Chapter 102

"Hmm, I can also sense the woman who possesses your bloodline also possesses the Profound veins, doesn't she? Truly heaven-defying luck... I never thought that I could see his successor here..." The Azure Dragon suddenly said while Issei is observing Chu Yuechan.

"Not only that, it seems that she also found the already... Her situation makes me sigh in amazement. I really can't believe someone could be this lucky..." He said in amazement: 'But not as lucky as my daughter though, heheh~' He added inside his mind.

"You and the Phoenix were friends with that right?" Issei asked.

Xiaotao has told him that the original Phoenix has some friendship with the but she doesn't have full knowledge since the original Phoenix never implanted her full memories about it.

"Yes... The did great favors for the Golden Crow, the Phoenix, and the Primordial Azure Dragon, and could count us as his few friends. But even they didn't know that Heretic God possessed darkness profound energy… I'm afraid no one in the entire Primordial Era knew about it. To be able to hide his own power so perfectly, in the entire world, only the could do it... And it was hidden for a full five billion years."

"He was born at the beginning of this universe. His life was as long as the Era of Gods. He witnessed the birth of the Era of Gods, its reproduction and prosperousness and he also witnessed the destruction of the Era of Gods. Even though he had an eccentric personality, the things he did were always honorable.

There is no question that he was not only the strongest god, he was also an extremely great god. While the Azure Dragon was shocked that he possessed the power of a "Devil", I do not understand why he would keep this secret hidden forever... Since this was a secret that he had hidden for five billion years, then, let it continue to be a secret hidden forever..."

'A secret was it... Why do I have this feeling that this secret of his is not simple?' If it's just a secret where he's afraid that someone will judge him for it then Issei won't really think much about it but his intuition is telling him there's more to it... But there's no point in thinking about it for now... He just needs to recover faster and that way he won't have anything to fear.

"After his battle fight Mo E, his personality underwent a great change. He became solitary and antisocial, no longer bothering with the affairs that took place in the world of the gods. He paid no attention to the struggle between gods and devils and in the end, very few divine beings even witnessed his coming and going..." The Azure Dragon paused for a moment while observing Issei.

"Well, he might be called the but he actually couldn't cultivate the Element. Furthermore, because he carried the Dark Profound Strength, he was somewhat afraid of it... But the same couldn't be said about you right, Dragon King? I can sense that you possess every single element in existence within your body... But there's 1 particular element I'm quite foreign to... Just what is that?"

You need to note that what the Azure Dragon meant by every single element is the basic elements such as , , , , , , , etc... It's not unique elements such as the energy... The same goes for and element.

(AN: doesn't equal . And is not equal to . But and is basically the same. If I somehow mixed that up before then my apologies lol.)

The Azure Dragon used his divine sense trying to see through this 1 particular element but the moment he does that, he felt like he almost lost his mind in a never-ending rage and insanity! His body shuddered fiercely and he hastily takes back his divine sense from it... His face went deathly pale and his eyes are filled with terror... In but just one peek he almost loses his sanity!

He never feels this kind of terror in his whole life... Xiaotao who saw the Azure Dragon reaction started wondering just what is it that makes him look so terrified...

"...You are better off not knowing this particular element... It is not something that you could comprehend and if you try to do so you will immediately lose your mind without fail... I'm sure even the original wouldn't be able to do it needless to say about you who's basically just his soul residue... As far as I know, there's only 2 being in existence that could fully control it... One of them being me and the other one is the one who injured me to this extent..." Issei said with narrowed eyes remembering about Nyarlathotep.

That element the Azure Dragon is curious about is obviously the element... This further piqued Issei's interest since this world clearly contains energy within it as he could sense on Jasmine and Xun'er's body before when they just met... But... If even a True God like the Azure Dragon and the Phoenix couldn't tell what it is then why does this world have energy within it and stay intact until now?

From what Issei knows so far... If a world contains the energy, then that said world should've been destroyed sooner or later... But this universe clearly existed for at least more than 5 billion years... It's quite the mystery...

Issei then doesn't say anything else after that and Xiaotao calmly stands behind him like a dutiful maid erasing her curiosity altogether... She's not in a rush and if her Master said that it will do her no good to try to comprehend that mysterious energy then she won't do it.

The Azure Dragon took a deep breath to calm himself down and only after a good few minutes he's able to do so... He then decided to change the subject.

"Tell me more about yourself and your world, Dragon King... How is it like in your world? Are the Dragon race from your world is thriving? I mean, I could imagine that you're the true ruler of that world but what is it like? I'm quite curious if you don't mind me asking." The Azure Dragon inquired curiously.

"...Most of my wives are true Dragons. Well, some of them were humans and divine spirits before but I made them a Dragon like myself... There are no racial discriminations in my world. Even though the Dragon race quite flourishing over there, the other race doesn't really lose out either. There are Demons/Devils, Angels, Spirits, Humans, Demi-humans, and many more." Issei calmly answered the Azure Dragon question.

"I see... Quite a peaceful world then. Sounds beautiful... As expected of the Dragon King, I guess." The Azure Dragon nodded in amazement and Xiaotao also thought the same thing.

"Even before I took over my wife's role as the , that world is relatively peaceful so I think she's the one who's amazing here. If she wanted to, she could've taken control of the entire world but she chooses not to and only rule over her own race, the Demonkin." Issei smiled gently while remembering about Forzelotte.

Demonkin? Are they like the Devil in this world he wonders to himself... It kind of reminds him of the Heretic God and his wife the strongest devil.

"Oh... From the way you talk about your wives. You seem like you respect your wives a lot aren't you, Dragon King?" The Azure Dragon raised his eyebrows at Issei.

"Of course, they are my pride and joy." Issei smiled gently.

Xiaotao who saw his full smile for the first time becomes dumbstruck because of how beautiful it is...

While the Azure Dragon started laughing even more inside his mind since if Issei is this gentle and loving towards his wives then his daughter would be in good hands... Truly a blessing.

"Hm, you said, "Most" of your wives are a Dragon then some of them must be a true Dragon right? What are they like?" The Azure Dragon further inquired.

"Well..." Then Issei told him about Irene, Ophis, Lilith, Kyou, Kinou, and Millet...


"..." The Azure Dragon becomes speechless after hearing about them... Will his daughter still have a chance like this? He means, one of them is titled as the . then the other two are titled as the /... The last 3 are more normal compared to the previous 3 but they're nothing to scoff at either...

He doesn't really know much about them, but they should be very strong, especially that Irene who's titled as the True Dragon Queen/Empress... She should be Issei's most powerful Dragon wife for being titled as such...

But he's feeling happy nonetheless knowing that the Dragon race is thriving in Issei's world...

Although, he must say that Issei seems to be the type of husband who would spoil his wives a lot from how happy and proud he is when he's talking about his wives...

He usually always stays calm but the moment the topic about his wives is mentioned, he becomes quite talkative just like an excited child... A wife-con? Not that he really mind since that just means that he truly treasures and loves his wives.

Even Xiaotao smiles warmly at Issei who's so passionate when he's talking about his wives...


After a few hours, Chu Yuechan finally faced the 2 Stone General and managed to defeat them in a short amount of time... The Stone Dragon General, with their heads completely shattered, slowly fell backward. Then, with a muffled "bang" sound, it fell on the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust in the sky.

Along with the collapse of the Stone Dragon Generals, the enormous stone gate in which it came from slowly opened. Subsequently, the Primordial Azure Dragon's pleased voice came from overhead:

"Very good. Young human, you have allowed me to see a shocking result. In these ten thousand years that I've stayed on this continent, you are the first person to pass this stage of the trial. During these ten thousand years of wait, I have regretted multiple times about leaving a trace of my soul and strength on this piece of land, because the level of strength within this continent is just too low... It made me gradually realize that the trial I had left behind was something that humans on this continent could never pass… Fortunately, I met you."

"You have already passed the first stage of the trial... And to tell you the truth, your current trial difficulty is higher than the normal but it seems that it doesn't pose a problem for you at all...The second stage's trial ground gate has already opened. After making sufficient preparations, go in the opened stone gate and you will enter the second stage's trial ground. I wish you good fortune."

Indeed, Chu Yuechan should've been only facing 1 enemy at the start but she immediately faced with 2 of them... That means that her difficulty is doubled.

It might seem that it's nothing much but you need to remember that for every stage there will be double the amount of the stone soldiers from the previous stage. Let's say on the final stage the participants of the trial needed to fight 500 stone soldiers with 1 stone general... Then Chu Yuechan needed to fight double of that amount very same amount meaning 1000 stone soldiers and 2 stone generals...

And that's still not counting the cultivation level of the stone soldiers... Sure they don't have their own will and basically only a puppet so they can't really utilize their profound strength to the fullest, but they're still quite the challenge nonetheless...

At the final stage, the stone soldiers are mostly at the to , but the stone generals cultivation is at the 4th level of the . It is arranged to be this way so the trial will be fair... If Chu Yuechan cultivation base is at the 5th level throne then the Stone Generals will also be at the 6th level throne.

Whilst the normal stone soldiers' level is set in stone meaning they're always the same rank no matter what the participants' cultivation base is... After all, the Azure Dragon couldn't let a mere clear this trial just like that, couldn't he?

The opened stone gate was the second trial's gate.

The first stage of the trial was so terrifying that the second and the third stage were bound to be even more challenging… But that doesn't phase Chu Yuechan in the slightest.

The art she's cultivating helped her quite a lot in this trial... Since there is no rest in between her fights so every drop of profound energy is quite precious and it would be fatal to use more than necessary.

With the art she's taught by Issei, she can conserve her profound energy more efficiently compared to the old her... Hence this trial is quite easy for her but if it was other practitioners then it will be very hard.

She doesn't become too overconfident and immediately set off to the second trial but chooses to restore her lost energy first and that's something the Azure Dragon approve of... Overconfidence is not a good thing and it will only harm someone.

Confidence is a good thing but it would be wise to not let success get over your head and become overly confident since it would affect your judgment...

Truly a magnificent seedling... The Azure Dragon nodded approvingly looking at Chu Yuechan.

"Since her first trial has been cleared then it should be fine if I visit her for the moment right?" Issei asked the Azure Dragon.

"E-Eh? Well... Yes, but..." The Azure Dragon stuttered feeling unsure of what to do since there were never any rules about forbidding someone "Visit" the participants of the trial when they have already cleared it...

After all, there has been never any case like Issei right now...

"And what did I hear about the difficulty being higher than normal again? Care to explain? Hmm?" Issei narrowed his eyes at the Azure Dragon which made the latter body stiffened.

"N-N-No, I-I thought that since her strength is-" The Azure Dragon started stuttering even more but seeing Issei's aura started spiking by the second he tried to explain himself he immediately went mute.

"Hmm? Go on. Give me your best reason." Issei gave him a thin smile but his eyes are not smiling at all and that sent chills down to his spine.

"...Please take all the time you need with her." The Azure Dragon bowed his head deeply and stopped talking after that...

"Hmph." Hearing his confirmation, Issei created a spatial opening to Chu Yuechan's location: "Xiaotao, you stay here."

"Yes, Master." Xiaotao nodded obediently at Issei.

Then Issei went towards Chu Yuechan location...

"Hmm... Is that woman might be his next wife? He seems very caring about her..." The Azure Dragon curiously said.

"Master is just that kind of person... I don't know if he wanted to make Chu Yuechan his wife but I do know that he thought of her as his close friend at the very least... Most of the girls back in the sect are treated the same way as well. He's not the type who had hidden agenda in mind like most people out there and he always treats them with sincerity." Xiaotao explained with a smile.

"I see..." The Azure Dragon nodded understandingly: "But that woman clearly has feelings for him though... Just from the way she gazes at him is more than enough proof, don't you think?"

"...Yes, all of the girls from the sect is also looking at him the same way as her. But it seems that Master doesn't really realize that since he often appears to be in a daze probably thinking about his wives most of the time... I heard that they're currently pregnant and he's feeling sad that he can't be at their side to accompany them..." Xiaotao said.

"Hmm, as to be expected I guess... Someone like him would attract attention no matter where he goes... I can only hope that he can restore his strength soon enough so he can go back to his loved one's side..." The Azure Dragon sighed to himself feeling pity for Issei.

He can relate to Issei's feeling of being unable to be at his wives' side since he's a father himself...

"...Um. I agree." Xiaotao agreed to his words.


Issei appeared behind Chu Yuechan.

"Who! Eh? I-Ise?" Chu Yuechan sensed a presence appearing behind her but she becomes taken aback seeing that it is apparently Issei...

"Um, it's me." Issei nodded at her: "How are you feeling? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Eh, no, I'm fine. I just lose some profound energy." Chu Yuechan reflexively answered him.

She never thought that he can enter this trial ground as well but thinking that his identity she thought maybe it's not that weird after all...

"Hm, that's good. Take your time to recover since there's really no time limit." Issei said.

"En..." Chu Yuechan nodded obediently.

"Here, eat something first." Issei took out some food from his that he prepared beforehand.

"O-Oh, thank you..." She unconsciously received the food.

It's just a bowl of simple Wonton soup but the smell is very enticing and the way the broth glistening is really mouth-watering... The way those dumplings are shaped is also really intricate and beautiful, she can't wait to take a bite of it... Just thinking of the taste almost made her drool uncontrollably.

"S-So delicious!" The moment she took a bite, she gasped in surprise because of how tasty it is... She never thought there will be such delicious food in this world...

"Glad you like it... That food is something I made after asking some restaurant I've visited with Senior sister Chu Yueli before." Issei said while remembering when he went to the .

"Y-You made this, Ise?" Chu Yuechan said in surprise.

"Um. Why?" Issei looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I-It's nothing..." She never thought that he could cook as well... And his cooking is really delicious at that... She started wondering if there's something he cannot do at this point...

During their break, Chu Yuechan found out that Issei food seems to be extremely beneficial for her profound strength as well.

She can feel her profound strength grow exponentially when she finished eating his food.

It's not really making her almost achieve a breakthrough or something like that but it increases the density of her profound energy, profound veins, and also her physical body strength...

Not really surprising since the ingredients he used for his cooking belongs to high tiered animals/beasts...

Not every animal or beasts out there has high intelligence like the profound beasts in this world after all. Evenicle world being one of them...

There's also a world filled with that kind of beasts and monsters. Kyou and Kinou is actually the one who found it and they marked that world for the source of their food ingredients...

(AN: Think of Monster Hunter Nightmare version where the monsters can level up lol! Like if you fail the quest that said monster will level up indefinitely! 🤣. Or perhaps God Eater's world is more suitable?).

They spend a little time chatting a bit more before Chu Yuechan decided that she has finished her recovery and wanted to go to the 2nd trial...

Issei nodded at her words and then she went to the 2nd trial while Issei went back to the Azure Dragon location...


After slowly entering the stone gate, her vision became pitch-black. Then, she took two more steps forward and it suddenly lightened up, it was as if it only took two steps to completely step over from one world into another.

What appeared before her eyes was a vast expanse of an endless plain. Grass covered the ground and there were also trees that gave shade, even the faint sound of running water could be heard. There were short hills in the distance that rose and fell. Occasionally, the cries of all kinds of birds and animals could be heard.

This place's refreshingly delightful atmosphere and smells were also completely different than the previous locations. Chu Yuechan turned around and still saw the endless plain, there were simply no signs of any mountain walls or stone gates. She immediately understood then, that she did not walk through some stone gate, but rather a transportation formation.

"This is... The next trial ground? It doesn't seem to have any hint of danger." Chu Yuechan said softly.

It was also at this time that the Primordial Azure Dragon's voice sounded.

"Young human, welcome. This place is the Dragon God Trial's second trial ground... This trial ground has no limit, and also has no exit. You can only leave this place after you have successfully completed the trial or if you choose to surrender."

"There are an innumerable amount of profound beasts here in this endless plain. The level of the profound beasts here have all been adjusted with your strength as the benchmark. Every single profound beast here is not lower than the . As for some of the more powerful profound beasts, their strength far surpasses the that you had killed."

"To these profound beasts, this place is an endless paradise. But to you, this place is extremely dangerous, it is an abyss filled with countless shadows of death. This is because once the profound beasts here sense your aura, they would all immediately unleash an endless barrage of attacks. At the same time, under my soul's guidance, profound beasts near you would all be led in your direction. You would be hunted at all times by profound beasts and would never be able to sleep soundly or eat in peace."

"You can choose to surrender now but it seems that you won't even consider that kind of option, didn't you? I can see it in your eyes that you're very determined to pass this trial and that is something I appreciate a lot... Now that's enough talk."

"Your objective in clearing this second stage of the trial is also very easy. It is to kill ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine profound beasts, within one year! Are you ready?" The Azure Dragon finished his speech and asked Chu Yuechan.

"Yes, I'm ready." She nodded with determination.

"Good! Then you may begin."

In the blink of an eye, Chu Yuechan was already surrounded by a large number of profound beasts. The Primordial Azure Dragon's voice said that the profound beasts here would actively move towards her under the guidance of its aura. When they discover her, they would then commence a do or die hunt. These words were obviously not said in jest!

She doesn't lose her composure and keep a calm and serene mind. Obviously she can't take on all of them at once hence she used the hit and run tactic...

Whenever she killed some of them she will retreat to recover a bit of her profound energy and when they come close to her location she will kill them and then retreat again, rinse and repeat...

This goes on for a few days until she finally killed the last beast...

When she's finally faced with the third trial, as expected, she passed with flying colors... She doesn't hesitate to discard her power if it means that it will save her loved ones. She's not the type to lose her self in her search of power and that's good enough for the Azure Dragon...

"Congratulations young human, you have become this land's sole person who has passed the Dragon God Trial." The Azure Dragon said appreciatingly towards Chu Yuechan.

Chu Yuechan's expression relaxed hearing his words.

"Challengers who have passed the Dragon God Trial could obtain three drops of the Dragon God's blood. And since you had completed was a trial with a two-fold difficulty, I will grant all six drops of Dragon God blood to you along with the other inheritance left behind by the original ... When someone fuses with six drops of Dragon God's blood they will be able to produce a so you can share your bloodline with someone you consider your other half... But it seems that you have already found that special someone, didn't you? Heheheh... And I must say that you have a good eye for choosing him." The Azure Dragon chuckled at her.

Chu Yuechan's face turned beet red and when she wanted to say something she heard the Azure Dragon voice once more: "Don't worry, he's not here right now... He said that he will be back to the sect for a moment to handle something."

She heaved a sigh of relief knowing that Issei is not here currently but also a little disappointed...

"Now, I need to tell you the effect of possessing the Azure Dragon legacies..."

The blood of the Dragon God strengthens the body, the meridians, profound veins, bones, flesh, and skin. It increases to the toughness of the body to be comparable to the body of a True Dragon and gives incredible regenerative power to the inheritor.

It makes the bones like fine steel and the marrow like an impregnable fortress. The blood and strength that is lost, will be endlessly and inexhaustibly recovered with an even faster speed. It will also give regenerative capabilities. The marrow will continuously generate new genuine dragon blood. It increases the owner's Dragon God's bloodline even in their sleep. It drastically improves the owner's True Dragon body.

The person's soul will become as vast as the starry sky. It is so vast and powerful that it completely surpasses the limits of humans. The Dragon God Soul also allows the use of the .

"The will refine your spirit and soul, giving you powerful mental strength far surpassing that of ordinary humans. Your soul will also gain the attribute of the Dragon God from this!

It should have been impossible to merge a with your normal human soul but with his help then it will be possible. I've already discussed it with him before and he confirmed that it is doable... We will wait for him to return but for now, you can fuse the 6 drops of blood and the marrow first." The Azure Dragon finished his explanation and brought Chu Yuechan's body out of the trial ground.

Chu Yuechan who just appeared nodded at his words.

As the Primordial Azure Dragon's voice fell, a speck of azure blue light suddenly came flying from the darkness and accurately touched the spot between Chu Yuechan's eyebrows. Afterward, it directly entered the space between her brows.

"Remember... We True Dragons don't bow to just anyone... We are a proud being that rule over the other divine beasts. And only "Him" alone are above us. For he is our true King!"

Six drops of the Dragon God's blood entered her body, causing Chu Yuechan to instantly feel as though six balls of flames exploded within her body at the same time.

Chu Yuechan sat down and submerged her entire consciousness within her inner body. With her profound energy fully released, she began the slow and difficult process of fusing with the Dragon God's Blood... It took her a few hours but she finally succeeded. Then it's time for the Dragon God's Marrow and the Dragon God's Soul...

"Good, you've succeeded in absorbing the blood... I had wanted to grant you the first, then grant you the after, and help you finish fusing with them as well. But seeing you today, I have changed my mind. I shall grant you the and at the same time... If you could really do it, the benefits you will get would far surpass the normal inheritance result... Don't worry, he will assist you in this arduous process."

Issei has already arrived not long ago and on standby just in case she needed help. Xiaotao has already returned to the .

A fist-sized crystal that emitted a starlike radiance suddenly appeared above Chu Yuechan. The crystal slowly descended and floated in front of her forehead.

The crystal that was like the night sky suddenly cracked open in front of Chu Yuechan, and a wave of powerful, ethereal, and vast energy aura dispersed outwards. At that moment, Chu Yuechan suddenly felt like she was within a boundless field of stars.

A ball of faintly discernable silhouette floated in front of her… That was precisely the and from the Primordial Azure Dragon. The aura of power coming from them felt so close as if they were right within the reach, yet it also felt so distant, like there was an entire universe between them… It was a kind of ethereal feeling that she had never felt before. The plane that this power belonged to, was something that she fundamentally could not comprehend.

This wave of power that held the and slowly moved towards Chu Yuechan. Wherever it passed, the space actually formed layers upon layers of ripples! Just the naturally emitted aura could already instigate the distortion of space, so the strength, density, and grade of the power hidden within were simply impossible to imagine.

She can still withstand the integration of the Dragon God's Blood but when its time to integrate herself with the Dragon God's Marrow, she started to sweat profusely and her face turned pale.

The indescribable ethereal, heavy, and scorching feeling assaulted her. Chu Yuechan's heart started to fiercely beat as all of her meridians crazily twisted, as though they were all about to burst. In the depths of her soul, a burst of an indescribably powerful will broke in like an avalanche, it was so tremendous and vast that it was like a will that came from the heavens!

It made her soul tremble and shrink in fear.

Chu Yuechan violently gasped. The veins on her forehead popped and her sweat fell like the rain, but she did not utter any sound from her mouth.

Her cultivation leans towards Ice and the primordial Azure Dragon arts are more leaning towards Fire so she's feeling double the pain that the normal inheritor should've experienced... And she also needed to integrate the Marrow and Soul at the same time hence her difficulty increases by tenfold in one go...

So just the fact that she doesn't scream in pain right now is already incredible but to also last for this long is even more remarkable... But just like the Azure Dragon said before, it shouldn't be possible since she only possesses a normal human soul but thankfully there's someone that can help her with this...

When she felt like she couldn't take it anymore she felt a pair of warm hands encircling around her soft willowy waist and then she felt her body landed on a comforting embrace.

"Don't be afraid... I'm here." A gentle and soothing voice entered her ears and it managed to make her feel calm and peaceful immediately... All the pain she was experiencing disappeared like it was never there in the first place...

She closed her eyes slowly and encircled her own pair of hands around his back and tightly embraced him as if she's trying to merge their body into one...

Her deep frowning face bloomed into a smile that looks so beautiful and dazzling that will make anyone who saw them become lost in a daze...

Issei rubbed her back and stroked her head gently as if he's coaxing a baby to sleep... And in no time at all... The integration process is finished without a hitch...

"...Truly incredible... To think that he can easily merge it all just like that..." The Azure Dragon said while feeling awed by Issei's capabilities...

Issei used his own aura and divinity to completely suppress the Azure Dragon soul and safely integrate it with Chu Yuechan's.

Chu Yuechan has finally succeeded inheriting the Azure Dragon legacies...

Her entire body is brimming with power and her cultivation base also increased because of it...

She immediately reached the 9th level of the in one go from 3rd level throne... Not only that, she could even fight someone at the 1st level of on equal ground... Perhaps even defeating them if given a proper chance...

And at the moment she can only be considered a hatchling... Given more time then her strength would grow by leaps and bound.

"Congratulations, young human... You have successfully inherited the Primordial Azure Dragon God bloodline!" The Azure Dragon happily said.

"Congrats, Yuechan... Go and take a rest now." Issei softly said towards Chu Yuechan that's currently inside his embrace.

She smiled gently at him before she closed her eyes falling asleep feeling exhausted...

"Now... You can go ahead and take your payment, Dragon King. I have already finished my purpose in this trial ground." The Azure Dragon said towards Issei.

"Um." Issei nodded at him before he absorbed the Azure Dragon spiritual and divine energy...

The Azure Dragon doesn't turn into a human just like Xiaotao since he already integrated his soul into Chu Yuechan... So right now he's basically laying dormant inside her body...

"I will appear once again when you meet up with my daughter..." Was his last words.

After that Issei carried Chu Yuechan back to the sect and they're welcomed by the whole sect...

When Issei reconnected his connection with the , Jasmine doesn't say anything much to his amusement. But she is pouting when he went inside the pearl though... Xun'er smiled apologetically at him.

Issei proceeded to rub Jasmine's head roughly which made her hair become messy: "Ah! You dare to ruin this princess's hair?! You're courting death!"

'"Death" is already my wife, you little brat.' Issei chuckled inside his mind.

She tried to land a hit on Issei but all Issei need to do is put his hand on top of her head to stop her from moving...

Xun'er just giggled lightly seeing their interaction...


A few more days went by and finally, the time for the has finally arrived...

Xia Qingyue, Shui Wushuang, and Wu Xuexin is still the one who will participate.

But they're accompanied by Chu Yuechan, Chu Yueli, and Issei.

Chu Yuechan changes are not little... For one, she becomes increasingly beautiful and even could rival Xun'er herself in terms of beauty. Her eyes become a lot sharper and domineering along with her aura.

There's some kind of dignified and awe-inspiring feeling that could be found deep inside her eyes.

Issei also taught her to control fire profound art as to utilize her Dragon bloodline better. It's usually not possible for normal cultivator to cultivate a profound art with polar opposite elements but with the help of Issei, it's quite easy.

Xia Qingyue's group is currently speaking with Feng Qianhui and Gong Yuxian. The other from the 7 fairies along with the other girls from the sect are seeing them off and hoping them good luck.

"Junior sister Qingyue, be sure to win the tournament, alright!" Feng Hanyue and Feng Hanxue chirped around her.

"Um. I won't let our sect down." Xia Qingyue nodded at them.

"Heh heh, this old woman won't say anything much since Ise is coming with you... But be sure to listen to his words, understand?" Feng Qianhui speaks some words of encouragement for them.

"Yes." Xia Qingyue's group answered at the same time.

Then they all turned their heads towards Issei: "Elder Ise, it's time."

Issei look back at them and nodded calmly.

Then they set off towards the location...


On their way there, Xia Qingyue spoke towards Issei: "Elder Ise, I heard my little brother will be participating in the tournament as well... He said that his cultivation has reached the 8th level of the ." She said with a voice tinged with pride.

She's very happy and proud of her little brother's achievements.

"Oh, now that I recall it, Xia Yuanba was it? I heard that he suddenly achieve breakthrough after breakthrough in a short amount of time. Truly surprising since the last time I saw him back in the he was only at the ... Could it be..." Chu Yueli asked in surprise and looked at Issei.

"Yes, your guess is correct Master... It's all thanks to Elder Ise benevolence." Xia Qingyue smiled at Issei.

"I didn't do much... I only helped him a little. It's all thanks to his own effort that he can be what he is right now." Issei said.

The girls smiled fondly at him... He's always been this way, always so selfless, they thought to themselves...

But there's something else that Qingyue doesn't tell Issei. Her supposed ex-husband is also participating in the tournament but she doesn't think much about it... She even almost forgot about him if it wasn't for Yuanba reminding her.

Yuanba told her that Xiao Che who goes by the name Yun Che now will participate in the tournament.

Wherever they passed by, the people who saw their group are feeling awed by their sight... Especially since the 6 of them could fly freely in the sky and 5 of them are seemingly a group of beautiful woman.


The where the tournament is being held was located within the Blue Wind Empire's borders but it was not under the jurisdiction of the Blue Wind Imperial Family. Rather, it solely belonged to the Heavenly Sword Villa.

This was originally land that belonged to the , and it had been named the , but after the had become the greatest influence in the empire, the Imperial Family had completely granted it to them in a bid to win them over. And thus, renamed the to the .

The spanned a distance of four hundred kilometers from north to south and four hundred fifty kilometers from east to west. Its main peak reached several thousands of meters tall and was named the . Disregarding all those short mountains, there were still six subsequent summits that were over three thousand meters tall.

Ever since Heavenly Sword Villa had been situated as such, a hundred thousand years had passed, and significant changes had happened to the entire . Looking over from afar, a terrifying aura seemed to come over, assaulting the senses, it was as if the entire mountain range was surrounded by waves of icy, sharp sword energy that people could only look from afar but not dare to approach.

Heavenly Sword Villa is situated within the main summit and the six subsequent summits. The entire Villa stretches on for more than twenty-five kilometers.

In front of the mountain gate, the appearance of a group of six instantly attracted the gaze of everyone around them.

Five of them are females, and the last one is a man. Most of their attires were very similar to each other, all 5 of them wore a snow-gauze long dress that covered their feet and almost touching the ground. The long dress was originally pure white, but as they walked, bits and pieces of ice-blue glimmers that were like stars naturally floated around their bodies, embellishing ice-blue colors and a fantastical aura on the hems of their dresses.

Only the lone man attire is different, his black colored-outfit seems quite unique to their eyes since they've never seen this kind of attire before. But the female onlookers' who saw him blushed deeply as if they're being charmed just by the sight of him alone.

The age of the five females all seemed very youthful. Other than the young girl in the back who wore a white gauze on her face and seemed to only be seventeen, the other four women all appeared to only be around twenty at most. All five women are wearing a veil hiding their facial features, only revealing their crystal-like charming eyes.

They didn't apply any makeup, yet their exposed skin was as soft and smooth as snow jade.

They were all flawless and impeccable. Within the peerless allurement, they revealed a trace of sacredness and loftiness that others almost would not dare to look directly at. They were like goddesses that stood over the nine heavens, not stained by any trace of the mortal world.

One of them being more eyecatching than the rest with how sharp and awe-inspiring her eyes are. While they can't really see the lone man's facial feature since he's also wearing a mask, they guessed that he must be not someone ordinary especially with how respectful the 5 woman attitude towards him.

He's also the one who seems to lead the group...

Looking at them from afar, one would clearly feel a wave of ethereal aura mixed with ice-cold air directly penetrating one's chest cavity… On their right-hand side, a sect's group that was also walking toward the mountain gate stopped in their tracks at the same time they saw them, and watched them in stupefaction, as if all of their souls were sucked out in that instant.

As they walked closer, the Heavenly Sword disciple that stood guard in front of the mountain gate froze for an entire five seconds before he finally bit the tip of his tongue with effort. Only after concentrating his attention with all his might while regaining his mind and calming his heart, did he finally calm down with difficulty...

But his head remained downwards, and no longer dared to look at them directly with his eyes. Taking a step forward, he spoke while somewhat stuttering: "I... I assume that six esteemed guests are of the ? Ple… please present the invitation letter and list of names."

After this Heavenly Sword disciple finished speaking these words, he wished he could slap himself twice in the face right then and there. Greeting guests at the mountain gate was a serious affair that affected the Villa's face, it was why he, who was an important disciple that was able to deal with any kind of situation, was chosen.

He wasn't fazed at all and had no change in expression even when facing Sect Master-ranked personages from the and other sects, but facing the fairies of , his mind still became chaotic. After all, he was but a normal man.

Even though he had not seen the invitation letter yet, women who possessed such transcendental beauty and disposition could only belong to no other place than .

Those floating fantastical ice auroras were furthermore the ironclad proof. In addition to that, in order to more easily control the possibility of unexpected situations arising, there was a hard regulation in the ranking tournament's rules. For every single participating force in the tournament, the total number of participating disciples plus escorting personnel must not surpass seven, and even forces like the four major sects would not be an exception.

A limit of seven people was too little even for a small sect, a situation where less than seven people from a force would almost never appear… Except for ! It was extremely rare for the to be willing to contact the outside world, especially places where there were a lot of men, and everyone was well aware of the reason. Only six people coming this time from the was not surprising in the slightest.

Although they don't know why they would make a man as their sect elder, it is none of their business to pry into it... But after seeing him in person they could understand a little why they would do so.

For one, they couldn't really sense his cultivation base at all nor could they sense his strength. It's like he's just your average person but that's obviously impossible since they just saw him flew in the sky along with the other fairies.

And the way the fairies treated him is more than enough as proof that he's anything but ordinary... Even the way those fairies look at him is obvious to them all... It's filled with respect and adoration!

To think those ice-cold beauties could show this type of emotion is very shocking in and of itself...

Standing in front of him, one of the impeccable beauty took out the invitation letter and name list and handed them over to the Heavenly Sword disciple.

Looking at the jade hand that was seemingly made of snow and wax, the Heavenly Sword disciple's heart rate instantly sped up. It was the first time in his entire life he had learned that a woman's hand could actually be beautiful to such an extent. He even had a feeling that he would die willingly if he could just touch at this jade hand a single time… However, even if he had ten thousand times the guts, he still would not dare to do so. He carefully reached out his hand, pinched a corner of the invitation letter and the name list, and received them.

With his gaze sweeping across the invitation letter and the list of names, he hastily lowered his head and said: "So it is the Fairy of Frozen Glass and Fairy of Frozen Beauty and also their sect Elder Ise from the that has personally graced us… Ah? Frozen… Fairy of Frozen Beauty?"

The Heavenly Sword disciple subconsciously raised his head and looked toward the woman who wore a face veil and had a gaze that was as cold as ice. The moment he contacted her gaze, his entire body ran cold with a startle, and immediately realized that he had already seriously lost his composure. He once again hastily lowered his head, and spoke with respect: "The Fairy of Frozen Beauty's name is like thunder striking through my ears. Please forgive this junior for losing composure. Six esteemed guests, please enter…"

After he finished speaking, he moved aside with weak steps. As a wave of ice-cold fragrance swept over his front, he didn't even dare to lift his head.

Only after they had walked far away, did the Heavenly Sword disciple completely regain himself. He looked at their receding back silhouettes in a somewhat stupefied manner; his mind was a little unhinged for a while. At this time, the disciple beside him suddenly spoke: "Senior Brother Haiya, what you called out before was… Fairy of Frozen Beauty? Don't tell me it was the rumored Chu Yuechan?"

"Yes!" The disciple called Haiya nodded: "The rumored male sect elder of theirs who goes by the name Ise, Chu Yueli, Chu Yuechan, Shui Wushuang, Wu Xuexin, Xia Qingyue… That is indeed Chu Yuechan's name, she actually personally came…"

"Should I report to the Villa Master immediately? If Villa Master knows that Chu Yuechan actually came, he will definitely be excited…" That disciple said.

"Report your head!" Ling Haiya smacked his head: "Villa Master and Villa Master's Wife are currently welcoming guests together. In the Villa, even idiots know the name Chu Yuechan is an enormous taboo to the Villa Master's Wife. If you were to report this and make trouble arise, let's see how you can handle the consequences!"

"Th-Then how should I report it?" He confusedly asked.

Ling Haiya thought for a bit and said: "Just say has arrived, a total of six people, and their sect Elder, Elder Ise is leading. In any case, his name is the first name on the attendance list. You must not bring up Chu Yuechan!"

"Oh, alright." The Heavenly Sword disciple moved hurriedly, took out a Sound Transmission Talisman, and spread the news within the Villa.

At this time, the group of people that had been struck dumb finally walked over, and the middle-aged man in the front said with cupped fists: "This junior brother, were those people just now the fairies from ?"

"Yes." Ling Haiya nodded simply.

"Sure enough, hearing about it a hundred times is truly not as good as seeing it once, and seeing it once is far better than hearing about it a hundred times." The middle-aged man sighed emotionally, and said: "I came from the Eastern Domain's Profound Sword Sect, just to visit the Heavenly Sword Villa…"

A bunch of sect groups arrived continuously. Although every group only had seven people, not one of the elderly wasn't famous in an area and an overlord-level person, and not one of the youths wasn't a peak genius. In the past few days, these overlords, with names that shook the world, as well as genius youths that stood at the highest summit, gathered at this Heavenly Sword Pavilion to decide their relative superiority at the Ranking Tournament.

At nightfall, a somewhat unusual group of people arrived at the mountain gate. The reason they were unusual is the group only consisted of four people, which was even fewer than the number of people.

These 4 people are Xia Yuanba's group... Qin Wushang, Cang Yue, Yun Che, and Xia Yuanba.

Qin Wushang is the Vice Palace Chief of .

Just as they walked in front of the mountain gate, Ling Haiya strode over and said respectfully: "Guests, please halt. Our Villa is preparing for the these few days, and we're not accepting guests. If you're participants of the tournament then please show us your invitation and if not then please leave."

There were only four people, other than the elderly man, two of the three young people were only at the , and the third person he couldn't really tell, but seeing how gullible he looks then the chance of him being a normal mortal is quite high... Unlike that sect elder of the , he thought to himself...

In this assembly of talents at the , this was simply a spectacle too terrible to behold. No one would believe they were here to participate in the .

After a bit of discussion, only then they're allowed to enter...

Xia Yuanba's group walked along the mountain road. Although there was a distance of five kilometers from , the dignified atmosphere emitted from its majesty could still be clearly felt.

"It is worthy of being called the . This kind of atmosphere lets one feel like there are countless swords dancing by their side." Yun Che said with mixed feelings.

"Uwaah… Not even in my dreams would I think that I would actually be able to personally come to one day. Even Uncle Sikong, who I used to admire the most, had never come to before." On the road there, Xia Yuanba looked in all directions with two eyes that were always wide open, unwilling to blink for even a second.

Xia Yuanba's emotionally excited manner made Cang Yue unable to hold back her smile.

"You are our palace ace, don't be too excited." She lightly said.

She never thought that Xia Yuanba would suddenly achieve breakthrough after breakthrough when she returned.

She's also surprised after knowing that Yun Che is that Xia Qingyue supposed husband... But from the way it looks, that Xia Qingyue clearly has feelings for her sect Elder...

She can tell since she's also harboring the same feeling as Xia Qingyue and she doesn't know what to say towards Yun Che now... Should she tell her that her supposed wife is in love with another man? She can't do that now can't she...?

This Yun Che also acts quite flirtatious and a little bit of a pervert but his personality is good-natured when they first met so her intuition is telling her that things are not so simple between these 2 married couples... But since his strength is the highest and also quite close to Xia Yuanba, she decided to add him to the competition.

They're guaranteed to at least enter the top 10 now that Xia Yuanba is here with them... a 16 years old ... Really unbelievable...

Maybe it's in their blood? His elder sister also has a high cultivation base back then... She's wondering what's her cultivation now... It shouldn't be higher than Yuanba here, right?

"By the way, Yuanba. Did you know what is your elder sister's current cultivation base is?" Cang Yue asked Xia Yuanba in curiosity. Even Yun Che wanted to know this as well...

He's extremely surprised seeing Xia Yuanba suddenly already at the and not only that, but all 54 of his profound openings are also opened! He immediately asked Xia Yuanba about this but even Yuanba himself doesn't seem to know either...

After Yun Che finds out that his disappeared, he becomes flabbergasted. He racked his brain just how and when did it disappears and only when he remembered the time where Issei healed his crippled veins that he gets some clues...

He also checked the pendant on his amulet bag only to find it disappeared as well.

Ever since then he swore that he will get his answers from Issei... He's hoping that Issei is someone that can be reasoned with... Or the chance of him getting back his treasures will be zero...

"Oh... If I remember it right, Big sis said that she's at the 10th level peak of the , she's really amazing!." Xia Yuanba thought for a second before giving an answer.

Yun Che and Qin Wushang's mouth started twitching a lot after hearing his answer... This pair of siblings is really a monster...

Yun Che now can guess that probably the cause behind Yuanba's sudden increase in cultivation is related to Issei himself...

Cang Yue only feels surprised for a moment before she nodded understandingly... If we're taking "him" into consideration then it won't be so weird after all... After all, she caught a glimpse of his capabilities at first hand...

She started to blush when she remembered about Issei... She wonders if she will meet him in this place or not...


At the same time, party of six had already approached Heavenly Sword Villa's main entrance.

They calmly strode to the main entrance with Issei in front. The girls respectfully followed behind him.

The 3 participants, Xia Qingyue, Shui Wushuang, and Wu Xuexin are wearing an artifact that hid their cultivation base.

There's a middle-aged man standing in front of the villa main entrance, and this man's name is Ling Yuefeng.

Ling Yuefeng was more than fifty years old but he only looked to be around thirty. When reaching the Emperor Profound Realm, one's lifespan would increase by four or five hundred years. To a Throne, fifty years of age was only the beginning of youth.

Ling Yuefeng's complexion was like crown jade and did not need to be enhanced by makeup. He was elegant and his temperament was gentle and mild without the dignified air of a swordmaster.

Even his hands were like white jade and did not seem like they had frequently wielded swords at all. When he saw his guests, not only did he personally welcome them, he also had on an amiable smile and gave the proper courtesy in a warm manner without the pride and arrogance of Blue Wind Empire's number one master. A few participating young disciples that saw him all revealed an admiration that was close to infatuation.

Standing next to him was a thirty-years-old or so woman dressed in a floral pattern. She was Ling Yuefeng's only wife Xuanyuan Yufeng, and also the birth mother of the famous Ling Yun and Ling Jie who will participate in this tournament... Her temperament was graceful, and her appearance was as beautiful as blossoming flowers.

Even though her looks were also one in a thousand, if compared to Chu Yuechan, it was still like comparing a mortal woman with a goddess of the heavens... There was at least a difference of one hundred and eight thousand miles.

To make the Ling Yuefeng who was infatuated with Chu Yuechan take Xuanyuan Yufeng as a wife, naturally it was not on account of her looks, and instead was because of her family's background… However, after some twenty-odd years of their marriage, no one had ever dared to ask about the background of Heavenly Sword Villa's Villa Master's wife, and none also dared to investigate. It was because her surname "Xuanyuan", made a deep sense of fear emerge from one's heart just by thinking about it.

Because, that was the surname of a certain Sacred Ground Master that belonged to one of the Four Sacred Grounds in the .

"Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's Chu Yueli has brought our sect Elder, Elder Ise, Senior Sister Chu Yuechan, disciples Shui Wushuang, Wu Xuexin, Xia Qingyue to visit and also sends our Mistress' regards on her behalf to Villa Master Ling and Villa Mistress Ling." Facing Ling Yuefeng and Xuanyun Yufeng who were welcoming guests, Chu Yueli stood at the very front and cupped her fist towards the couple surnamed Ling.

As soon as they came over, Ling Yuefeng's state of mind was already in great turmoil because he saw Chu Yuechan. Even though Chu Yuechan wore a snowy veil, even though thirty-one years had passed since he had seen Chu Yuechan, he still recognized those eyes of hers in one glance. Only, he didn't dare to be certain because he did not believe that Chu Yuechan would personally come to . It was only until the name "Chu Yuechan" came out of Chu Yueli's own mouth did he dare to believe it.

Thirty-one years had passed. No one would think that he had missed and yearned for her for a full thirty-one years. Even though he had taken a wife and had children now, and even though two of his sons have already reached the marriageable age, he still had not let that extremely beautiful figure walk out from his heart and the depths of his soul...

And now he could see her once again but this time his infatuation is already on the borderline of insanity because she becomes increasingly beautiful as times went on... One would think that as time goes, her beauty would wane by a bit but they're mistaken! Her beauty got enhanced even further!

If he were to chase after her now then it would seem like he's some middle-aged man lusting over a younger woman instead of someone of his age.

But after seeing how respectful she seems towards this rumored sect elder of theirs, he felt like his heart is filled with jealousy! The way Chu Yuechan gazes at Issei is something he has never seen ever before in his entire life!

Even a fool could tell that she seems to adore this sect elder of theirs! Not only Chu Yuechan, but the other 4 also hold the same affectionate gazes!

This was the first time in several tens of years that this number one master's state of mind was in great turmoil. After Chu Yueli announced her entire sect, he had actually stared in a daze for a full five seconds before laughing ashamedly and returning the courtesy: "Welcome, five fairies and Elder Ise, was it? Thank you for honoring our lowly Villa with your presence. It has also been several years since I have seen the Palace Mistress. I wonder if she is still well?"

He decided to hid his jealousy for now and does a proper welcoming first...

"Mistress has always been well. I thank Villa Master Ling for his concern." Chu Yueli slightly nodded her head. 'She might be too well as a matter of fact...' She added inside her mind while remembering about her current Palace Mistress who has become very young and a little bubbly if she might add...

Xuanyuan Yufeng who saw her husband infatuated gazes gritted her teeth in anger and envy. She was about to say something towards Chu Yuechan but her breathing stagnated the moment her gazes landed upon Issei's figure...

Even though he's wearing a mask, his perfect body and the way Issei carries his bearings are not something that could be hidden so easily... It is ingrained into his bones for these past 3 years when he becomes the .

And after his body got further enhanced by the positive karma, it is extremely fatal for any woman without a firm heart and strong will and just a glimpse of his perfect figure is enough to attract their attention...

This time its Xuanyuan Yufeng's turn to become dazed...

Chu Yuechan's group frowned seeing her being in a daze like this. It looks like they couldn't hide their sect Elder charm so easily...

Ling Yuefeng who saw her wife becomes dazed chuckled awkwardly and opened his mouth to speak: "Honey, these fairies and gentleman are our esteemed guests. Don't stare at him too much."

"O-Oh, do forgive me for my manners. Please, enjoy your stay and I hope Elder Ise and fairies don't feel offended because of my rudeness. If you have any needs, you can tell the disciples within the villa without holding back. If there are any neglections, I hope for your magnanimity and forgiveness." She somewhat stutteringly and somewhat overexcitedly said with an unhealthy blush creeping on her cheeks and her eyes also never leave Issei's figure.

"Madam is too polite." Chu Yueli gave another courtesy, and thereupon, the group of six entered the Heavenly Sword Villa.

'Hmph... Having ideas over our sect elder even though you're already married and even have 2 sons on top of that? Dream on!' Chu Yueli and the others thought inside their mind when they passed by Xuanyuan Yufeng.

Chu Yuechan doesn't even bother sparing Ling Yuefeng a glance... She completely ignored his infatuated gazes.

Xuanyuan Yufeng almost glared at Chu Yueli for answering in Issei's behalf but managed to hold it in at the last second.

Both Ling Yuefeng and Xuanyuan Yufeng's gaze glued on their respective targets...

'She actually came… She actually came... I finally got to see her again... But, that man...' This is what on his mind while on Xuanyuan Yufeng mind, 'Wh-Who is he... I need to know about his background.'

""Find out what's that man's background is"" Both of them said at the same time towards their subordinates and they stared dumbfoundedly at each other for a few seconds before they averted their gazes from each other.

While Ling Yuefeng felt afraid that he might just make a slip-up, Xuanyuan Yufeng also thought the same thing but she's faster to erase that thought.

'...Since you're feeling so intoxicated towards her even after all this time then so be it... See if I would make you wear a green hat when the time comes.' She gritted her teeth in anger.

(AN: Green hat = cuckold/NTR).

It's been 20 odd years of marriage but this bastard keeps thinking of that woman every single day... Only a fool wouldn't feel angry and hate towards this kind of man...

Not long after the people from entered, the four people from entered the Villa as well, and they did not encounter each other. After entering the Villa, they were quickly directed to their pre-arranged residence. And, as the standard for a temporary residence, it was greatly beyond Yun Che's and Xia Yuanba's expectations.

Because, this was not just a simple guestroom, but evidently, an exquisite small courtyard... no, a big courtyard! There were exactly eight separate rooms in the courtyard, and within it were trees, a pavilion, a pond, and even a weapon rack filled with dozen different types of weapons.

"Wow! This can't be real, right... I had initially thought that we had to squeeze two people in a single room. I did not expect the place to be this big and luxurious." Xia Yuanba constantly exclaimed as he looked at the big courtyard.

Then they're escorted to their respective rooms...

But Cang Yue thought of something before asking one of the villa maid: "Excuse me, but did you know where the courtyard is located?"


The night sky began to fall, and all of the participating teams for the Ranking Tournament had arrived. The meals prepared by Heavenly Sword Villa were exceptionally fulfilling as well.

Issei is currently inside his room reading a book.

His room and the other girls' room are not that far and only separated by a few meters. You could say that they're basically next door or across the hall.

The maidservants tried to lead Issei to a different hall since man and woman shouldn't be staying so close with each other but Chu Yuechan's group insisted that it will be fine...

Since they said so themselves then there's nothing the maidservant could do... But they should report this to the Villa Master since they were instructed to do so by him...

Cang Yue arrived in their courtyard in the middle of the night. She took a deep breath before walking forward but she's stopped by Chu Yuechan who sensed her presence beforehand.

"Who are you? What do you want?" She asked Cang Yue immediately.

"Ah, greetings senior. This junior is Cang Yue from the . And the reason why I'm here is because I wanted to meet with Elder Ise if it's possible." Cang Yue who saw Chu Yuechan suddenly appeared in front of her hastily paid her courtesy towards her.

"Why do you want to meet him? For what reason?" Chu Yuechan asked lightly.

"I wanted to thank him and also apologize for my misconduct from before. Fairy Xia Qingyue also knew of me." Cang Yue respectfully answered.

"So you're that Princess Cang Yue of the ? It's late into the night, it's best if you go back for now and pay a visit tomorrow instead. My sect Elder is probably asleep already." Chu Yuechan dismissed Cang Yue.

"Let her in, senior sister Yuechan. I'm not asleep yet. I will go out to meet her in a moment." Issei's voice suddenly can be heard from behind Chu Yuechan.

"But... I understand." Chu Yuechan tried to say something else but she finally sighed and obliged to Issei's words.

Cang Yue beamed with happiness being allowed to meet Issei which kind of tick Chu Yuechan a bit...

But before even Issei goes out from his room, Cang Yue is already confronted with the rest of the girls from the .

They wanted to see just who wanted to meet their sect elder. Only Xia Qingyue recognizes her.

Cang Yue feels really nervous being confronted with so many beautiful women like this but she holds her ground and then waited for a moment before Issei finally appeared in front of her with his mask on.

"Princess Cang Yue." Issei greeted her.

"Elder Ise. Nice to meet you again." Cang Yue smiled at Issei.

"Likewise. Then, what do you want to talk about?" Issei asked her.

Then they have their little conversation...