handed his hand and said" Thank you Night Walker, you truly are a blessing to my family. My nephew was in that bus you saved against those two monsters, and now you saved my life."

I took his hand and replied" That is what I should do, because I think that great powers implies great responsibility. I would love if others with the strength to do so helped me in my daily activities." After that I took my hand back and jumped on a roof.

Although I feigned evading the scene I stayed near and watched everything unfold from there on. First the police arrived and apprehended the suspect, and asked questions to Ben who told them everything that happened.

It was only after a few minutes that Peter arrived and saw the people gathered. It was only after he heard that someone got saved by me and saw Ben's car nearby that he headed to see what happened.

He was shocked to see that the one saved was his uncle. He went to hug him and as Ben told him my exact words, he saw the face of the aggressor. That was a criminal he let go earlier due to his anger, and he realized that if I hadn't been there then his uncle would have died because he didn't act.

I felt a strong determination emanate from him along with some guilt that was only fueling his will. Satisfied with the results, I departed and seeing it was time to get back home I got back to my lab and instead of putting my suit at it's usual place I put it in my bag along with some important small things.

Once done I went to the computer I would use for my experiments, and after putting in commands and activating a program, I got out of the hanger and closed the door. After walking for a hundred meters I suddenly felt heat in my back.

I turned to look with a smile seeing the hangar was already beginning to melt. Everything inside had then already been burnt to ashes and no traces were left.

Happy with my day I got back home. If I had so readily accepted Norman's offer earlier it is for a few reasons. First I do indeed search for a job. But most importantly I would have access to Oscorp's database, along with the researches on the Oz formula.

I will only need to create my AI in the next few days. I had already completed most of it since I worked on it since a year ago, but I intended to only create it for my lab and help me in my searches. But now it seems it will also help me a lot in my duties as Night Walker.

If I go to Oscorp I will also be able to meet Otto Octavius, aka Doctor Octopus. I will try my best to help him into not turning into what he is supposed to become, but the main reason for meeting him is to work with him and take his researches as a basis for my own.

Before transforming into the Doctor Octopus he was working on a new source of energy in the form of a miniature sun. This is supposed to be able to generate enough energy for the whole of New-York for three years straight, and creating it would not even be that costly.

But unfortunately when he will present it something will go wrong and his wife will die while his brain will fuse with a ship controlling four mechanical arms, another one of his creations, and the ship will take control of him and make him go berserk.

I got back home earlier than usual that day and had the time to talk to my parents. I told them about my new job at Oscorp and they were overjoyed I would get to work there.

From there on, until Monday, I did not wear Night Walker's clothes but instead worked on my AI only. I had been in the streets everyday since I got my powers except for when I got injured, and I decided making my AI is a reason sufficient enough for me to skip my duties for a few days.

On Monday I still hadn't finished my AI, but I knew it would soon be prepared. I had gotten a leave from school since today I would visit Oscorp and do my first day of work. I hadn't slept that night but I still was full of energy.

After a quick breakfast I dressed into formal clothes and as I was about to go, I saw my parents get out of their room. I smiled and said" Hello you two." They grunted and went to sit in the kitchen.

I said" Difficult to get back to work? You have already been on a vacation for almost a month… Why did you push your vacation by one week again?" This time Martha snorted and replied" Go now if you have finished mocking your parents, we wouldn't want you to be late."

I smiled and got out, heading for my car. I drove happily to the center of the city. Oscorp had multiple buildings, one for the weapon making were outside the city while the research center and headquarters are in the middle of the city, next to Stark's Tower, who still had disappeared.

Once I arrived at the tower I showed a pass Oscorp sent me and after a quick checking I was allowed into the parking. I got out of my car and entered the building by the front door. I went to the administration where a beautiful secretary was sitting, and once next to her she asked" Do you have an appointment Sir?"

I shook my head with a smile and said, handing my badge" You misunderstand, this is my first day here and I was supposed to come here." The secretary looked at my badge in astonishment and asked" Are you Mason Tunt?"

I nodded and she replied" Go to the elevator and head to the 23rd floor, there someone will be waiting for you and show you around. I hope you will find yourself satisfied with out company." After she said that she winked at me.

I took my badge back and headed to the elevator. I was not surprised by her show of affection, I was after all a young and promising young man to be accepted at this age from her point of view. Moreover my clothes were revealing a little of my figure, more than my baggy clothes.

I soon arrived to the 23rd floor and as the doors opened I was greeted by a magnificent sight. There were experiment led here and there, with numerous labs around. In front of me a man wearing a blouse was smiling at me.

I neared him and shook his hand as he told me" Good Morning Mason, I am the head researcher of this floor, Gustav Potinsky. I was said you are a talent and that I was to show you around and you would then choose your floor. You are lucky."

There wasn't any spite nor jealousy in his tone, and that surprised me. I thought others would see me as someone privileged and ignore me but it doesn't seem so.

He pointed to my bag and asked" I hope you brought your blouse with you. If you did then put it on, we will begin the visit." I nodded and quickly put on my blouse over my clothes and we began walking. He said" The different floors are separated as they work on different things. For example this floor deals with inventions…"

He began explaining to me how everything works and it was pretty impressive. There were 37 floors, with floor 37 being reserved to Norman as his office and a lab for himself. The 36th was led by the researcher Connor who later becomes a giant lizard.

After that floors 30 to 35 are focused on energy, floor 20 to 29 were all the same, about inventing things and producing others. As for the floor 5 to 19 they are reserved to medicine. The first four floors are administration.

Each floor would have a head researcher like Gustav, and each group would have a head like Otto for the energy. We finished the visit at lunch, and he told me I will have to choose my place and go there before 2 pm.

But I had already chosen my floor. After quickly eating I headed there quickly. In this company two things interested me, and one of them is impossible to reach for now, so I will work on the other for now by going into the energy sector.

Moreover it will be simple to stand out as in my previous life I had created several ways to get energy, although none were as good as the arc reactor from Stark or Otto's sun, they were still very good and way cheaper to make.

I arrived on the 34th floor and presented myself to the head researcher that was currently in front of a computer simulating things. His accident would normally only happen in several years as his project took him twenty years of his life, and he isn't that old.

Indeed the head researcher was none other than Otto. He turned his head to look at me and asked" May I help you?" I nodded and said" I am the newest employee and this is my first day. I was allowed to choose where to go and I choose this floor as I think this is where my place is."

Otto raised an eyebrow and replied" You are very young… That's good, that will give us a younger eye to catch our mistakes." He waved toward an empty lab and said" Go into that lab, it is yours until you leave this floor or get a personal lab. Welcome to the team."