
The movie was quite good, but I had a hard time focusing on it with Sue next to me, who had rested her head on my shoulder. When I had asked her what she was doing, she asked me whether I preferred her to put her head on a stranger's shoulder.

I chuckled, much to the displeasure of the others, and watched the film with her. I didn't have any serious relationship, but even me knew that this was going a little too fast. So after the movie when I dropped her to her house and that she asked me whether I wanted to come or not, I had rejected her.

I was happy and almost accepted, but I knew that this was only because she was drunk. And yes I was happy, I admit it, even though I didn't want to recognize it, I fell in love with her. No, I am madly in love with her.

So I don't want to take advantage of her when she is drunk, I would feel good for a day, and then I would have burned any chance I have with her. Because come on, she just broke up with her boyfriend, she won't throw herself into my arms.

I got back home happy about my day, and as there still was some time before the end of the day I decided to go out as Night Walker. I got out and as usual went into an alley and suited up.

I went back to Hell's kitchen, and this time I attacked the Triad, I attacked them all day. But even then I only did a few damages, it didn't harm the organization. I could only catch the small fries.

The day passed quickly, and as I had returned back home I received a phone call from MJ. I picked it up and asked" How are you MJ?" But she did not answer me and asked" Did Harry fire you?" I replied" He did, who told you."

MJ said" Peter told me. That little bastard, how dare he fire you!" I chuckled and said" Don't be angry, that's his loss. Anyway I got a new job at Stark ind, so it's fine. But please tell him to never call me again."

MJ pleaded" Mason, with everything happening, you understand he is stressed and…" I interrupted her" You ask him why he fired me when you see him next time. But enough of that, how is LA?"

MJ sighed and replied" We just came back, we had a lot of fun. I needed it, the filming did not take that long but it was hard to keep up. So those vacation were good. And you, how are you?" I hesitated to tell her about Sue, I know they would annoy me to no end.

In the end I didn't tell her but just that my holidays were going pretty well except for the loss of my job and of a friend. After that we talked a little but it was quite awkward so we stopped soon after.

I did not intend to go out this night, I would just stay at home. Tomorrow I will first have the audition at Stark and then in the evening I will have that dinner at home with Gwen's family.

I ate dinner with my parents and then went back to my room. For the rest of the night and worked out. It had been quite some time since I last did that. Thanks to my stamina I could do it all night, but the next morning I was still exhausted.

So the next morning I was all sweaty and thus took a shower. The morning went as usual and soon I was in front of Stark tower, that would later get transformed into the Avengers Tower.

I entered into the main hall and went to the administration. This reminded me a lot my arrival at Oscorp. Only different thing is that now I will get auditioned. Now that I think of it Norman took a crazy bet by letting me in like he did.

Someone led me to the top floor, and left me in front of a wooden door, telling me to wait until I get called. I had to wait five entire minutes before someone called me. In the meanwhile I had heard two people arguing, one being Pepper Potts who would lead my audition, and the other could be none other than Tony Stark.

This made me wonder if fate existed, I know that Tony only comes very rarely here, like once or twice every semester. For me to come when he is here…

I entered and saw a huge room. Well I saw the entire floor. There was a big lab, but very different from my own, a terrace with a pool and a heliport, and of course a big office for the one who is really in charge, Pepper Potts.

Behind a desk was Pepper, and on the desk was Tony. Both looked at me, Pepper with a smile and Tony with a curious gaze. Pepper got up and walked toward e and shook my hand, saying" It's a pleasure meeting you Mr Tunt."

I smiled back and replied" The pleasure is mine Miss Potts." She walked back to her sit and said" Please sit here." I nodded and walked to the chair empty in front of her desk. As I neared Tony I nodded and said" Mr Stark."

He rolled his eyes and said" Pepper, is his audition really more important?" Pepper sighed and said" Yes it is." She turned to me as I sat and added" I heard that you Mr Tunt, are quite skilled and can bring a lot to our company."

I nodded but Tony said" Skilled? How will you know that?" He turned to me and said" Kid, could you come back later, I will give you an autograph if you want." I frowned and Pepper said" Tony, please. This is really important."

Tony however did not let go and said" Is it that important?" He looked at me again and asked" What can you bring to this company?" Pepper sighed and looked at me, waiting for an answer. I thus replied" I can work on numerous things, but I am best in mechanics and the field of energy."

Tony laughed and said" Splendid then, we don't need that. Goodbye." This time however Pepper could not take it anymore and yelled" Tony!" He grunted and asked" You said he is important? I guess you know how good he is then?"

Pepper nodded and Tony turned to me and said" Then I will offer you an opportunity. You can either be tested by Pepper here or by myself. Pepper's is way simpler and seeing her you are almost assured to get the job.

But if you take mine then it will be very difficult and if you do not succeed then you are refused. However, if you succeed then you get advantages, that is a better pay, 5 digits every month, you get a lab."

Pepper shook her head while Tony looked at me intently. I frowned and asked" Why?" Tony shook his head and said" Tell me, who do you pick?" I did not hesitate and said" You."

He smiled and said" Great, the kid got gust at least. Come, I will show you." I looked at Pepper who nodded so I got up too and followed him. We went to the lab and he said" You said yourself that you are good, so show me. I want you to do as much research on this thing. I will pass you if you manage to discover enough of it. Don't worry about me cheating, you already made me lose my time so I won't throw you out if you are good."

As he finished speaking he took out a blue thing the size of a fist and handed it to me. He said" This is an arc reactor, something my father created and that I ameliorated. Go on, you have until 6pm." I nodded and began working.

In the meanwhile Tony and Pepper went back to talk. I first began to familiarize myself with the equipment, and as was about to begin really working I turned to Tony, who was being yelled on.

Him, seeing me about to ask something, used me to get out of the situation" Yes kid, what is it?" First time he is polite. I cleared my throat and asked" I can do whatever I want, I only have to produce results, right?"

Tony nodded and asked" Anything else?" I could see he really didn't want to start that conversation again. I looked at Pepper and said with a smile" Boss, I don't want to be rude or anything, but I am trying to reverse engineer this thing, and the shootings doesn't help. But I mean no offense, just that if you could take a room or something… But you're the boss."

Tony laughed this time and Pepper sighed. She looked at me and said" Yes, I'm sorry. Tony, you come to the bedroom, right now!"

Tony desperately followed her while I finally began working. Once they could not hear me anymore I asked aloud" Is there any kind of AI here capable of hearing me?" I was of course thinking about Jarvis.

But no answer came so he was certainly only present in Tony's villa and armors. I checked with my haki to see if anyone was there, and kept it in case. I had the entire building in my range so once I made sure everything was fine I took out an USB drive and plugged it to the computer available.

After a minute I asked" Hermes, you hear me?" Immediately Hermes answered" I do Sir, I have control over everything in the laboratory." I nodded and began working, and stopped using my haki. Now that it was in I did not have to check whether I would get caught.

If someone comes I only have to stop talking to Hermes. After all I don't want people to see me hack into the company's database, that wouldn't make me a good reputation.

As I began working I asked" Hermes, please alter anything that could reveal your identity. May those be cameras, bugs or whatever. Also, check if there is anything about the arc reactor in their database."

Hermes responded" Yes Sir." We each began to work but soon it said" Sir, there is a file about the arc reactor that explains it's functions, how to make it…" I interrupted it" Good, download the file and erase any trace of you coming."

Although I could now stop to work and just read the file, I wanted to try and do it myself. Call it arrogance or a contest of intelligence, I wanted to pass his test without cheating.

Time passed quickly as I was having fun and before I knew it my time was finished. I had already taken Hermes out of the system, and I admit, I didn't only take those research about the arc reactor, I also took everything related to energy.

But as I said earlier my time was up, and I heard a door open. I turned to see Pepper and Tony get out of the room they got in the morning. Both were flushed, and panting a little. Come on, be a little discreet at least.

But even without that, spending all day in the bedroom already told me what they did. Tony seemed way less grumpy and he said" So kid, how was it?"

I smiled and replied" I have found many things, if you tell me I haven't passed then I don't know what would be needed to pass." Tony smirked and said" I'm interested. Tell me." Pepper also looked interested.

I cleared my throat and said" Well first Mr Stark, I believe what is in your chest is an arc reactor, right?" Tony nodded so I continued" Then I tell you, you are in danger, your health is deteriorating at a very slow path but still is. You will eventually die if this continue."