
We went to the floor, all except one. One of the employees took out a gun and pointed it at the robbers, and yelled" Stop right there or I will shoot!" But the demons did not care.

The strange looking guy walked to the employee and pointed his fist at him. Wave formed in the air and when they connected with the man he immediately got sent in the air, and was only stopped by a wall.

He fell to the ground, his state unknown. But at least now I know that the strange looking guy is the Shocker, but who are the others? Inwardly I sighed" Why is danger always coming at me? And now is the best of moments, I don't have my powers."

Dumby replied [At least there is Peter, he should soon appear as Spider Man, saving the day.] I nodded and looked at the girls, and they were far too calm for it to be normal. But I was relieved I wouldn't have to deal with them.

I looked around, first at the aggressors, and then at the hostages. Among the hostages were several critical situations. Two pregnant women, five kids under ten years old, and one elder. Other than that the rest were men and women between 16 and their late forties.

As for the aggressors they may look intimidating, none of them seemed to be really good with their weapons. They may all have swords, one had one in his back, certainly to show off, but if he knew it is impossible to draw it if in the back, too long.

The others were walking too casually, an expert would always have a footwork different from others, or at least the way they carry themselves would be different. And it doesn't apply only to swordsmen, it is the case for any combat expert.

A true master can even hide it and walk casually like any nobody, but I doubt any of those people are masters, they wouldn't need to hide their level, and a master wouldn't lower himself into robbing a bank, not a sword-master.

The best among them wouldn't last a second against a marine, a trained one I mean. But they still are 12 people with swords on them, and they don't even come close to the Shocker.

From what I remember he was always showed as a quite weak opponent, but that's only because Spider Man has too many good opponents. The Shocker was often underestimated, his seismic waves can be deadly.

If an ordinary person get hit, they can get seriously injured. The employee laying on the ground is a good example, if he isn't dead then he is seriously injured.

My thoughts astonished me, when did I become so calm in front of a potential victim? But I was brought back to reality soon as at the moment the robbers were going for the vault, Spider Man arrived.

He arrived kicking one of the demons, sending him flying. Fortunately Peter always hold back his strength, if he didn't many dead people would be found.

As Peter got on the ground, the Shocker punched at him, and Peter tried to avoid, but he stopped midway. Shit, his arm! Peter got hit by the shock wave and was sent flying, but turned in the air to land on all four on the wall.

All the robbers looked at him in alarm. Shocker attacked Peter again but this time Peter had the time to avoid. The demons knew they couldn't interrupt the fight, this was another level, so they went to the vaults.

On the other side the Shocker was yelling his name from time to time, and Peter was making jokes. I wonder how he can keep his identity secret without changing his voice.

Soon all the demons had came back from the vaults, with bags filled with money. They had millions in those bags. As for Spider Man and Shocker, they were still fighting, but despite Peter's unusable arm he was still winning, and everyone could see that he would need one opportunity to to the shocker down.

The Shocker was obviously panicking now, and yelled to the demons" Be useful, Threaten the hostages!" He said to Peter" If you don't surrender then we will kill the hostages!"

Spider Man grew alarmed and rushed at the demons, but this was a mistake. He stopped paying attention to his enemy in his panic and got hit by the shocker, on his unavailable arm. We heard a loud crack from the arm, everyone heard it.

He had broken something. I could see that everyone was getting anxious for him, but not for long as a demon said" Don't worry about the spider, worry about us!"

The demons drew their weapon, walking toward us. They looked intimidating, but everything was broken when one of them, his voice younger than the others, asked for help because he couldn't draw his sword.

[What an idiot, to put a sword on his back. Mason, please show them how to handle a sword!] I replied in my head " But if I act now my identity will be known to all! I'm sure Peter will handle this."

But as time tickled Peter was still locked into battle, and with the new injury, he was not leading anymore. The demons, after that little humiliating incident, were walking toward us sword in hand, obviously angry of having been humiliated by a young recruit.

As they neared something happened, something that would change a lot of things in the future. When we entered the bank, I had seen that little girl with her parents, she seemed so… innocent. Well at that moment I had thought she was just a funny girl because she was laughing loud in the bank, but now what comes to my mind is innocence.

She was sitting with her parents now, and I don't know why, I will never understand why, she did not ask her parents, nor MJ and Liz who looked like kind elder sisters, no she asked me" Are we gonna die?" But she wasn't crying like you would expect of a 7 years old girl, no she was genuinely curious, she didn't understand the situation.

At that moment Dumby said [Mason, that is the reason you can't be a scientist. You can't stand this, I know it.] The surrounding people looked at the little girl with pity, and many with tears falling down their cheeks.

I patted the little girl's head and said" Don't worry, nothing will happen to us." She then asked" Why?" And then much to the shock of everyone I replied" Because I won't let them."

Ignoring the whispers and MJ and Liz trying to hold me, I got up and faced the demons. They looked at me with eyes full of disdain, and the young demon who had trouble with his saber sneered" Want to play the hero? Let's see how you fare!"

He rushed at me, sword high, and ran like that. The other hostages cried in alarm seeing me walk toward him. I walked toward him with a cold face, looking straight into his eyes through the mask.

As the demon was at me, he slashed down on me. But my gaze had obviously made him panic. I may have lost my conqueror's haki, I still have a certain presence. It wasn't anything incredible, but ordinary people would still lower their eyes if I locked eyes with them.

As the sword fell on me, I merrily stepped to the left, avoiding the slash, and elbowed his throat, incapacitating him. He dropped his sword to the ground and fell shortly after, holding his throat.

I took the sword and the scabbard. I sheathed the sword and looked at the stunned demons, and taunted them" You shouldn't walk around with a sword with such a level."

That enraged them and the 11 of them rushed at me with their swords in hand. I began walking too, sheath in my left hand, my right hand on the hilt.

The demons were on me at the next moment, their swords aiming at various parts of my body. I smiled at them, and unsheathed my sword as fast as lightning. Younger, I have practiced martial arts, but what I focused on was not hand to hand combat, but swords.

Before I did not want to use them because I would too easily kill people without willing it, I was too strong, but now it's fine.

My draw blocked the five blades coming at me, stopping them in their charge. They may be eleven, they all came from the front, so of course the eleven couldn't attack at the same time.

The five I blocked blocked the six behind them. Their swords were all pushing on mine, and I didn't have my super strength anymore, so I couldn't hold it. When I saw they were about to push with everything they had, I stepped back.

I took back my sword, and the five pushed in the air. The strength behind their push made them lose their balance, and they fell forward. One move, and the five were on the ground. I could have beheaded the five as they fell, but I'm a hero, right?

They thus fell to the ground, and before I could do anything to them, the six others arrived. I had to step back again. I couldn't let myself get surrounded, I may be good with swords, I wouldn't last long.

I evaded some of their strikes, and blocked the others. But I couldn't attack because they were too many. The five had gotten up, and were rushing at me again. But it doesn't matter anymore, everyone is where I want them to be.

Before if I were to attack one of them I would be attacked by the others at the same time, so avoiding an injury would have been impossible.

But now they were far enough from each other. I finally attacked the nearest, with a feint to his head, and slashing his tight. Amateurs always protect only their upper body.

I had slashed him deep enough to make sure he wouldn't move anytime soon. The second one slashed at me, barely leaving me the time to duck down under the blade, and to strike him strongly with the pommel in the gut.

He froze and fell to the ground, breathless and soon unconscious. The third one was just behind the second one, but couldn't attack me without attacking his friend. Because I was crouching beneath the falling second opponent, the third one couldn't see me.

As the second was falling, I jumped back and positioned both my feet on his chest, and sent him flying to the third one, knocking the two into each other. The second fell into darkness while the third was stunned.

I rolled on the ground, avoiding a slash from the fourth one in my back, and arrived next to the third one. He was raising his head, still stunned, trying to get up, but I knocked my pommel into his forehead.

The momentum of my roll was enough to knock him into oblivion. But the fifth one was on me, and slashing down. I blocked it with my sword and kicked his legs, making him fall. I got up and kicked his head.

The fourth one was running at me screaming, and another group of six were further back, on the other side. I rushed at the fourth one and blocked his sword, and headbutted him in the nose. Blood splashed and he was knocked back.

I made a high kick and hit his temple. I looked down at my clothes, and was relieved to see they weren't bloody. The remaining 6 had stopped in their tracks, looking at me scarred.

I looked at the other fight, and saw they were still locked in their fight. I yelled " Spider, soon finished?" He answered back" Sorry but I think you will have to fight on your own. Don't be afraid, you're doing good, your friendly spider is proud of you! But don't kill with those swords!"

I chuckled and walked to the one I had slashed in the tight, he was screaming in pain. Yeah, that hurts. I kicked his face and made him fall unconscious, never too sure, he could attack me in the back.

I turned to look at the remaining six and said" Unfortunately for you I am getting exhausted, and I can't fight endlessly like our friend there, so…" I crouched down and grabbed the sword at my feet, and continued" I will have to go serious and injure you."

I crossed both swords in front of me, touching each other, and slashed on both sides, the sound of the blade slashing the wind especially loud in their ears. Time for dual wielding.